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But why should it matter if you're in a woman's body or not? Why can't you be yourself in a man's body? There are plenty of feminine men. Not all men have to be butch and macho and Read Nuts and all of the other stereotypes. Break the mould.



It's not anything I could put in to words easily, just a feeling. It's not anything I would expect most people to understand unless they were in my position.

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I disagree, without sex and gender there would be no sexism.


Yes but there is a seperate thread for a discussion of sex and sexuality. Sex is the basis, sexism is a discussion from that.


It would be like talking about notes in the music thread or currency in the post your purchases.

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Yes but there is a seperate thread for a discussion of sex and sexuality. Sex is the basis, sexism is a discussion from that.


But do you not think that's Rok's position has "roots" (for lack of a better word) in sexism? It's saying that men and women are two different beings mentally. I'm not saying whether that's right or wrong but that contradicts a fair few feminist arguements such as women have to do X yet men can do Y.

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The police force has an "equal rights policy" which basically means if your a white single male you get shafted to one side.

It pisses me off that they push people out specially for others.

Like when they introduced business start up funds, JUST for women.

Why couldnt it be for everyone?

They seem to give priority to people who are the minority, which isnt fair.


If i remeber correctly even government do this in forcasts, saying they hope to have x% more woman by year X.

Does this mean they get priority over men?

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You don't have to be able to understand to accept someones position.


But not everyone agrees with sex changes. I personally don't. I think you're gender is what you are born with and you can't change that. I'm not saying that it should define how you act. It's your body. It may not be who you are but it's what you are. I can have fur surgically implanted into my fur and have by bone structure change and it doesn't make me an ape. And a man can never be a woman.


Does that make me narrow minded?

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But not everyone agrees with sex changes. I personally don't. I think you're gender is what you are born with and you can't change that. I'm not saying that it should define how you act. It's your body. It may not be who you are but it's what you are. I can have fur surgically implanted into my fur and have by bone structure change and it doesn't make me an ape. And a man can never be a woman.


Does that make me narrow minded?


Quite frankly yes.

The transgender community might be a minority group, but it isn't so small as you can just dismiss it with antiquated reasoning like that.

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Quite frankly yes.

The transgender community might be a minority group, but it isn't so small as you can just dismiss it with antiquated reasoning like that.


So why should I have to respect your opinions if you don't respect mine?


I never said I would discriminate against a transgender, nor would I ever harm one. I just don't agree with it. Saying that I should respect your views is hypocritical.

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So why should I have to respect your opinions if you don't respect mine?


I never said I would discriminate against a transgender, nor would I ever harm one. I just don't agree with it. Saying that I should respect your views is hypocritical.


OK, I'll respect your right to be passively prejudicial, better now?


Moogle, i have the same stance on sex chanes as you.

Just because you have a sex change it doesnt mean your a woman/man.

Your just a man with something missing, or a woman with something extra.

I dont care if i sound narrow minded, its my oppinion.



At least you admit that your opinions sounds narrow minded though.

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OK, I'll respect your right to be passively prejudicial, better now?


Oh sorry I didn't realise you were on your high horse. I'll try and pick myself out of the gutter for you.


Despite what you think of yourself you're incredibly ignorant. You think that because you're in a minority that means we should all bend over backwards just to try not to offend you. And anyone that doesn't agree with you is a complete moron. But I don't know why I'm even bothering arguing with you. It's pointless trying to reason with ignorance.

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It annoys me that everything has to become a slanging match on who or what Rokhed is, the discussion was about sexism, not what we think of Rokhed.


It is unfair that women get money to start a business, but in reality it's needed to push women to stop being ''house wives'' or having different jobs and get into business and balance it out, obviously this is a general statement, there are quite a few strong women around. Ideally this would happen through hard work, just as men do, but it isn't happening.


I don't believe that any person should be dismissed because of who they are or who they wish to be, were all human regardless; ''human'' rights, not just ''black/white'' rights or ''womens'' rights. It's all so complex, when it really is just as simple as you're human, let you do the same as any other human.

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It annoys me that everything has to become a slanging match on who or what Rokhed is, the discussion was about sexism, not what we think of Rokhed.

hear hear. plus we all know that a lot of people on here are the deadly combination of highly opinionated AND scarily easily offended O__o and t'aint no stopping rok when she's got his minority hat on.


sexism, racism... most of the ism's are reeeeally touchy subjects so i tend to just stick to living by my own personal ethos on the subject at hand and not to get into debates about it all... i reckon it's better for the blood pressure ^_^

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To be fair - and this should not be seen as a personal attack - Rokhed isn't exactly innocent here - who is it that keeps bringing up the subject on any given occasion, often with provoking undertones?


Rokhed, we get your situation. We know many people have a hard time understanding and/or accepting how you are, but constantly waving it under our noses in an aggressive manner isn't going to do any good. If you really want to be treated normally, you should start acting normally about it. In my experience, roughly 80% of the posts I read from you serve the purpose in one way or another to highlight that you're different. We get it already! You can start being yourself now.


Don't see this as a personal attack. I respect you, I really do. It's amazing that you stand up to the prejudice and narrowmindedness of the world, but you shouldn't be in attack mode all the time. Defend yourself when it's necessary, otherwise ignore it. That way people will start treating you more with respect because it shows you can handle it while staying cool about it.


Sorry for clinging to the topic, but this is something that's been building up inside me for quite a while now and this seemed like the perfect time to get it out. Please move along now.

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To be fair - and this should not be seen as a personal attack - Rokhed isn't exactly innocent here - who is it that keeps bringing up the subject on any given occasion, often with provoking undertones?


Rokhed, we get your situation. We know many people have a hard time understanding and/or accepting how you are, but constantly waving it under our noses in an aggressive manner isn't going to do any good. If you really want to be treated normally, you should start acting normally about it. In my experience, roughly 80% of the posts I read from you serve the purpose in one way or another to highlight that you're different. We get it already! You can start being yourself now.


Don't see this as a personal attack. I respect you, I really do. It's amazing that you stand up to the prejudice and narrowmindedness of the world, but you shouldn't be in attack mode all the time. Defend yourself when it's necessary, otherwise ignore it. That way people will start treating you more with respect because it shows you can handle it while staying cool about it.


Sorry for clinging to the topic, but this is something that's been building up inside me for quite a while now and this seemed like the perfect time to get it out. Please move along now.



Actually if you look back on the thread you will see that it was Sheikah and Moogleviper that brought up my transgender status by trying to belittle it, I was just being on the defensive.


As for my original statement that I believe men to be the inferior gender, I stand by that. The true test of which would be the superior or inferior gender would be seeing which one would cope better without the other globally. Sadly it's not a realistic test you could run, but I'm betting a world without men would manage a helll of a lot better than a world without women, already women can do pretty much anything men can do, there are devices that make men superflous in the bedroom, and I doubt it would take as big an advance in medical science for women to reproduce without men as vice versa.

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^ You're beginning to piss me off now. There is no such thing as an inferior gender. We are both equal. Don't you realise that you are the one being sexist by claiming one is superior to the other? It's attitudes like the one you are displaying which mean things like sexism and other -isms remain in use and remain part of society's attitude. It's a disgusting attitude to hold. Don't care what you say in defense, it's wrong to proclaim one gender as being better than the other because it is simply not true. [/rant]


Apologises to others as it had to be said although I'm sure it'll go unnoticed.

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