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i thought i was doen with puberty at 16


i dunno now, i mean, in terms of muscle mgrowth, the last couple of years have been the biggies.

Yeah, but I think what's important is her sexual development, and that has kicked in long ago. She even has breasts!

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Yeah, but I think what's important is her sexual development, and that has kicked in long ago. She even has breasts!


whats important is that she dosent suddenly develop a pair of guns. muscular women dont make my willy rise.


Is good to know that the system actually works in other countries very close to our own. From what Rokhed himself had said it's taken a very long time for him to get the op and she was in her 40's?


She looks stunning and they did the right thing getting it early, if they hadn't have said she'd been thinking about it since she was 2 I'd have disagree. Great job!


I sure hope that it's law that these people aren't allowed to have sex or any sexual activities without informing the person beforehand of what they used to be/still essentially are. If so, then I have no quarrels about this at all.


i think moogle might be right... a youngish boy wont have any major male features (chiseled jaw, manly body structure etc) so drugs could easily modify that.


I dont think the puberty thing will ever be an issue. female hormones = no male features. It should as far as i was aware, stop male features from forming.

I sure hope that it's law that these people aren't allowed to have sex or any sexual activities without informing the person beforehand of what they used to be/still essentially are. If so, then I have no quarrels about this at all.


How so? As far as I'm aware the person is able to function to have sex, just not obviously children. So why should they be treated any differently? ::shrug:


It's like putting a sign on somebody gay ''I'M GAY, YOU MUST HAVE SEX WITH ME IN THE BUM, LOVE!''




I don't get why everyone's congratulating the surgeon...


You cannot change someone's face [assuming she hasn't had plastic surgery...]. She's just an attractive boy with blonde straightened hair and plucked eyebrows wearing make-up.


Most good looking boys on the cusp of puberty wearing make-up would be as attractive.


I sure hope that it's law that these people aren't allowed to have sex or any sexual activities without informing the person beforehand of what they used to be/still essentially are.


A ridiculously shallow statement.


Where is rokhed when you need him?


Seriously though, do people still not accept transexuals? I know that its still statistically highly unlikely that you're living next door to one, but gender reassignement should be a concept that everyone is comfortable with, and I think it's good that someone so young is allowed to go through the procedure, the earlier it is done the easier the transition period.


They've allowed many young transexuals to take hormones in order to stave off the effects of puberty for many years, this is really no different to that.


Gehe Deustchland!


I think its great for her. She looks great and obviously knew what she wanted from a young age, so good on her.


And its her choice if she wants to tell a potential boyfriend what she was. But shes a pop star over there so i'm pretty sure most people would know and she wont have that dilema.


Indeed, Cube, that is highly unnecessary. She functions perfectly well as a female now. If she needs to tell people she was previously a boy, surely that means her transition is a complete success? As they say: What you don't know doesn't hurt you. Hell, as I've mentioned, I cannot, despite having tried, imagine myself with another guy, yet I wouldn't hesitate to be with her.


One thing I wonder, though: How do her genitals look? (Never thought I'd be uttering that sentence. :heh: )


The Doc has done a very good job on the transformation as it were, congrats go to him. And from that picture even i thought she was a girl from the beginning.

Why oh why would a guy get his penis cut off? It's not as if they are going to have a vagina at the end of it or even a clitoris coz those have far more nerve endings right? He'll have some scary haunted dry hole instead. If he started having this therapy at 12, perhaps he hasnt even gone through puberty or ever had an orgasm. Perhaps he should have just had his balls cut off.




Well......................... Atleast she does @nal =]

Why oh why would a guy get his penis cut off? It's not as if they are going to have a vagina at the end of it or even a clitoris coz those have far more nerve endings right? He'll have some scary haunted dry hole instead. If he started having this therapy at 12, perhaps he hasnt even gone through puberty or ever had an orgasm. Perhaps he should have just had his balls cut off.


Actually surgeons can make a clitoris and a functioning vagina. Don't quote me on how I know this, as far as I'm aware I was watching tv on transexuals recently?


They don't simply cut the cock off, I believe they use various sensitive parts as such to recreate the thing, but of course it's never going to be fully functional, I can't imagine it would lubricate itself

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