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Can You Imagine How Weird It Would Be To Meet And Greet A World From Another Universe


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So I was thinking about this last night. (And in fact might write a story around something similar) basically....


....So. A massive space craft or whatever lands in our planet. For the purposes to make it easier to discuss we will say they speak the same language as us and have a similar appearance. Can you imagine the craziness?


Specifically I thought about things like media. They would have their "all time classic" films, books, tv shows, music, comic books, actors etc etc. It would open up a whole new world, we would show them our history and our acheivements and such, and we'd learn a lot and gain a lot from each other.



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For the purposes to make it easier to discuss we will say they speak the same language as us and have a similar appearance. Can you imagine the craziness?

Aww, as soon as I saw the thread title I was going to start talking about feasible linguistic and biological differences.

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You mention universe in the title, then only talk about things that would be from another planet similar to ours.


If they were from a universe, first and for most I'd be shocked there was another universe, I'd probably be more intriqued to hear their understanding of the universe and all that. Screw their media and actors and all that bollocks.

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If they were from a universe, first and for most I'd be shocked there was another universe, I'd probably be more intriqued to hear their understanding of the universe and all that. Screw their media and actors and all that bollocks.

Yes, I was going to point to science and mathematics (is the concept of number universal?), but it's a lot less elucidating if they're pretty much another us - a totally different slant on everything would lead to so much more information. And while their literature and so on would be interesting, such things are founded firmly in language and the way the world is experienced, so if you make all these things the same, we wouldn't be learning nearly as much. It does bring up questions of linguistic relativism though (to what extent is thought shaped by language?), but that's another story...

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I think there would be mass panic. All the countries would argue who has the right to talk to the aliens and share information and technology. Us 'normal' people would feel left out as it wouldn't be us making contact, this would lead to people thinking "Wow Aliens! Interstellar travel! Sod work/education, i don't need it now!". The world would come to a halt (Not literally... unless the aliens could do that?!). Either that or they would kill us all!!


But yeh, it would be kooooool. I think it would be nice to see how humour is with the aliens... and the porn and all that.

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Yes, I was going to point to science and mathematics (is the concept of number universal?), but it's a lot less elucidating if they're pretty much another us - a totally different slant on everything would lead to so much more information.


I would assume so, 1 thing of something, theres still one of it. Regardless of its name no?

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I'd be most interested to find out how far games have developed on their planet. If they're capable of interuniversal travel then they must have developed something like VR, or at least have the technology to do it. And they would surely have a massive back catalogue of games and such. Unfortunately, that would pretty much render our games industry useless.


Just because they're linguistically and biologically similar to us, doesn't mean they will have the same culture or technology. They will have surely developed some amazing stuff. I can't imagine how powerful their computers would have to be, once again rendering our technology useless.

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Seeing as theoretically there are an infinite number of alternate realities/universes if this scenario was to play out they could have exactly the same everything, except a spaceship of course, we don't have proper ones of those yet :P

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i think the differences in art would be purly skin deep. if we were truly as similar as you say, our mentality, and there for psyche would be so similar, our belifes would be the same, our legends would be similar, we would belive similar things about ourselves.




in my opinion it would be more interesting to meet some one from out past, like 100 years ago, and explaint eh changes in the world, like the fall of the brittish empire and the world wards etc.

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i think the differences in art would be purly skin deep. if we were truly as similar as you say, our mentality, and there for psyche would be so similar, our belifes would be the same, our legends would be similar, we would belive similar things about ourselves.




in my opinion it would be more interesting to meet some one from out past, like 100 years ago, and explaint eh changes in the world, like the fall of the brittish empire and the world wards etc.


I don't think so. The smallest action by some person can change the entire world. What if the parents of someone who had invented something incredibly important, or had done something that changed culture forever, had decided not to have kids?


Since this is an entirely different universe, there would have been so many differences like that that would have happened that would probably change their course of history drastically.


Also, ReZ just said that the had similar bodies and language. The could still be incredibly different mentally from us. And they would at least be more advanced scientifically than us to be capable of interuniversal travel.

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I don't think so. The smallest action by some person can change the entire world.


really? obviosuly this cannot be proved or disproved unless we could make a split time line.


obviosuly we would have differences with these people, but our over all feelings as humans are fairly universal. all cultures love there kids, all people grive the dead, we all recognise emotion in outhers. granted, some societies are more emotionaly in tune then outhers, but ultimatly, we arnt sao complex, were pretty simple cretures. if what we met from anouther dimmension was still human, any missunderstandings would be small, the way we wear clothes, attitudes towrds sexualkity and expression of ones self. maybe they would openly masterbate in public? i just doubt it would be the utter head fuck. after all, the portugeese met the japanese in the 1600s, they had been almost entirly cut off from society, yet they still managed to get along.



afterall, culture is always different, culture between countries, counties, citiies, even different social groups. we have a lot of differences, but more in common.


what would interest me more would be how differently we interacted with the world to aliens, whos to say they would have the same vision we do, would comunicate via sound? maybe they would see with sonar?

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I've skim-read this thread, as I am drunk.


You realise that there was a time when the planet we live on wasn't as well known as it is today. Notoriously the Americas were discovered with fully grown human beings wandering around, and that in itself was a massively alien period of time for people to be living in.


If we had random simiar aliens visiting, it would be queer for a generation, and there would be awesome comparisons between our shakespeare and their likenesss, but they would surely be more advanced if they had the capability to travel across the universe to come say hi -- then more stuff and words without alcohol. Truly.

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Since this is an entirely different universe, there would have been so many differences like that that would have happened that would probably change their course of history drastically.


If the infinite reality theory were correct then there would also be an infinite amount of universes where almost nothing was different. For example, in an infinite number of the realities the only difference from ours is that I didn't make this post.


If you however suscribe to the multi-verse theory then new realities are constantly being created where every possible outcome of any decision made is played out. Imagine a tree diagram. Stargate SG-1 tackled this subject, however after some research I discovered their plot line was based on an actual theory. One of the many parallel universe theories.

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Question about these mutli-verse theories;


Are the branches created from different human decisions only?


I was thinkg, since my mum had a natural miscarriage in between me and my sister being born, would that still happen in most of the multi-verses? (Maybe not in some where it was found it died because of some thing she did way back down the line..)


[/is already confused]

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