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The Wrasslin' thread


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Awesome to see Shane back. Always liked him....but since when was Undertaker siding with Vince?


I can see this being a way for Vince to pass things onto Shane....but I don't like the idea that the small list of names of people who beat Taker at Mania could include Shane... :heh:


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Awesome to see Shane back. Always liked him....but since when was Undertaker siding with Vince?


I can see this being a way for Vince to pass things onto Shane....but I don't like the idea that the small list of names of people who beat Taker at Mania could include Shane... :heh:


I don't think it's that Taker is siding with Vince, it's more get the biggest name at Wrestlemania and the one guy that Shane couldn't beat to keep control of his company. I would love to see Shane back for a spell to run things so I really don't see how this match is going to end. I can't wait.


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I don't think it's that Taker is siding with Vince, it's more get the biggest name at Wrestlemania and the one guy that Shane couldn't beat to keep control of his company. I would love to see Shane back for a spell to run things so I really don't see how this match is going to end. I can't wait.


Yeah it's an intriguing match, feels like it could go either way so will be interesting to see who wins and what the implications will be.

Edited by pratty
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I`m not so sure that match is going to end up being Shane vs. Undertaker.

Undertaker picks who he wants to fight and is always face at Wrestlemania. He`s back on Raw this week and I expect he will tell Vince to stick it and that he`s siding with Shane and will represent him at Wrestlemania.


Then... who sides with Vince?


At the moment none of it makes sense at all, two massive faces fighting for control of the company? A heel champion being cheered as if he were Daniel Bryan against the guy that just can`t get over? There is no way that is for Wrestlemania.


So, given the fact that the title match is currently face HHH vs. failed-face Reigns, I think they`re going to merge the two matches in some way. Reigns heel turn, HHH `gives` him the title as the new authority guy and then he faces undertaker for the title and control of the company?


I could see Taker having one last Main Event title win with Shane getting control of WWE. Then the next night Undertaker can retire, vacate the title and you`ve got Championship tournament of some sort with battle for control of WWE to lead you through the summer program.



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  • 4 weeks later...

The Mania card looks like it will be:


HHH vs Reigns

Brock vs Dean

Taker vs Shane

AJ vs Jericho

IC Ladder match

New Day vs LON

Sasha vs Becky vs Charlotte

Usos vs Dudleys

Ryback vs Kalisto

Battle Royale


One or two of those will be probably on the pre show, perhaps as many as thrree of them.


If you trim the fat (in practical terms fast forward) and just take:


HHH vs Reigns

Brock vs Dean

Taker vs Shane

AJ vs Jericho

IC Ladder match

New Day vs LON

Sasha vs Becky vs Charlotte


....I don't think it's such a bad card.


HHH vs Reigns could go either way, could be plodding, could be a wild brawl. Brock vs Dean and AJ vs Jericho should both be good. Taker vs Shane should have some crazy spots, and should be dramatic with everything that's riding on it. Ladder matches are always entertaining. New Day vs LON could be alright, and the womens match is basically an NXT women's match with those involved, so on paper I don't think it's too bad. Even if you skip Reigns vs HHH cus it's Reigns and HHH, the rest is arguably on par with those NXT 'PPVs' which people rave above.

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Agree it's not a bad card... If it wasn't Wrestlemania...


I really don't care about the vast majority of the card, the build up has been terrible. To go through my thoughts on the main matches I'd say:



HHH vs. Reigns

The only match with a decent long build up, but no one cares about the story or the players so what's the point. The match has the potential to be decent but it should not be the headline of Wrestlemania. I almost want Reigns to win this just to see the mega boo that comes from it.


Ambrose vs. Brock

I feel like they could have built this one up a bit better. At this point it's basically crazy vs. unstoppable but they could have made it a bit more psychological. Really this just feels like they needed something to do and this was it. I imagine this will be match of the night but I think both of them could be doing something a bit more interesting.


Shane vs. Undertaker

This one just makes no sense. Shane has a secret? Undertaker fights for himself but actually for Vince? There is an interesting story in there somewhere but the way they've driven this story I have no idea what the end result is. Hopefully they cap the story off well in the final build up and the two of them put on a crazy show. Undertakers last couple of matches have been sub-par at best so he really needs to pick it up if this one is to leave a lasting impression.

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The Mania card looks like it will be:


HHH vs Reigns

Brock vs Dean

Taker vs Shane

AJ vs Jericho

IC Ladder match

New Day vs LON

Sasha vs Becky vs Charlotte

Usos vs Dudleys

Ryback vs Kalisto

Battle Royale


One or two of those will be probably on the pre show, perhaps as many as thrree of them.


If you trim the fat (in practical terms fast forward) and just take:


HHH vs Reigns

Brock vs Dean

Taker vs Shane

AJ vs Jericho

IC Ladder match

New Day vs LON

Sasha vs Becky vs Charlotte


....I don't think it's such a bad card.


HHH vs Reigns could go either way, could be plodding, could be a wild brawl. Brock vs Dean and AJ vs Jericho should both be good. Taker vs Shane should have some crazy spots, and should be dramatic with everything that's riding on it. Ladder matches are always entertaining. New Day vs LON could be alright, and the womens match is basically an NXT women's match with those involved, so on paper I don't think it's too bad. Even if you skip Reigns vs HHH cus it's Reigns and HHH, the rest is arguably on par with those NXT 'PPVs' which people rave above.

They're trying to extend Wrestlemania's length so WWE Network gets more subscribers, and give the people who paid for tickets/viewing the WWE Network more bang for their buck. It is not cheap to buy a single or a group of WWE Wrestlemania tickets. As a matter of fact, WWE just released a series of videos talking about "free Wrestlemania" (it's not), as a marketing lead-up to Wrestlemania.


I want to watch Triple H/Reigns based on the hardcore brawls during RAW a few times. That is awesome. :) I am interested in seeing where Brock/Dean goes? Hopefully hardcore. :D Taker/Shane should also be interesting, and that AJ Styles match? Awesome lead-up! Lets go!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nakamura vs Sami was great from NXT Takeover.


Quick Wrestlemania predictions, winners in bold:


HHH vs Reigns

Brock vs Dean

Taker vs Shane

AJ vs Jericho

IC Ladder Match: Sami

New Day vs League Of Nations

Sasha vs Becky vs Charlotte

Usos vs Dudleys

Ryback vs Kalisto

Battle Royale: Bray Wyatt

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Quick predictions before the actual event. A great chance for some to rise up and shine, due to the lack of real star power / standout matches on the card:


HHH vs Reigns (Hmm...)

Brock vs Dean (this will make Dean look good, although expecting Wyatt interference)

Taker vs Shane (I sure hope the Undertaker gets a win, but I can see a screwy finish)

AJ vs Jericho (match of the night contender, and I'm a huge fan of both of these guys)

IC Ladder Match: Kevin Owens (tough call between him and Sami, although I'd like to see Dolphins with the title again)

New Day vs League Of Nations

Sasha vs Becky vs Charlotte

Usos vs Dudleys

Ryback vs Kalisto

Battle Royale: Bray Wyatt (there's a distinct lack of Wyatts on the card considering how they were built up at the beginning of the year)


Here's hoping for some surprises and this one exceeds my expectations.

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I don't follow the Wrestling much beyond the tidbits I get from facebook and Frag and the PPVs I go to - srsly regret sacrificing sleep and work today for last night's Wrestlemania. Other than Shane's moment and New Day's generally New Daying, I found it all rather crap. I napped through the IC title, which apparently was quite good unfortunately for me, and through the first half of Reigns v Triple H - which even for the bits I did see wasn't blowing me away. I think I still quite dislike Reigns, and his stupid arm pump/cocking thing.

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I enjoyed it for the most part except for it being 5 hours.

IC ladder match was not the best one in the last few but was pretty solid with a very surprising finish. I don't know if anyone expected it.


Finally great to see they got rid of the whole Diva thing and are now calling the women 'superstars' too along with a brand new women's championship. Love the look of it as it puts them on par with the guys. Would loved to have seen a new champ but it was a great matchup and gives us some things to look forward too.


Dean v Brock didn't seem as street fighty as it could have been. I think both men came out looking good though.


Was hoping Shane would win just to shake things up on the weekly shows. However a solid match with Shane taking that huge bump.


Great to see a NXT guy win the Andre the Giant battle royal. I think Corbin deserved it and can easily run with it.


WWE title match went as expected and seemed very anticlimactic for the show.


Overall I thought it was a decent show with the guys they had to use. Best part was no wasted time with live performances of the theme tunes. I hope going 5 hours is not permanent. With a 2 hour pre show I can see the crowd being fatigued by the end of it.



Good show. Could have been shorter.

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I enjoyed the show.


But then again I'm not a Reigns hater.


The ladder match, the women's match and AJ vs Jericho were excellent. The HIAC and streetfight and main event were entertaining, and the 6-man tag was solid. Only the battle royal sucked, so overall thumbs up.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Apparently Chyna has died. It's kind of sad that's it's gotten to the point that because this was apparently announced first on her Twitter account I wasn't sure whether to believe it or if it was just another publicity stunt.


Yeah, read about it earlier. Very sad news. She was a legend in the attitude era. Her feuds with Jericho and Jeff Jarret were amazing.


RIP :(

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Apparantly it's an overdose that killed her.


What is it with 2016, so many greats have died this year. Her feud with Chris Jericho was excellent, and being the first woman to enter the Royal Rumble and win the Intercontinental Title. I did hear rumours that the WWE were looking to make her the first woman to win the WWE title, but the plans got nixed.


It's too bad she went really downhill in 2001 and went the way she did, otherwise she'd be in the Hall of Fame by now (and to be fair, it's well overdue). What's to say the WWE don't look at putting her in next year? R.I.P

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It's too bad she went really downhill in 2001 and went the way she did, otherwise she'd be in the Hall of Fame by now (and to be fair, it's well overdue). What's to say the WWE don't look at putting her in next year? R.I.P


It will be interesting to see if they do put her in the HoF now. The reason she wasn't was because apparently the WWE were afraid that people would google her name and see the porno she had done. That hasn't changed, so it will be sad that it took her death to get her the respect and award she so rightfully deserved.

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  • 3 months later...

Just watched Impact live in Orlando. Damien Sandow (Aron Rex) debuted and made a great speech about brass rings being bullshit and how he's there to win the big one!


If anyone gets chance it will be on challenge on Saturday and I'm in the front row with my two kids and wife!

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Just watched Impact live in Orlando. Damien Sandow (Aron Rex) debuted and made a great speech about brass rings being bullshit and how he's there to win the big one!


oh man, I'd love to see that.


What an absolute joke that the WWE did nothing with him, they gave him awful gimmicks like being the Miz's stunt double and he turned that into one of the most entertaining things about Raw for months. If that wasn't an example of "reaching for the brass ring" then I don't know what is, and yet WWE fire him anyway. He's right.

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oh man, I'd love to see that.


What an absolute joke that the WWE did nothing with him, they gave him awful gimmicks like being the Miz's stunt double and he turned that into one of the most entertaining things about Raw for months. If that wasn't an example of "reaching for the brass ring" then I don't know what is, and yet WWE fire him anyway. He's right.


If you get chance to see it, me and my family are in the background for pretty much the entire thing! Me and my kids were the only ones chanting for lashley :p We are also the only ones chanting cowboy sucks and singing England when spud was on. We were so loud and into it that they gave us vip tickets for the photo afterwards with Pope and Moose which they then tweeted out!

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  • 1 month later...
Just reactivated my WWE Network subscription. It usually doesn't last long but I've had another urge to start watching wrasslin again.


I think you've picked a good time. The shows have really picked up after the brand split. More time seems to be being spent on more then just the top few guys and the main title. Hope you get something out of it.

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