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The Wrasslin' thread


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Thats IF Lesnar gets involved in the Taker-Trips match, which from the sounds of the negotiations, it's possible. Team Johnny is most likely slated to win, after all they have recently re-signed Matt Bloom (aka Albert, A-Train) to a deal. The present idea for him is to be Johnnys bodyguard.

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Taker v HHH - taker wins. I don't think he will ever lose his streak HOWEVER I don't think he will get a clean win. Watch shawn michaels interfere first to have the odds evened by someone like Brock lesnar. Taker with all his rage sets up a match against lesnar at next years mania :)





PREDICTION. Rock loses after interference from the returning Brock Lesnar or Batista which sets up a match between them at WM29 to be announced on Monday's Raw.



Thats IF Lesnar gets involved in the Taker-Trips match, which from the sounds of the negotiations, it's possible. Team Johnny is most likely slated to win, after all they have recently re-signed Matt Bloom (aka Albert, A-Train) to a deal. The present idea for him is to be Johnnys bodyguard.



WHAT? Did I miss a press release or something? Where is this coming from? Damn feel like I've just read a spoiler now :heh:


Pissed off that they omitted MitB again as I'm not looking forward to the 12 man tag at all. Apparently, they cancelled it because of Wade Barrett being injured, which is a pretty flimsy excuse. But this was usually the best match on the undercard and having two matches at the summer PPV instead takes the shine off it. Can you imagine them having two Royal Rumble matches for both Raw and SmackDown?


Surely they wouldn't have the MitB at Mania again so long as it has its own PPV, which I agree is silly. It was a lovely extra to the Mania build up and the show. The lack of it is always felt since they dropped it from the Mania card. And having one for each show at a MitB PPV just seems to devalue it a bit.

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there's rumours flying about that both Batista and Lesnar are in Miami today, so people are trying to make guesses as to what matches they would get involved in (if at all)


and the only matches that make sense are the Taker vs HHH one or Rock vs Cena as they usually give the title matches at WM "clean" finishes


oh and if you're so inclined Paddy Power are taking bets on the matches :)

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oh and if you're so inclined Paddy Power are taking bets on the matches :)


Don't bloody tempt me, haha, so far I;ve only ever bet on World Cup matches.... yet I always thought "Pro Wrestling" would be a "no bets taken" thing with bookies....*cough*....*checks odds*

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I didn't care at all for Wrestlemania apart from this match. I went to bed as normal and got my mate to ring me before The Rock Vs Cena came on. I got ready and walked up to his to watch the match.


4 of us there wanted The Great One to win...obviously. We all panicked when Cena caught The Rock when he jumped off the turnbuckle. As soon as The Rock kicked out of that we all knew The Rock was gonna win. When he hit the Rock Bottom we all went nuts and then once the 3 count had been done we all erupted. There was hugging, screaming, laughing and jumping around. It was insane. :D


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End of an era then?




Are they implying end of an era as in, These wrestlers that helped define the attitude era are officially passing the baton over to younger generation of stars?


is this the last time we'll see the phenom and cerebral assassin entertain in the ring?


I Guess going out on a 20-0 streak is good.


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End of an era then?



Are they implying end of an era as in, These wrestlers that helped define the attitude era are officially passing the baton over to younger generation of stars?


is this the last time we'll see the phenom and cerebral assassin entertain in the ring?


I Guess going out on a 20-0 streak is good.


From what i've read


Depending on how things pan out, Taker could have a few more Mania's left. Thats if he wants to continue, but with a 20-0 record i would not be surprised if he called it and retired now. As for Triple H, he's got a deal that gives him less time on the road competing (about 100 days). He'll probably have a few more matches, maybe, before leaving the ring for good.



But overall, it is possibly the end of an era. A great era if you ask me, one that we'll never see again from anyone else.


To be honest, compared to last years Mania with Taker being stretcherd out of the arena, i was expeting Trips to take him out for good. Even after HBK hit the SCM on Taker, i thought the streak was over. Everyone was expecting HBK to get involved, but i sure as heck wasn't expecting Taker to provide the ammo for HBK.


And that photo defines it, that is a Wrestlemania moment. In my years of watching this sport/entertainment, i've never seen Taker walk out with his opponent at Mania before. Shows he does have a mortal side after all.



As for the rest of Mania


The WHC match between Sheamus and Bryan. What a waste of time, all that build-up for absolutly nothing. Should have put it on the pre-show really, 18 seconds is NOT a match. That was worse than last years Edge vs Del Rio match.


Team Teddy vs Team Johnny. It was obvious who was going to win, not a bad match though.


Diva's Match - No comment


Jericho vs CM Punk, well worth it. One of the best matches on the card. Back and fourth, i was sure Jericho was going to take it. This is what you call a PPV-quality title match. Take note next time for the WHC.


Kane vs Orton. A filler really, similar to the WM-18 match when he faced Kurt Angle, was ok i guess. Nothing special really.


Big Show vs Cody. Wasn't expecting Show to win, thought he was above the IC title picture. Nice win for him though, improves his track record.



And now


Awesome match. I'm glad Rock won, nice to see Super Cena finally revell in a loss on the Grand stage. Goes to show the big lion still has it, a very good match done oh so well indeed. Cena should take note, don't go for Rocks moves. 2nd best match on the card i thought.



Overrall, this gets 8.5/10.

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It is true that Undertaker hasn't actually wrestled on tv since last year's Wrestlemania?


I don't follow wrestling as I used to, and truth in fact haven't watched any since last year's Wrestlemania.


If that is true that Taker didn't wrestle in a year, then I guess that surely does show that they're fazing the last of the Attitude era wrestlers out to make room for the newbies.


Also HHH tv time has been cut drastically too hasn't it? Again only from what I've heard from people.



I guess all evidence does point to the fact that even if these guys don't retire, they'll only have limited appearances.


I just hope they don't get caught into the trap of returning every 6 months for figures boosting.


It's like desperation on some occasions from Vinnie Mac.... Bringing Hulkamania back for a 2nd comeback... while it had the fans going fucking nuts, they can't rely on older generation to keep ratings...


I just assume that Taker, HHH, HBK... and even the Rock and perhaps one day 3:16 will all be re-cast into the WWE universe at some points again in the future just to keep fans happy.




I miss the attitude era, Doubt we'll see anything that addictive in WWE again.


and please don't do a 2nd invasion type storyline of TNA lol

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I only watch wrestling when I have time.


World Heavyweight championship. I think it was a very bad decision to have this match ended like this, of course the fans went wild, mostly because they didn't expect it. But this is not only a waste of time but a waste of ability too; from the few matches I've seen of Bryan & Sheamus they are both talented and fully capable of giving a good show. it also degrades the WHC title aswell.


The main reason I wanted to watch mania was for 'Taker|HHH & Rock|Cena' simply put I wasn't disappointed, Rock vs Cena was a really good match. I thought that it wouldn't be able to live up to the year-long-hype. Also having Cena lose will want to make even more people tune in to Raw the next day, just to get his reaction.


'The End of an Era' was an excellent match and IMO I don't think Taker or HHH will wrestle again, simply because of the Title 'End of an Era'...unless of course it's a Triple threat match at WM29 between Taker, HBK & HHH which I highly doubt will ever happen. Y2J|Punk was a fantastic match, I expected nothing less from two very technical and highly skilled wrestlers.


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Thought it was a very good show.


Was completely shocked that Sheamus won so quickly, and thought they really should have had more time.


Kane/Orton and Divas match was just meh. Really can't remember much about them.


I was kind of thinking that Show might win the IC title, just because of the way it was built up. Good to see too, lets see what they do with the title on him.


GM match was what is was, and as soon as Santino hit the cobra and didn't get the win, I knew Team Johnny would win. I wonder if it's not over though.


Punk/Jericho was a great match, back and forth. Thought Jericho would win.


HHH/Taker was what it was billed as. HHH continuing to tell HBK to end it or he will, HBK torn between ending it and letting them go, and even I think torn between who he wanted to win. There were times when it seemed like he could have gone either way and cost someone the win. Great ending. Loved the aftermatch stuff with all the guys appreciation of each other.


Cena/Rock was just a great wrestling match in terms of no run-ins, no ref bumps, no gimmick spots. It just felt great to watch. I thought Cena had done it on that second AA. Seeing the last Rock Bottom and the 1-2-3 was just amazing though.


I love how looking back, I was reading about so many former stars supposedly making run-ins or returning. Maybe they are, and it's being left for RAW, but I wonder if sometimes some of those are just WWE trying to confuse us by putting stories out there.

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It is true that Undertaker hasn't actually wrestled on tv since last year's Wrestlemania?


I don't follow wrestling as I used to, and truth in fact haven't watched any since last year's Wrestlemania.


If that is true that Taker didn't wrestle in a year, then I guess that surely does show that they're fazing the last of the Attitude era wrestlers out to make room for the newbies.


Also HHH tv time has been cut drastically too hasn't it? Again only from what I've heard from people.



I guess all evidence does point to the fact that even if these guys don't retire, they'll only have limited appearances.


I just hope they don't get caught into the trap of returning every 6 months for figures boosting.


It's like desperation on some occasions from Vinnie Mac.... Bringing Hulkamania back for a 2nd comeback... while it had the fans going fucking nuts, they can't rely on older generation to keep ratings...


I just assume that Taker, HHH, HBK... and even the Rock and perhaps one day 3:16 will all be re-cast into the WWE universe at some points again in the future just to keep fans happy.




I miss the attitude era, Doubt we'll see anything that addictive in WWE again.


and please don't do a 2nd invasion type storyline of TNA lol


As far as i am aware, Taker is limiting himself to just Mania and possibly Summerslam/Survivor Series with the odd appearance on TV. You are correct, he hasn't competed since last Mania. Have to give him credit, he is 47 and has 21 years service to WWE with 7 years experience before that in the business.


Triple H is making the transition to office, so wrestling is being faded out for him slowly. He'll still wrestle i believe. And his travel days are limited to 100 days on-road. Basically, he's taking over once Vince decides to leave.


And to confirm, Lesnar has resigned to WWE according to NoDQ, Wrestling News Source and Wikipedia.

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Triple H is making the transition to office, so wrestling is being faded out for him slowly. He'll still wrestle i believe. And his travel days are limited to 100 days on-road. Basically, he's taking over once Vince decides to leave.



Marries a McMahon and takes on the In-laws business. Well played sir.


He'd make a great owner? (not really the word I want) for the WWE and could get as involved as Vince used to do once upon a time ago.

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They need to start re-releasing PPVs. I dont watch wrestling anymore but I would probably buy all the old ones from when I used to. Around 98-03 if I remember right.


The uk distributer of wwes dvd's has a range of called 'Tagged classics' which are old PPV's (normally two PPV's on one dvd) that's worth checking out.



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Raw is rumoured to have a few "year in the making" matches to be announced tonight. There is a rumour that there will be a rock v Cena match at summer slam and a rock v Cena II at WM29. I'd guess for a Lesnar v Taker WM29 match and dear god please a CM Punk v SC Steve Austin match.


I thought last nights WM was saved by HHH v Undertaker which was just an incredible match. I got three results wrong -


Kane v Orton - no feeling to this match at all. I didn't care who won at all.


Show v Rhodes - The only reason for show to win was to let Cody chase the WHC so expect a sheamus v rhodes feud. I would expect Daniel Bryan feud with one of the upcoming FCW stars like Seth Rollins.


CM Punk v Jericho - nice of Jericho to put Punk over but I didn't think the match was that great.



The main event was in my eyes poor. I thought the year long build up was wasted and the show was easily stole by HHH v Undertaker.


Also did you hear the heat Cena got when MGK talked at the end of his song! I was half expecting a full heel turn haha


Raw will be good tonight :D

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Regarding HHH/Taker. The nearfall after Taker took a Sweet Chin Music quickly followed by a Pedigree was amazing, though it was COMPLETELY ruined by Michael Cole yelling "The streak is over, the streak is over" during the count.


I hate when announcers do that as you know it's not really going to be the end of the match.

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