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Mass Effect 2


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Got it today and I'm absolutely loving it. And I'm liking most of the changes, too.


The ship now feel like it's your ships, with it's bigger size and how you can upgrade it.


I hated the inventory and TBH you got way too much money from looting.


I find that I can now focus more on shooting enemies than watching the bar in the bottom left, and the weapon selection is much better (rather than having one of each type even though you couldn't always use all of them properly). Although more ammo would be nice. Enemies seem to be much smarter and varied, too.


The biotics (I altered my character into an adept...glad I did) work and look amazing. I've decided to stick with just the two for now (one for each shoulder button) and focus on upgrading them. And having conversation linked with paragon/renegade makes a lot of sense.


The animations (especially when talking) and graphics also seem much better, and the locations are much more interesting (so far everything makes the citadel seem empty, dull and lifeless).

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I'm loving this game, but I don't understand a lot of the changes. Many seem to be there for change's sake, and aren't really improvements. Am I missing something or are there no specs to compare the numbers on two similar weapons?


Still, it's great, I'm loving the plot progression and there have been some fantastic moments. The graphics seem a bit messy, hair still clips and jeez, Miranda has a funny lookin face (not quite the same as on the box art) but in contrast there have been some astounding visuals (that moment near the beginning when you walk on to the main deck and... if you've played it you know the bit I mean).


I must be the only person who misses the Mako.

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Just finished playing through the first again, cracking game!


Are there any advantages in having a level 60 character to transfer over? I am tempted to knock out a few quick run throughs to try to get it, could get a few other achievements at the same time.


I must be the only person who misses the Mako.


The first time I played the Mako really pissed me off, this time however I quite liked it. Took me a while to remember that the turret had a scope though :blush:

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Are there any advantages in having a level 60 character to transfer over? I am tempted to knock out a few quick run throughs to try to get it, could get a few other achievements at the same time.


You start at level 5, get 50,000 credits (on top of 100,000 for importing a character) and get some elements. Part of your paragon/renegade is also carried through (which, for me, was the most important part).


Edit: Also, I pleasantly forgot most of the voice actors who were going to be in this. It was nice hearing Yvonne Strahovski, Tricia Helfer, Adam Baldwin and Michael Hogan (among others) in it.

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Progress has been very slow for me as I am trying to split time with this and Darksiders (which has grabbed me far more than I expected).


Really loving this though and although it took a while to adapt to some of the changes (especially as Vanguards seem a little tougher to use than before) but I'm now slowly getting there, most are beneficial anyway. I do miss the Mako though.

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I can't seem to keep off of this game. I'm just loving the cinematics and each characters little back stories and missions. Also loving how every location has its own look and feel. Even just random side missions are so totally different. It really makes me realise how badly designed the side missions in the last game were. They were essentially the same building redone about 20 times. I also found the changes pretty difficult too (am also a Vanguard). I died I don't know how many times in the beginning and even now sometimes. My weapons and armor are getting a bit stronger though and i'm enjoying it even more. I've also assigned two of my biotic powers to buttons as for some reason they 'aim' a lot better in real time. If I paused and used Pull it'd always hit a wall or something yet if I just press a button aiming at the enemy it nearly always gets them from out of cover. Loving Shockwave and Charge too, very helpful.

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I died I don't know how many times in the beginning and even now sometimes. . I've also assigned two of my biotic powers to buttons as for some reason they 'aim' a lot better in real time. If I paused and used Pull it'd always hit a wall or something yet if I just press a button aiming at the enemy it nearly always gets them from out of cover. Loving Shockwave and Charge too, very helpful.


I was also dying far too frequently, some of that was adapting and I also jumped straight in on Veteran which shouldn't really have been an issue but the changes made it tougher.


I'll have to remember that with Pull, only just unlocked it so I haven't had a chance to test it yet, cheers for the heads-up.


Shockwave is great, and I'm getting used to Charge now, it was also the reason for my multitude of deaths. I kept thinking I was going after a single enemy so would charge them, only to find out that a couple of other enemies where hiding around the corner :blush:. Being a little more cautious when I use it now which is obviously helping, along with a shotgun or melee follow-up of course :heh:.

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Really important question. When I carry over my save from Mass Effect 1 can I change the appearance and class of my Shepherd?!


I really don't like how my old one looks and I'm amazingly bored of playing as Vanguard - I want my goddamn assault rifle.

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Really important question. When I carry over my save from Mass Effect 1 can I change the appearance and class of my Shepherd?!


Yes, both appearance and class can be changed. I even managed to make Shepard look worse than he did before, unintentionally.

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I had a lvl 60 player but because I hadn't completed the game at lvl 60 I couldn't import -_- could only import the lvl 58 player.


I don't understand why you don't get XP from defeating enemies on this game.... I'm loving the game but I don't understand the extreme simplification of the level-up and inventory systems. We've gone from putting about 15 slots per each of a dozen abilities to four levels on a couple of tiers. Items simply automatically upgrade your available arson and cannot be sold, which while it made a joke of the money system in the first game, it could have been refined rather than replaced. The action has improved a lot but it just seems to have lost many of its RPG-esque statistics and configurations.

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The leveling up system in the first one did take an age though, getting 1 point per level and having about 20 bars to fill in just one ability was a bit crazy. I see what you're saying but it's not totally lost. You get around 10 bars per ability and can unlock more as you progress. Not sure if you're allowed to have ALL of your other characters specials but if you can that's a lot of leveling up. All I really want is Miranda's Slam.

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I love the little bits of humour this game has - I love references to the elevators from the first game especially.


"Goddamit, can't this thing go any faster?! *zaps it with omni tool*"


I also love the discussion from NPC characters about, uh, inter-species "relationships" I keep hearing everywhere. Bioware know their market. :heh:

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I love the little bits of humour this game has - I love references to the elevators from the first game especially.


"Goddamit, can't this thing go any faster?! *zaps it with omni tool*"


I also love the discussion from NPC characters about, uh, inter-species "relationships" I keep hearing everywhere. Bioware know their market. :heh:


Yeah, the conversation between the Turian and the Quarian on Ilium was absolutely hilarious.


Have you been the the Game Merchant in the Citadel? A reservoir for comedy gold.


"Have you played Galaxy of mythology yet? I hear it's got 11 billion players now." Some great work by Bioware to be sure.

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