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Weight Loss 2009


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I usually just go along with the target weight it suggests.


Who decided on 9st 5lb? If it was Wii Fit, then maybe


a) it's suggested a lower than normal target to jolt you into action.




b) it's possessed.




c) you've grown a foot since then.

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Hey folk, I was trying crunches about 3 sets for 3 days only to end up with a sore backbone. So I tried some Yoga Asanas like Bhujangasana and also Surya Namaskara, though I have started to see effects!


I will definitely recommend everyone over here to try out for a safe and steady weight loss!

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Woooooooooo lost 3lbs!




I'm now 18st 0.5 (GOD DAMN YOU HALF POUND!!!!)


I'm gonna get one of the weightwatchers pedometers next week and get starting a walking routine.

When I get to 16&1/2 stone i think I may join a gym!


My goal weight at the mo is 13stone. That would take me down and around the 26 mark on my bmi. I think I'll see how it goes from there. I might end up being happy about my weight because I know my body is very decieving (i'm often told i'm not as heavy as the scales claim).


If I was 10 stone (about 20 bmi - what the government reckons you should be) I think I'd look morbidly anoerexic, so they can stuff their bmi recommendations :heh:

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Congrats Raining! :D


I'm gonna get back into using Wii-Fit again tomorrow - I stopped just before the weekend when it annoyed me - will be interesting to see how much weight I put on during the meet weekend, I reckon the chinese meal will at least have helped :heh: meal for two? more like eight lol.

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Congrats Raining! :D


I'm gonna get back into using Wii-Fit again tomorrow - I stopped just before the weekend when it annoyed me - will be interesting to see how much weight I put on during the meet weekend, I reckon the chinese meal will at least have helped :heh: meal for two? more like eight lol.


You can't weight yourself every few days you know, it doesn't work like that. You might go up and down a little during the week so you won't know how much you have lost until the full week is up, you should really do it every 2 weeks.


Also if you are serious about losing weight, you need to do more than Wii Fit...

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You can't weight yourself every few days you know, it doesn't work like that. You might go up and down a little during the week so you won't know how much you have lost until the full week is up, you should really do it every 2 weeks.


Also if you are serious about losing weight, you need to do more than Wii Fit...


he's trying to gain caris

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Ah right, even still most of that post still applies about how often to weigh yourself.


I've already said all this but nevertheless;


weighing daily is just for the purposes of keeping an eye on your progress and if something goes way outta hand then you can action it then, rather than not caring and letting it slide. (like i have done in the past and come back to the scales 6lbs on)


But obviously your weight aint gonna be the same on a day to day basis.. water retention etc.

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Well it's just that before the meet, Wii-Fit told me I'd lost 2lbs so I've boycotted it until tomorrow :heh: I wouldn't have been able to weigh myself over the weekend anyway so it matters not and I still ate pretty well over the weekend... so I wasn't giving up, just forgetting about the weighing for a few days in hope that when I weigh myself tomorrow it'll be up slightly again and I can start weighing daily once more and looking at what else I can do to up my weight a bit. :)

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Well done, Raininnnnng. :D


War and Chaos: Enjoy the gym! I wish I did take before and after pictures, heh. I'm 6 or 7 weeks into it now, so dunno if it's worth it.


Well, I'm knackered at the moment! Really into the swing of things with the gym, and on the whole I feel a lot fitter. I think I've got a good variation of exercises going on, and trying to work myself pretty hard. If anything, I'm probably going a bit too hard, heh.


Got a routine as well at home where I do 3 sets of press-ups, 3 sets of abdominal crunches and 3 sets of reverse crunches daily. Need to work at this stomach fat.

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Woooooooooo lost 3lbs!




I'm now 18st 0.5 (GOD DAMN YOU HALF POUND!!!!)


I'm gonna get one of the weightwatchers pedometers next week and get starting a walking routine.

When I get to 16&1/2 stone i think I may join a gym!


My goal weight at the mo is 13stone. That would take me down and around the 26 mark on my bmi. I think I'll see how it goes from there. I might end up being happy about my weight because I know my body is very decieving (i'm often told i'm not as heavy as the scales claim).


If I was 10 stone (about 20 bmi - what the government reckons you should be) I think I'd look morbidly anoerexic, so they can stuff their bmi recommendations :heh:

BMI is hardly useful, theres too many factors ignored.

Physical build, muscle mass, body fat%, gender.

I mean it may be right for some people, but others its a load of crap.


Your doing amazingly well, i assumed you were going to the gym.

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BMI is hardly useful


It's useful as a guide at least but nothing more... all I know is that from mine it says I'm underweight which is correct and it's useful to know roughly how much I would need to put on to be considered a 'healthy' weight.


With that said though it still pisses me off... *considers boycotting Wii Fit for a few days again* :p don't worry though, I won't... I'll keep using it, for now...

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Loaded up Wii Fit today... another 4lbs lost... :/ I'm not gonna give up but it seems I'm gonna need to seriously think of more ways that I can put some weight on.


Wow. One day you'll step on the board and the screen will continue to flash "Please Stand on the Wii Balance Board".


Maybe I've missed some of your earlier posts describing a wasting condition you have?

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BMI is hardly useful, theres too many factors ignored.

Physical build, muscle mass, body fat%, gender.

I mean it may be right for some people, but others its a load of crap.


Your doing amazingly well, i assumed you were going to the gym.


as theyve already said (and so did i) bmi isnt always accurate. I think my legs are filled with lead tbh :heh:


Neh I'm not going to the gym at the mo, cant really. Yeah I'm not massively fit or anything (although I do walk quite a bit due to not having a car) but I'm not physcially able to do anything with my arthritis being so bad.


When it was moderate, I could do 30 minutes in the gym at a push. Now I doubt I could do 10.


Its really frustrating and I miss the days when (despite being unfit) I could push myself at the gym for an hour or more.

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I've got a month until I go on holiday, and because my stomach is refusing to leave I'm refusing to fill it more than twice a day. Once in the morning once in the evening. But I think I need to take up jogging again. Much more effective than just weight training alone which is what I've been doing.

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I've got a month until I go on holiday, and because my stomach is refusing to leave I'm refusing to fill it more than twice a day. Once in the morning once in the evening. But I think I need to take up jogging again. Much more effective than just weight training alone which is what I've been doing.


Little and often is far better than two larger meals spaced far apart. Your body will go into lockdown starvation mode.

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I'm just in it for the short term advantages really. I'm pretty much breaking all the rules I've ever had for training but I've experienced the short term effect before. And tend to supplement food with liquids so have relatively enough to last me throughout the day. I normally take an early lunch and don't feel the need to eat until around 6pm.

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