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George Best's last hours


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So many people in this thread have lost the respect i had for them.


Perhaps i was slightly to blunt originally, its never nice to see someone dying, although it doesnt put me up or down, it obviously effects others.


The point i trying to make is he got help that no other normal person would get and he still wouldnt stop, it annoys me when people harp on about him being a legend, Being a legend is nothing to do with that is happening.

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Everyone's got weaknesses man...


If it was heroin and he destroyed something and had it replaced and then took heroin again would you feel sad for him?


Come on, this is bullshit and you know it, he took the piss and I'm pretty sure he knew he was, which is plain disrespect.


When he started drinking after the transplant he should have been taken into rehab.

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If it was heroin and he destroyed something and had it replaced and then took heroin again would you feel sad for him?



Of course I would be sad. Im not going to judge someone like that because drugs gotta hold of him/her. Yes i maybe angry at the influences of drugs on that person but in no way shape or form will I be angry at the person.

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Ruined a perfectly good liver that he got through a donation, and then started drinking again. When someone else who will of appreciated it more coold of got it. Imagine how the family of the person who donated it feel, the person if buried without his/her organs and george best goes and wastes it like he wastes his life.


wtf are you goin on about! Yea im sure that dead person would have needed those organs so much more, come off it man.

Best needed that liver and was given it, its difficult to get hooked off something.


People go on about how insensitive others are and what dicks they are, well it's all a joke, fuckin hell.

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wtf are you goin on about! Yea im sure that dead person would have needed those organs so much more, come off it man.

Best needed that liver and was given it, its difficult to get hooked off something.


People go on about how insensitive others are and what dicks they are, well it's all a joke, fuckin hell.


He is on about the family of the dead man you idiot, not the man himself.

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Wow, you people are hard and being completely unemotional. Yeah celebrities get privelidges, it's not fair, but George Best is not an exception and you would not turn down a second chance at life if you could get it, you would use any means. George will have lead a troubled life, he will have tried hard on many times to try and sort his life out, but like all of us, he too had weaknesses and there is nothing more difficult than overcoming an addiction.


Best was not a particularly bad person, he was just like the rest of us - human, capable and likely of making mistakes. You are not judge, jury and executioner, i am ashamed of this community looking at this thread. As for the argument of him not making the most of his second chance, well people dont always manage it, there will be plenty of people who new recieved organs who made the same mistakes again. Life is not like films, people dont often feel life-changing revelations or become 'born-again christians'.


His life could of been better and should of been better, he too knew that and wanted better for himself, but couldnt make it happen (it is not so easy).


I personally won't miss him, but i didnt know him, not personally, not as a footballer, just knew him a little as a media figure in interviews. I do however feel for his family, who will feel pain and for him too, whose life ends relatively short, loss of many oppurtunities.

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Good riddance? To the best player this country, and maybe even the world, has ever seen?


Go find some videos of George Best playing football...he could do things with a ball that most players can only dream about. On top of that, he was a nice guy who made time for the fans, something sorely lacking in today's game.


He was an alcoholic, true, but I'm guessing you've never faced any kind of addiction on your life. If you had, you would know only too well it's not just a case of saying 'Oh, I won't do it anymore then'.


George Best gave more pleasure to more people than you or I could contemplate, and his passing does not deserve your disrespect.

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The fact of the matter is he was given a second chance and he abused it. If it were truely his desire to continue living he would have taken more care of himself.


So do many addicts. You cant just go "ill stop today" its a physical addiction. YOu need to have it otherwise the cells dont operate properly.

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So Gary Glitter? Has an addiction to young girls. Possibly going to get shot.. Anyone else happy? I am. Or should I not because his music ment so much to me?


I'm not saying both things are the same. You could say that George Best was only hurting himself and not other people. Although getting a liver that could of been better respected by someone else is indirectly hurting someone.


I'm not glad he's dying but and it is a shame but I'm not going to get all emotional about I'm afraid as I do feel like people with addictions need to get help. He just wasnt strong enough to cope. Sad yes but if he had not been a football legend you'd probably be slating him.

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I don't think the Gary Glitter comparison holds, that's not exactly a physical dependancy or anything. I personally believe he deserves to get shot regardless. But yeah even if Best has 'wasted' his 2nd liver, didn't someone say he was dieing from a lung infection or something? you can't go calling him disrespectful things cos he abused his liver if he's dieing of a completely different thing can you?! I can't say i'll miss him as i have no emotional tie or anything to him, but it's never nice for someone to die (well there are some exceptions), and i'm sure a lot of people in the country held him with great regard too, so perhaps people should take the feelings of others into consideration here even if it is via an online persona only.

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Many people say paedophila is a mentall illness and an addiction but that's besides the point


My main point was that we can't simply dismiss previous actions just because you admired him as a footballer. He did carry on drinking despite being given a new liver and I think that's what has most people's backs up.

As I have previously said I don't wish bad upon him and I'm not happy he's suffering but I can understand some people's thoughts when they say some things.

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The second half of this thread is a lot nicer than the first half.


I think the point is that it's generally sad when people that aren't evil die as it has repercussions on the family. We all have weaknesses and just because Best's were obvious to us doesn't mean that he deserves our hate. More pity.

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