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What Would You Call Your Spawnlings?


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Nathan Hammer Tulley Reynolds [surname] sounds like a good name. I feel like my children should have multiple middle names to account for my lack of any.


Im sure Nathan Fillion would be proud. Although you need a Johnny Donnelly reference in there too :p


I've decided I like the name 'Craigh'. To me it just looks like it needs a 'h' at the end, so I've decided it has. Now to have me some babies!

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You serious? Goddamn is a whores name.


Haha, genius. Though why must you hate on my career path of choice for my daughter? It's a profession, sort of!

I jest, that'd be horrible, and if I ever had a daughter and found out anything of the like was happening, well...I'd remember this moment and curse myself. Then curse her. Alot. Damn kids, making us care and all!

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I was browsing through one of my mum/sister's celebrity magasines, and found out Pete Wentz and Ashlee Simpson (their son will be musically adept..) is called Bronx Mowgli.


Bronx could be interestingly good on it's own, but tacking on Mowgli? It was hardly a nice name in the context of the Jungle Book, but out of it...agh.

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Bronx could be interestingly good on it's own, but tacking on Mowgli? It was hardly a nice name in the context of the Jungle Book, but out of it...agh.


Yeah thats the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.


Mowgli is just....the most stupid name ever. Honestly it really is.

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People, think of the children! Some of those names would get your offspring a one way ticket to a lifetime of bullying. You're almost following the celeb trend. You don't have to go to extremes to pick an original name. :heh:


Yes! That's why a nice simple name like Vasquez will do nicely!

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Yeah bullying is an unfortunate part of life that we all go through. No matter how boring a name you give your child, how much you look after them, the cost you pay for the top notch private school they're still going to get bullied. But it builds resiliance eh?

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I'd say so. In some form from someone; classmates, siblings, teachers, bosses. Everyone gets bullied.


So, you're basing it on what goes on in the workplace. Notice how you said classmates, teachers and bosses.


It depends what you see bullying as. Does it make you tougher? I wouldn't say that was a given, because it could have the opposite effect. It only makes you tougher if you can cope with it or take it.

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That's just a direct lie. I've never been bullied in my life. People being nice to you could possibly make you "weak" in a sense, but I also believe it could make you "strong". It gives you confidence. I think it mainly depends on how aware you are of the realities of real life. If you think the world is a sweet and happy place, you're definitely in for an abrupt shock. But even though you've never been bullied, you can still be very aware of the world's harsh reality.


Besides, even if bullying is an inevitable part of life, why on earth make it easier for the bullies?

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I'm just saying I'd prefer my child had a lovely unique name, and got teased for it, than having a boring plain-jane name.

I guess it's a fair choice, but you have a responsibility of teaching your kid to cope with bullying.


There's a difference between teasing and bullying, though. Teasing is quite common and is rarely too serious. Bullying is continuous teasing directed at a single individual and can easily break a person mentally.

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Funny you mention that, one of the kids I teach is called "Unique."


Also, I teach about 3 girls in one class with the name of Charlotte, and one called Charley. Drives me bluddy insane. "Charlotte! No...the other one....no...not you either!"


Although, sometimes the "plain" names are just nice and simple. Besides, all a name is is just something you refer to that person as. You could have an awesome name, but if it doesn't really "fit" the personality, then I guess it doesn't count for much. Just like if you had the name Jack but was the most popular kid in school. Although, I guess it would be easier to remember a "different name."


I need chocolate.

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So, you're basing it on what goes on in the workplace. Notice how you said classmates, teachers and bosses.




There's a difference between teasing and bullying, though. Teasing is quite common and is rarely too serious. Bullying is continuous teasing directed at a single individual and can easily break a person mentally.


Perhaps I was blurring the two. Teasing can still have an effect.


That's just a direct lie. I've never been bullied in my life.


Sorry for directly lying outright about my opinion that was patently just a lie as I'm a sinister evildoer who enjoys lying.

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