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Got to totally agree with Mokong, but


I reckon he decided to retire a couple of months ago and they simply couldn't find anyone to do it so Lesnar had to do. The original plan was Rock vs Lesnar but Rock got injured. Taker has looked battered and worn down these past 3 years so it had to come to an end. This match was terrible to be honest, and it's hard to buy into the near falls as we've seen finisher after finisher being kicked out of.


Having said that, big, big mistake to let a part timer end the streak. It should have been given to a full time up and comer. Bray Wyatt would have been a better choice. Someone who can then go on as the man who ended the streak and use that to jump to mega star level.


The problem with WWE is they constantly live in the past. There's usually more focus on old timers making sporadic appearances rather than building the next top star. What's happened to The Miz and Dolph Ziggler since their pushes a few years back? That could have been a main event this year if they'd been pushed right. Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold and The Rock added nothing to this PPV and the time could have been used for another match.


WWE need to have a few crappy years like the WMIX, X(Ladder match excepted) XI and XII so they can build for the next gen. Rather than having slightly below average ones, brought up a few notches by rose-tinted nostalgia.


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I feel the same as everyone else so far.


Lesnar ending the Streak = No, i don't buy it. The promo and overall build was terrible, to the point i wasn't buying Lesnar being a plausable contender for it. I was expecting a quick match with Taker winning, but alas not to be. Maybe this is Taker's swan song and he retires, after all he's been looking battered for the past few years before even having a match. After all, he did appear at the Hall of Fame out of character for the first time in a while.


Daniel Bryan finally winning the title though, at least that was done right for a change.


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The crowd should have been absolutely pumped for Bryans win but everyone was still in shock at the streak ending. They managed to take away his wrestlemania moment by ending takers streak. If this was th elast mania for him i would have loved to see Bray vs Taker and Bray go over.


However, the guy who beat taker at mania will forever be known as the guy who beat the streak. Really hard to make that person a face after that.


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Now that was a Wrestlemania!


The Undertaker losing was a shock moment, but makes total sense. The match was slow as hell. Either the UT just can't have a good match anymore, or it was intentional. Anyway, we're talking about SPORTS entertainment here. It only makes sense that at some point the UT can't win a WM match anymore. Doesn't take anything away from the 21-win streak, only makes it more credible imo. No wrestler can win all the time, it's win some lose some. Also, it fits the picture of the previous WMs, everybody getting closer and closer to beating him...and now it finally happened. Yes the build-up wasn't as good as it could've been, and the match was sort of lame, but I have no problem with the end result.




According to wrestlinginc.com, Taker was injured during the match and spent the night in a hospital (concussion, neck injury?). However, the finish was done as planned, even betting sites changed their odds before the event... http://wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2014/0407/572932/the-undertaker-reportedly-injured/


Explains why the pace was so slow. It seemed like Taker was out of it most of the time, and Brock was quite clueless of what to do. I guess Brock just can't go slow, and this was the result...


Also, did you guys notice what happened during the Batista-Orton double team move? Orton jumped and landed back first on a monitor, OUCH!




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Now that was a Wrestlemania!


The Undertaker losing was a shock moment, but makes total sense. The match was slow as hell. Either the UT just can't have a good match anymore, or it was intentional. Anyway, we're talking about SPORTS entertainment here. It only makes sense that at some point the UT can't win a WM match anymore. Doesn't take anything away from the 21-win streak, only makes it more credible imo. No wrestler can win all the time, it's win some lose some. Also, it fits the picture of the previous WMs, everybody getting closer and closer to beating him...and now it finally happened. Yes the build-up wasn't as good as it could've been, and the match was sort of lame, but I have no problem with the end result.





The fact that Undertaker lost isn't really what has upset me as a fan, while I would have prefered for him to retire on a high with the streak intact (which would also make his retirement feel like it was on his own terms.... even though this may be on his own terms but from a story standpoint still feels like a forced retirement if you get what I mean)


I always had a feeling that a WM would come where it would be his last and it would be obviously made out to be his last because the streak would end.


The ending of the streak does not bother me.


It is who ended it and the quality of the match it ended with that bothered me. And even the quality factor I blame on Lesner. From maybe WM27 I could see Taker was "getting on" a bit and not performing to 100%, but he still pulled off great matches, because his opponents were of a high in ring and out ring quality, HBK, HHH and CM Punk all great on the mic and cutting promos and building hype and making the audience believe they could be the one to end it. And had it been to any of those (hell even go back to WM24 and include Edge) had ended the streak I can imagine the crowd would have given a much different reaction to what Lesner got.


Lesner has zero personality he can't cut a promo at all which is why Heyman had to do it for him and he's all about POWER POWER POWER in the ring and can't put on an in ring show or story.


It just feels like such an anti-climatic end to such a great characters story/career.


The person who ended the streak should have either been someone either still near the begining of their career (like Bray Wyatt for example) or someone in the "middle years" of their career (like say Orton, Punk...hell I'd even be happier with Cena than I am Lesner) so that person could take that achivement and further their career from this. Bray Wyatt would have been a perfect fit for reason I'll explain in next spoiler tag.


Or it should have been someone of a high "legend" status that might be at end of their in ring career but has a high enough status to deserve to be the one to end the streak, like HBK, HHH (I know they had 2 goes each but I mean it could have ended in one of those 4 matches, not suggesting one of them gets a 3rd go)...maybe a returning Y2J, Stone Cold or even The Rock wanting a shot at imortality would have been far more acceptable than "Mr. Personailty" [/sarcasm] Brock Lesner







The crowd should have been absolutely pumped for Bryans win but everyone was still in shock at the streak ending. They managed to take away his wrestlemania moment by ending takers streak. If this was th elast mania for him i would have loved to see Bray vs Taker and Bray go over.




Firstly I gotta say this is the first full WWE show (PPV or TV) I have seen since WM29 due to not having Sky Sports anymore, I've known of Bray Wyatt from reading bout whats going on but never seen him in action.


What I saw of him at WM30 vs Cena I thought was excellent and was thinking to myself "Damn this guys character could become as big as Undertakers if he does his job right. Maybe in a year or two this guy should fight Taker and be the one to end the streak.


I don't think it would have any adverse effect on Brays ability to ever turn face afterwards either....not if they treated the character right and played the long game.


My idea was


"WHAT IF..... they had Bray Wyatt vs The Undertaker and had Bray end the streak on his WM debut and not only would Bray beat the streak but would INHERIT it and go on to build his own WM Streak over the next few years"


It wouldn't then be seen as just the ending of a legacy but also a passing of the torch. The WWE writers, Vince and even The Undertaker himself missed out on a golden chance to build towards the future of teh company right there.


MY GODS why am I not a WWE writer!



However, the guy who beat taker at mania will forever be known as the guy who beat the streak. Really hard to make that person a face after that.

Edited by Mokong
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Bray Wyatt was great. Cesaro winning with the Body Slam was amazing. The Hogan-Austin-Rock moment was good. The Legends moments backstage were also good. Even the Divas Battle Royal had a nice finish.


Fuck me. Undertaker. Losing the streak. To Brock Lesnar of all people. Fuck. I kept thinking it was a mistake, that Taker really was knocked out. Jesus. The hell.


At least the moment will make for great gifs.


Daniel Bryan's saga was totally worth it, though. So many times I thought his push was going to die down like so many others', but they pulled through. Triple H managed to pull off an "Evil Boss" storyline and it worked fantastic. Great ending.


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Yeah, I'm with agreement with Mokong here. I wouldn't want the Streak to end but if it HAD to, then not like this and not to Brock of all people. it was such a slow plodding uneventful match, and from what I remember of their matches together nearly ten years ago, they were the same back then too.


I do wonder now what this means for the future of Taker though. I think Taker and Brock will have a rematch at summerslam and then Taker will officially retire/ have his last match at Survivor series, the PPV he debut at.


Edited by Helmsly
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Shocked that Taker Lost, I never thought the streak would end, though Taker seems quite old-school and perhaps he insisted he went out on his sheild.


I think Brock is as good a choice as any. Maybe the descision for Taker to retire was quite a recent one, with the match with Brock already booked and/or alternative opponents already booked with other people. Perhaps Brock was the best option available when the decision was made. I'd have had Cena do it but maybe he wasn't an option.


Yeah they could have given the honour to another younger guy but who would be a credible opponent worthy of such an honour? Maybe Bray but I think Brock is less of a risk and considerably more credible. Maybe Bray's character will run out of steam and we'll be calling him by another name in a couple of years time, then he get's released and fades into wrestling obscurity, it happens. Brock Lesnar is a name people will always remember, he's a legit star and a legit bad ass, he is literally the toughest opponent Taker has ever fought, it's just less of a gamble. Maybe they have big plans for Brock, perhaps the idea is to put more heat on him for future feuds by breaking the streak.


Whatever though, over the years i've learned to enjoy wrestling more just appreciating the matches and cheering my favouites again, rather than getting upset over the backstage machinations.


Happy for Bryan winning the belts, it was a great moment.


I'm sure Bray losing has upset some fans, but I'm happy Cena won. I don't quite get why people like Bray so much but each to their own, clearly many don't get why I like Cena lol.


Cesaro winning the Battle Royal was great, the finish was perfect and the crowd popped accordingly, a great little moment for him.


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Best Mania in years. Fucking loved it from start to finish. It had EVERYTHING.



The only disappointing part was the Taker match and not because he lost, that saved it from being completely dull. Taker needs to retire and I'm glad he lost.


Edited by bryanee
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Just signed up to the WWE Network, sweet. All PPV's for £6 a month, that's a bargain alone. Watching on my PS4 in High Def, time to see for myself the fuss of Mania.


And non-spoilery, just seen Ricardo Rodriguez on the Spanish commentary. He made it to Wrestlemania as well.

Edited by Jimbob
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"WWE.com can confirm that, following last's night historic match with Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker was immediately taken to Ochsner Medical Center. After a CT scan and other medical testing, he was diagnosed with a severe concussion and was kept overnight for further evaluation. He was discharged early Monday afternoon."



@Mokong Well, I have to agree with @pratty here. Brock was as legit a guy as you could have to beat the streak, even if the buildup was a crappy one, not to mention the match itself. Not sure how good it would've been without the concussion. Still, the reports say that the Undertaker has pitched the end of the streak in some previous years as well, so it's not like he was forced to do so or anything. What comes to the other choices, well I have nothing against Bray Wyatt, but I think it would've been too soon for him. I mean Taker has beaten the likes of Shawn Michaels and Triple H, so having a relative newcomer end the streak would've felt a bit out of place I think. Same thing with the Shield, totally a fan, but they're not there yet, still climbing that ladder to real superstardom. It does suck that the match was bad, but what can you do, it is what it is...



Anyway, the Ultimate Warrior confirmed for Raw! Undertaker spotted backstage! It's gonna be aaaaaaaaaaawesome!

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Apparently Vince McMahon missed the main event because he accompanied him to the hospital.


As previously reported, The Undertaker went to the hospital almost immediately after his match at WrestleMania XXX against Brock Lesnar. While we haven't heard anything yet about Undertaker's condition, we can report that Vince McMahon accompanied him to the hospital and actually missed the WrestleMania main event as a result.


Triple H and Stephanie, who got physically involved in the main event, ran the show while Vince was with Undertaker.


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Looking forward to getting home from work and catching up with Raw.


Does anyone know what the sign "Dean Titty Master Ambrose" was in relation too? It's hilarious regardless.


I did a write up on Mania results here if anyone was interested -



Mania was pretty awesome right up to the Cena result, then it was quite slow and depressing up to the Bryan match.

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The best thing I've seen that's come from the Undertaker loss is this...


The Undertaker had never lost at Wrestlemania while Fergie was in charge, as soon as Moyes takes over Undertaker loses!

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The best thing I've seen that's come from the Undertaker loss is this...


The Undertaker had never lost at Wrestlemania while Fergie was in charge, as soon as Moyes takes over Undertaker loses!


Haha. I saw that on twitter. Made me laugh.

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That was one awesome Raw After Mania. I was marking out about Shield so much.


damn, everything was excellent, the only thing I actually skipped was the Ultimate Warrior segment, but I sat through all the rest.


Genuinely wish the crowds were like this on every Raw.

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