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Jeez, i'm completly fed up of all this Jade Goody coverage. Ok, i do feel sorry for her because she has cancer and no-one should have to go through it, but the media should have a soul and stop. Let her go peacefully and not harassed by media.

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The media is 99% scare mongering (often lazy) biased 'reporting' (im sick of it) and the BBC is very biased to towards the govenments policies in there reporting (see there reports on the 'problems' of alcohol).


The Metro is the only decent read at the moment, newspaper wise.


I get msot news off TV (impartial) or the net (can be partial, depending what the source)...can't be arsed with partisan reporting.


They can be just as bad for a cheap head line as any other paper.

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The Sunday Express (Or more specifically the Scottish Sunday Express) has officially won the race to the bottom by having a reporter befriend survivors of the Dunblane massacre on Facebook so that as soon as they hit 18 it could run a front page story about how they were shaming the memory of the tragedy by daring to be normal teenagers





More on the article (which has now strangely vanished from the Express site) http://www.thepickards.co.uk/index.php/200903/sunday-express-lashes-out-at-dunblane-survivors/


On the plus side the Express is now being investigated by the IPCC for the story



And someone's given the stupid bitch who wrote the article some of her own medicine



Jesus Christ. That's absolutely awful. After being through such a terrible event, these people should be allowed the right to a "normal" life.


Also, Jade Goody: She says that she is doing all of this for her kids, raising awareness of her illness and so forth. But...she's doing exactly the same thing as she did before she was even diagnosed! Since she...ahem...rose to fame, she's been doing exactly the same fucking thing. She's been making cash from doing very little. How many times have we seen stories about her published? How many tv shows or appearances have we seen with her featured?


Whether she has cancer or not, why is she being given so much coverage? What sort of message is this sending out?

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Guest Captain Falcon

I'd love it if her last words were something along the lines of...


"I may be dying of cancer, but it's all the newspaper journalists and readers lapping up my story who are truly sick".


She'd certainly go up in my estimation if she did.

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Jesus Christ. That's absolutely awful. After being through such a terrible event, these people should be allowed the right to a "normal" life.


Also, Jade Goody: She says that she is doing all of this for her kids, raising awareness of her illness and so forth. But...she's doing exactly the same thing as she did before she was even diagnosed! Since she...ahem...rose to fame, she's been doing exactly the same fucking thing. She's been making cash from doing very little. How many times have we seen stories about her published? How many tv shows or appearances have we seen with her featured?


Whether she has cancer or not, why is she being given so much coverage? What sort of message is this sending out?


agreed what a bunch of scummers the express are also totally agree with on the Jade Goody thing.

Edited by Pete
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I'd love it if her last words were something along the lines of...


"I may be dying of cancer, but it's all the newspaper journalists and readers lapping up my story who are truly sick".


She'd certainly go up in my estimation if she did.


Well...she intentionally lets them in, she wants the money. That's the point. An yes, it's technically helping more than it's damaging (check-ups rising around UK etc).


So it's win-win for her. She gets money in for her children/family, and she's "giving something back" in awareness. Only bitter people like us who like to moan about what's wrong with the world rather than just ignoring menial things like this actually care how much she's in the papers.

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Whether she has cancer or not, why is she being given so much coverage? What sort of message is this sending out?

Saw a delightful advert today for Hello/Ok [i can't remember] which is advertising a Jade Goody Special, I think it had three different covers [Gotta Catch 'Em All]... failing that, it was three seperate magazines in one. It's just getting silly now.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Well...she intentionally lets them in, she wants the money. That's the point. An yes, it's technically helping more than it's damaging (check-ups rising around UK etc).


So it's win-win for her. She gets money in for her children/family, and she's "giving something back" in awareness. Only bitter people like us who like to moan about what's wrong with the world rather than just ignoring menial things like this actually care how much she's in the papers.


To be honest, she could be on every page of every newspaper (something she's not far off achieving) telling as much or as little as she wants and it wouldn't bother me in the slightest.


I don't bother with them myself. The way I see it, newspapers are only good for their adverts - I want to know what someone can do for me right now and that normally comes in the form of a good deal on something I've been meaning to purchase but not yet got round to.

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i do feel bad for jade, i honestly do. she was one of my most hated people, i thought she was a worthless, racist, stupid woman whos claim to fame was being the biggest freak in a house full of freaks that people all turned in to watch. but seeing her dying, afraid, defeated, it brings me no joy, no satisfaction, im not even glad that i wont have to see anouther of her daft comments in the paper. what i feel is that watching a person die isn't pleasant, yet some media bastards are getting very rich off it.



the ok special was inexcusable. so greedy they can't even wait for her to die, let alone for the funeral to take place. its not the fact they are doing a tribute, its the fact they are advertising it, drumming up sales. if they actualy wanted to do somthing "in loving memory", as they claim, they should just have quietly released the tribute like a normal issue.


im not saint, check the funny thread, i posted a pretty harsh blade runner parody a couple of weeks ago, but i find the idea of profiting off a womans death pretty repulsive.





and one last rant, did any one else find her last minute conversion to christianity really sad? last desperate grabing for straws by a woman afraid to die. taking comfort in som,thing she dosent really belive in.

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I always harboured a mild hatred of Jade Goody. I still do, but now it's mixed with a bit of sympathy.


What really gets sand in my vagina is the fact that most media have done a complete 180 and have gone from Jade "Ultratwat" Goody to Jade "Possibly the second coming of Jesus" Goody.



And the best thing I have ever heard regarding the media was from Russel Howard doing an impression of The Sun "PEADOS! PEADOS! ARE YOU A PEADO?! PEADOS! HAVE A BANG ON HER TITS! 16 TODAY! BEND HER OVER HER BIRTHDAY CAKE IF YOU WANT! PEADOS! ARE YOU A PEADO?!"


I was flicking through the Sun one time and noticed a "tragic"* story on annorexia. As per usual they had picked one "beatiful, talented girl" for the story. And lo and behold a few pages later there was another article on how Jessica Simpson had gotten a bit fat despite in reality looking quite lovely.


*It geniunely is tragic, but I used quotes to show that it's used so often that it has lost it's meaning.

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this man speaks sense. its true that magazine will have a story saying "fears for skinny kiera" yet get a picture of anouther, healthy weight celebrity and say "celulite horror for chubby chantelle" or somthign like that.


what the hell do they expect people to do? they act like having an eating dissorder is a terrible thing (and it is) yet what do you think drives celebrities to it? the fear of some fucking vulture paparatzi lying in the gutter and taking a picture up their skirt.


honestly, the writters should be ashamed. i guess its all a case of jealousy, a woman is either too skinny or way to fat. the reason for this hate? i belive that women are just as agressive as men, but in subtler ways. discreddit anouther womans looks and you up your own stakes of getting the alpha male.

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I always harboured a mild hatred of Jade Goody. I still do, but now it's mixed with a bit of sympathy.


What really gets sand in my vagina is the fact that most media have done a complete 180 and have gone from Jade "Ultratwat" Goody to Jade "Possibly the second coming of Jesus" Goody.



And the best thing I have ever heard regarding the media was from Russel Howard doing an impression of The Sun "PEADOS! PEADOS! ARE YOU A PEADO?! PEADOS! HAVE A BANG ON HER TITS! 16 TODAY! BEND HER OVER HER BIRTHDAY CAKE IF YOU WANT! PEADOS! ARE YOU A PEADO?!"


I was flicking through the Sun one time and noticed a "tragic"* story on annorexia. As per usual they had picked one "beatiful, talented girl" for the story. And lo and behold a few pages later there was another article on how Jessica Simpson had gotten a bit fat despite in reality looking quite lovely.


*It geniunely is tragic, but I used quotes to show that it's used so often that it has lost it's meaning.


I read somewhere that people had banners calling her "The people's princess". People make me want to vomit.




Yes! I hate how EVERYWHERE seems to be calling Kelly Clarkson massively overwieight, and then saying she's got to be pregnant etc, all because she's not Victoria Beckham thin. Fucks me off beyond belief. A headline said "Kelly Clarkson: Fat or Pregnant?"

Edited by Slaggis
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Alright, I've thought about creating this thread for a while now, but I just felt that now was the perfect time to do it.


What is your opinion on the subject of the British Media at this moment in time? Particularly, newspapers.


Now, due to my placement school being in East Worthing, and me living in Brighton, I was required to travel on a train five days-a-week, in order to get to the school. Regularly, I'd read the Metro, which is a free-newspaper which is supplied on trains. However, a lot of people would pick up a copy of The Times, and leave it on the tables or on seats, especially during the aftenoons. So, I picked up this paper once or twice and had a read.


I must admit, I found it so frustrating to read. The first ten or so pages were just...scaremongering. That's the only word for it. So much is directed at the credit crunch, and a lot of it is just pointing the finger at someone, rather than looking at ways to address it.


Now, many of you are probably familiar with the Jonathan Ross situation at the moment, and the recent "scandal" he's found himself in. Well, walking past a shop on the way to get my haircut, and so many front-pages are dedicated to this. Is this really news-worthy?


I don't know, I just find myself feeling infuriated at the media at the moment. Is this down to the British way of just...well...criticising everything, or our infatuation with celebrities?


What is your opinion on this?


You aren't reading newspapers when you read the Metro you are reading tabloids which shouldn't qualify as newspapers.


I find the Times to be a perfectly acceptable newspaper if you want something more balanced buy the economist.

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and one last rant, did any one else find her last minute conversion to christianity really sad? last desperate grabing for straws by a woman afraid to die. taking comfort in som,thing she dosent really belive in.

Someone trying to get the best of both worlds.

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I like to read a different paper each day to get a different view point on things. The Telegraph is good as it agrees with most of my political viewpoints, the Guardian to get an opposing view and The Independent because it seems to get right to the point.


Funnily enough, I read The Telegraph (and The Spectator) because it disagrees with most of my political viewpoints.


I read The Times as I find it easy to read, The Independent because it, as you say, gets right to the point, and seems to be written by people who's heads are screwed on, The Guardian mainly for laughs as it would appear they still haven't hired any sub-editors and Private Eye as it's the most fair paper - it rips the shit out of all political parties equally!


As for TV news, my choice is either BBC or Sky, so I have little option but to watch the Beeb. Internet-wise, my two homepages are the BBC news (normally sensible and reasonably fair) and Al-Jazerra (surprisingly fair and reports a lot into stuff the Western media misses, such as the fighting in the Congo, the Swat Valley in Pakistan and Sri Lanka.


The Sunday Express (Or more specifically the Scottish Sunday Express) has officially won the race to the bottom by having a reporter befriend survivors of the Dunblane massacre on Facebook so that as soon as they hit 18 it could run a front page story about how they were shaming the memory of the tragedy by daring to be normal teenagers





More on the article (which has now strangely vanished from the Express site) http://www.thepickards.co.uk/index.php/200903/sunday-express-lashes-out-at-dunblane-survivors/


I new the Express hated teenagers, but that's just callas beyond belief. If anything, by putting what can be nothing but traumatising memories behind him and getting on with his life like anyone else, he is a good person - I strongly believe we should honour those who have been murdered, but not let such tragedies screw up our lives. This is especially true when it comes to beating terrorism.

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Personally, as I frequently browse my mum/sister's heat magazines (which are actually very funnily written, though scathing), they seem to love Kelly Clarkson and the fact that she publically dislikes how much special effects have been used in her new album cover and video, as she's currently chubbier than she was before.


But then again, they have lots of contradictory weight-based articles.

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Personally, as I frequently browse my mum/sister's heat magazines (which are actually very funnily written, though scathing), they seem to love Kelly Clarkson and the fact that she publically dislikes how much special effects have been used in her new album cover and video, as she's currently chubbier than she was before.


But then again, they have lots of contradictory weight-based articles.


I wasn't aware she hated it at all. I've heard countless interviews with her where she's said something along the lines of "Whoever she is on the front cover, she looks hot!".

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I wasn't aware she hated it at all. I've heard countless interviews with her where she's said something along the lines of "Whoever she is on the front cover, she looks hot!".


Well she said something like, "It's ridiculous...they photoshop the crap out of me!".

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