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Now, they say that all the exciting things happen around Christmas time. Sometimes, these are not always good things. There definitely wasn't any magic in the world today!


So, I wake up, at midday. I wake up, thinking of animals playing in the fields, and people linking hands and happily skipping to choons by the Beatles. Then, I wander downstairs, and I play some Fifa. After beating Arsenal in extra-time, today is lining up to be a pretty sweet day.


I leave the house, and buy a huuuuge chicken for me and my friend, who will be cooking Christmas Dinner for us tomorrow (SCORE!). So, I purchase the chicken, and off I go, skipping back to my house. I let myself in. That was the last time that I saw my housekeys alive.


I meet my friend in town, and we get the rest of our Christmas shopping sorted (food-wise). It turns out that she had lost my main present, having only bought it a few hours ago, so she panics. I try and calm her down, and say that these things happen.


We call for a taxi, and take the food to her place, and she rushes off to town to buy the same item that she bought for me hours before. I start to walk home, and think about my dinner tonight. On the way home, I stop off at the shops and buy myself some coke, as I thought I'd treat myself tonight. I skip home, singing the songs of Oasis (Some Might Say to be exact, which is FUCKING IRONIC given the story... "Some Might Say that we will find a brighter day..."


I arrive at the front door, still singing. I reach into my pockets...bank card...phone...receipts...tissues...loose change...plectrum. (Alright, I carry a load of shit in my pocket.)


Keys...where the fuck are my keys?


Looking back on it, it must have been a pure comedy moment. Gradually, the singing gets quieter and more sparse. Then, it stops, and I let out a NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. So, I look through my bags, to see if I put it there by mistake. Nope. I look through my coat pockets, although I never put anything there. Nothing.


I look at our house. All the windows are shut. All the doors are locked. So, I put my hand through the letterbox, and try to reach the handle. Nope, arms too big. Damn my man-muscle!


Then, I remember a story my music teacher told me in school, where he got locked out of the house. He basically kicked the bottom corner of the door, and then it swung open and he just walked in. Weakest part of the door.


Nope, because knowing me I'd make a hash of it and fuck up the door. I call my housemates, for my landlords number. One of my housemate's is in Germany. The other doesn't answer. I get through to one of the girls. Although, this is useless, as my landlord is on holiday in Australia...you can't write this shit.


So, I ask if she has any other details, like he gave us any emergency contact number, of somebody else. But, that is written on the whiteboard in our kitchen...IN THE HOUSE I'M TRYING TO GET IN.


She texts me all these numbers to ring. My landlord's mobile number, our letting agency, a few others. All go to answerphone. Obviously they've stopped working for Christmas.


I suggest that maybe I need to ring a locksmith. My housemate agrees, and I ring up 118188, explain my story, and I get a number to ring. No answer...


I ring up 188188 again. I get through to another locksmith, the second time around. He tells me that he'll let me get into the house, but I can't have a spare key, they don't do that. At this point I'm thinking "Fiiine, I just wanna get into my house. Maybe my keys are inside."


So, I agree. I ask him how much he'll charge me. His answer: 95 quid...Ninety Five Fucking Quid! I could've cried.


The minutes tick by, and my housemates ring back to see how I'm getting on. I fill them in, and luckily it helps the time pass quite quickly. Although, by the time the man arrives, I've been waiting there for almost two hours.


Out of his van he gets. Walks up to me with his tool box. Then, he takes some thin-rope-type-thing out of his box, feeds it through the letterbox, and pulls down the handle. The door swings open...


That's it?! That's fucking it?! 95 fucking quid for that? Oh, mama. I rush inside, just happy to be there, and hunt around for my keys. Nowhere to be seen. Then, thank Heavens, one of my housemates has left behind his set in his bedroom. So, that's my adopted set from now on.


If you find my keys, please return them to me. I'm lost without them.


So...what horrendous Christmas stories do you have?


(By the way, my hands are still cold from the cold, so apologies if this wasn't the most exciting story ever.)


haha oh dear Flinky that's a story and a half!


My christmas eve started pretty awesome, I got up, dressed the usual crap and finally got to drive around in my car, poor bettsy! Grabbed a new belt I desperately needed (my other was fucking useless) and fable 2.


Got home finally content now that I have an xbox and fable 2...waited years, only to accidently knock my xbox...with the cd inside...now nobody warned me that this burns the cd making it completely useless and scratched..


Luckily my parents..although somewhat annoyed parents went and exchanged it for me whilst I prepared to kick my bedroom door down!


Fun times.


Flinky I also tend to carry alot with me. Ignoring the face I have a bag which has most of everything I'll ever need...and more just meerely on my person I have two pairs of fingerless gloves, phone, vaseline (for lips), train tickets, railpass, receipts, ipod, wallet and loose change.


Anyway sorry to hear about all the crap Flink. Hopefully tomorrow shall make up for it, someone is cooking you dinner afterall, can't complain ;)


And this christmas eve has been alright. Only christmas eve drama story I can think of is last Christmas. I was left in charge of the store and we had arranged to go to the pub after we finish at 5. We shut at 4 to give us an hour of sale prep but staff who were off that day started turning up so everyone started pissing around so I shouted. "Fine, if you all want to fuck around then we'll be here til God knows. I'm the one with the money [what little money the company gave us] and the keys to get out of here so you ain't going anywhere. But I'm going upstairs. When you've finished doing your fucking jobs come get me." (then of course because its me I actually left the keys downstairs and had a little panic that I'd lost them ^_^)


WOW, that's an awful story, i feel sorry for you :(


Well, nothing special to tell, specially after the previous story :P.


I'm going at a dinner with my family, i'l stay for the entire night and most of the next day away, but there is one computer there, so i might get lucky and someone lets me in.


I received a new computer, my other one was 3 years old, this one costed about 1000 euros (950 Pounds) together with the Keyboard, Columns, etc, and i'm using it already to download Spore, Adobe Photoshop CSS 4, Sony Vegas and the films i have yet to see that seem awesome (Fight Club, Matrix Trilogy, Terminator Trilogy, LOTR Trilogy, Star Wars originaly Trilogy)


Well, if I ever have to buy you a present I'll know what to get you, Flink: a wallet. Or a thin spool of wire.


The most exciting thing to happen to me today was having a nice conversation with a guy at the ticket machine when I was parking my car. I'm expecting Hollywood to call at any moment.


I worked 9-2, went to marks n spencer and got a lovely lunch (my god the town was packed!)


Wake was on today, I didn't go, they probably wanted it to just be close family, and i'm not really directly related


Merry Christmas Flink! (Sorry)


I'm abit over protective with my keys, i have 'Mad key panicks' (Which i've named myself) throughout the day. Basically i get a feeling i've lost my keys and start patting every pocket to find them, they're always where i've left them, but you never know.

Merry Christmas Flink! (Sorry)


I'm abit over protective with my keys, i have 'Mad key panicks' (Which i've named myself) throughout the day. Basically i get a feeling i've lost my keys and start patting every pocket to find them, they're always where i've left them, but you never know.


I'm exactly the same. I always get this mini adrenaline rush when I do, t'is very weird but funny! I look like I'm playing the bongos on my legs and arse!

Sure it must have been annoying, but it's hardly that big a deal!.. you lost your key!


Merry Christmas Flink! (Sorry)


My christmas eve has been practically perfect in every way.


Eat shit! :(


I'm usually so good with my keys. I take them everywhere with me, and I've always got a fear of losing things, so sometimes I do keep one hand in my pocket and just hold it whilst I walk (my keys, you sickos!).


I have the same four items on me all the time. Phone, Keys, I.D. and Bank Card. I've lost my bank card and my keys in the space of two weeks.


Also, I've always wanted a wallet...but thought I'd be fucked if I ever lost it.

I ring up 118188, explain my story, and I get a number to ring.


118 188? New one to me. No wonder you didn't get any help there.


I ring up 188188 again.


188 188 this time? Again, not one I'm familiar, perhaps its for dodgy blokes hence the £95.



I jest. I jest you at xmas.


Hope the rest of this period is well for you. :)


That's ridiculous Flink, 95 pound for that?! Sorry to hear you've had a shit run of things, but keep your chin up, think positive and it'll all work itself out! Found the keys yet btw?


Eat shit! :(


I'm usually so good with my keys. I take them everywhere with me, and I've always got a fear of losing things, so sometimes I do keep one hand in my pocket and just hold it whilst I walk (my keys, you sickos!).


I have the same four items on me all the time. Phone, Keys, I.D. and Bank Card. I've lost my bank card and my keys in the space of two weeks.


Also, I've always wanted a wallet...but thought I'd be fucked if I ever lost it.


How true! As some may know, I had a really shit few days Friday&Saturday. Go out Friday, all niceness seeing old friends and drinking, chilling at my mate's/falling asleep there after, planned for him to come round the same day to watch Waking Life with me. At one point, he asks if I have a penny, I look into my pocket for my wallet...gone!


Now, I was crushed, I NEVER lose my wallet! Though tbh I took it much better than I used to, I wasn't angry, I knew it was gone and emotion wouldn't do much good. I didn't sell off my plans either, I still had him round for the film, though we was both knackered and falling asleep. Though we had to make stops on the way, and I had to spend time ringing numbers(the first of which I tried was the bus garage, but didn't get through) then I went and checked/reported it at police station, and cancelled my cards. I was also due to the pub that night, old school catchup drink, which I went to, rather moneyless(though taken a £100 loan from my dad since). It was even more mocking cos I came home to a payslip, knowing there's fucking money in an account I can't touch!


Nice evening, but knowing I've lost...£10 in the wallet, and about £30 in cost of replacing ID/YPRC, and knowing I've no access to money whilst needing to do xmas shopping still, not so cool. After the pub some dicks started on us too and I got smacked in the face, though thankfully I was either too drunk or he was too weak for it to make much impact. Thoroughly crap few days, especially cos I didn't think I'd be able to go to the meetup, due to lack of funds and ID! I find a slight amusing irony that I wasn't carrying my 'lucky' chip on either of these days.


Sunday was a mediocre old day, we feeling rough and hungover, quite non eventful(cept I finally tidied my room, and I found my lucky chip on the floor). Monday, woke up, did stuff my mum wanted done, spent all morning deliberating over N-E Meetupage, then tried ringing the bus garage, got through, soem guy told me to try back half hour later, I left it an hour or two. Decided to try just before leavin for meetup(found my old old ID, where I look like a 12 year old terrorist) and some woman says she has a wallet that might be mine but she won't tell me over the phone I have to go see and then we'll know, so I went to the bus garage, rather annoying stuck in tons of xmas traffic and making me even later for the meetup BUT....when I eventually get to the bus garage and find my way in...it's my wallet! Yay! It even still had money in it, I was amazed and impressed with SE london :D


Then I took myself off the to N-E meet, confused pocketwise due to my two wallets, but had a thoroughly good time there then went to my mate's place on the way home, which was a very nice evening, though I accidentally fell asleep there when I needed to be back for 12 on tuesday, due to brawlings. I made it all back in time though, and everything was good again, cept I still can't get to my monies in the bank! I did an emergency withdrawal yesterday with my card and ID(which ironically was just in my wallet, so anyone who had it and looked like me could have done the same?!) cos they really didn't do much security checks behind the counter, though my emergency withdrawal was for £100 I now lent my mate, who's in his overdraft and doesn't want his parents to know lol.


My point of all this? Well, maybe I just got lucky, but Monday on has been a throughly good relief from the shit two days I had, and maybe...just maybe, I'm hoping it was due to some Christmas Magics, though I feel bad now, because you didn't get any, I wish I could have given you some of mine! But who knows, you might find some yet!!



Rather ironically, I've just discovered I've lost my fucking bag from last night, and it had my book from the library in it as well as a present book for someone!


I haven't really got an interesting story to tell about my Christmas Eve. It went by pretty much like it always does. Food, singing, present-opening, relaxation. I did read Lucas chapter 2 (which is common at Christmas time in Denmark - dunno about elsewhere), though I read it in Ancient Greek which we had done earlier this year in class.

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