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Valentines Day


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Because they're afraid of the answer. As warandchaos already explained, Valentine's Day gives people a psychological boost. In that aspect I think it's great. Plus it's fun to make it cliché by going overboard with chocolate and pink, fluffy hearts. All holidays are over-commercialised nowadays - might as well make the best of it.


I guess so, for single people at least. However, as for couples who are already in a relationship, they shouldn't need a specific day for romance/love/etc.

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I tihnk I'll probably spend the day...alone in a dark room. in my pants. crying.

lol, actually I might do that too.



In reality...I'm working during the day and then dinner with some girl friends. Valentines Schmalentines if you ask me.

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I'll probably just sit by the letter box and wait for the cards to pile up around me. :P


Ah right :p


I don't normally feel alone or anything. Plus I just don't have time for any just now. Last few girls I went out with have been more trouble than they're worth :heh:

I get lonely sometimes, but rarely.


lol, actually I might do that too.



In reality...I'm working during the day and then dinner with some girl friends. Valentines Schmalentines if you ask me.

In just your pants, you say?

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Valentines Day is just another day for me really, never really got to do anything on it (because of the lack of boyfriend being around on that day).

So this year I'll probably just sleep until noon (it's a Saturday, and I'll be going to a concert the night before) and then spend the rest of the day working for school and lazing around, heh.

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Well my girlfriend and I are both at university so we don't have a lot of money to spend. But I think just chilling out in the day, maybe go somewhere, and then in the evening go for a meal.


I don't get the Valentine's Hate. To say that you should be/been treating/ed like this all year is kind of missing the point. Even if it is commercial it's still a great day for taking the time out of your usual routine for each other.

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but why not od that on any day you like? it's totally pointless.


You can do it on any day you want and I'm sure the majority of us couples do! It's like saying why save present-giving just to Christmas Day when we could technically do it any other time we wanted (which we also do!). It's a time of year thing, it's cheesy and commercial sure, but as the above poster said, it's a day that is specifically "designed" (for lack of a better word) for setting aside some time in order to do something romantic and have a bit of fun.

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Get your money back?


Lol, not for the stuff I got her. She does owe me some money though, so I'll be following up on that. As I've stated in other threads, we're still friends, so hopefully it won't be much hassle (hopefully.)


I get my girlfriend flowers every now and then, sometimes buy meals.

Valentines day is an excuse to splash out, more thn usual.


Fair enough then, each to thier own I guess.

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...which would be all the more romantic and fun were it not inspired by the advent of a cynical cash in orchestrated by commercial interests.


As is the same case with Christmas...you do remember your business partner Marcellus Wallace...I mean, you do celebrate Christmas right?

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