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Has 2008 been a disappointing year for gaming?

Guest Jordan

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I was talking to some people from N-E on Gears about this the other day. I think i agree with Jordan to a point, this year could of been so much more. Fable, Mirrors Edge, Far Cry and other games just didn't live up to the hype in my eyes. Don't get me wrong they were all good solid games, but this year could have been so much more. MGS4 or GTAIV for GOTY though.

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It's been a truly odd year gaming wise. There were tons of decent games come out but I either didn't buy them either because of being overloaded at points (ie. Fallout 3, GoW2, and Wrath of the Lich King came out really close) or finances. And then the most of the games I did buy I was disappointed with, ie. Mario Kart Wii and GTA IV (the hype machine ruined it).


Having just thought about it, I barely bought any games this year...It must be a record low. Personal highlights must be Wii Fit and Rock Band/Rock Band 22.

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Disappointing? LOL


GTA IV, Persona 4, LittleBigPlanet, Gears of War 2, Smash Bros. Brawl, Wow: Lich King, Fallout 3, MGS4, World of Goo, Braid, Chrono Trigger DS, Rock Band 2...


The best year in gaming since 1998.


(Mirror's Edge was shit though)


What? Mirrors Egde is awesome game. :D

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I think it's been a good year. In the last 2 years I've really started to enjoy games a lot more again.

I played the hell out of Geo Wars 2, been enjoying Viva Pinata 2 and Banjo, and I think Fable 2 was one of my favourite games. Then obviously Burnout and GTA4 were out this year.


I also thought Boom Blox, De Blob, Unreal Tournament 3, and LittleBigPlanet were all pretty fantastic games as well.

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Mirror's Edge = Disappointing. Whilst fun when everything was "flowing" the sheer frustration, terrible collision detection and combat was god awful and so annoying!
The collision detection in Mirror's Edge is not terrible, it's perfect. So perfect that some people just can't seem to do it, they expect to be forgiven for being 'close' and allowed to continue, instead of just being more precise. But yeah, the combat was badly made, by the time I'd finished it once and started again, it was fine, but on the first run through it was one of the most frustrating gaming moments ever.


But I've really enjoyed this year, GTA IV, Fable 2, Rock Band, Castle Crashers, BC:Rearmed, Pure and Devil May Cry 4 are standout titles for me.


I didn't buy a single Wii game in 2008.

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For me, all my gaming has been done on the 360 and the DS, mainly because those are the only current gen consoles I have.


I've only bought a couple of excellent games this year that were released this year. Fable 2, The World Ends With You, Elite Beat Agents and Professor Layton being my four favourite games this year.


Mind you, I still play Halo 3 online more than any other game, simply for the fact that it is so customisable and so many people own it.

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The collision detection in Mirror's Edge is not terrible, it's perfect. So perfect that some people just can't seem to do it, they expect to be forgiven for being 'close' and allowed to continue, instead of just being more precise. But yeah, the combat was badly made, by the time I'd finished it once and started again, it was fine, but on the first run through it was one of the most frustrating gaming moments ever.


But I've really enjoyed this year, GTA IV, Fable 2, Rock Band, Castle Crashers, BC:Rearmed, Pure and Devil May Cry 4 are standout titles for me.


I didn't buy a single Wii game in 2008.


You really should have bought Boom Blox. It's excellent.

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There has been lots of outstanding games this year, but there has not been any incredible ones. Last year, CoD4 brought Halo 3 to its knees with its extremely popular multiplayer. It easily won GotY, and is still being played on Live and PSN by thousands every day. There has been nothing like that this year.


*Looks at PS3 collection*


Out of all my games, (20+) I can honestly say only CoD4 will keep me coming back time and time again (and maybe Rock Band)

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There has been lots of outstanding games this year, but there has not been any incredible ones. Last year, CoD4 brought Halo 3 to its knees with its extremely popular multiplayer. It easily won GotY, and is still being played on Live and PSN by thousands every day. There has been nothing like that this year.


Killzone 2 beta :santa: Killzone will be the new daddy of multiplayer fps.






Over 70 hours.


Mario Kart Wii is good too.

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There has been lots of outstanding games this year, but there has not been any incredible ones. Last year, CoD4 brought Halo 3 to its knees with its extremely popular multiplayer. It easily won GotY, and is still being played on Live and PSN by thousands every day. There has been nothing like that this year.


*Looks at PS3 collection*


Out of all my games, (20+) I can honestly say only CoD4 will keep me coming back time and time again (and maybe Rock Band)


cod4 was OK, but Halo was still the daddy. Gears 2 is the first real alternative game that's grabbed my interest online from Halo. CoD was too easy, I felt.

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I've not enjoyed many games this year really. Played plenty, but i can really see where Jordan is coming from. Team Fortress 2 keeps pulling me back in despite being a year old and NOTHING has kept me away from it yet.


Fable 2 was awesome as is Left 4 Dead. Gears 2 and GTAIV were disappointing and i've still not played anything on Wii that has kept me entertained for more than 5 minutes. Little Big Planet is the only game left that i really want to play from this year, it looks stunning!


I've been entertained this year, i've just not been blown away. 2009 is looking up though, Empire: Total War and Street Fighter IV at the start of the year! :yay:

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MGS4 all the way. It is phenomenal. I'd never even played any MGS games until a month before.


LBP was great but...There were too few story levels. User created content is great and all but giving Sackboy a background story would have been nice.

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A poor year for gaming?!


Hmm well i haven't really touched my Wii this year so in that sense i've been disappointed, but I recieved my lovely 360 in June and it's been great to me. Going back and buying Halo 3, CoD4 and Bioshock (all 2007 games) made the nights fly by, and then we've had Braid (GOTY for me), GTA IV (flawed masterpiece sums it up well), Fallout 3, Fable II, Far Cry 2, Left 4 Dead, Gears, Bionic Commando, SSFII:HDTR, Megaman 9, Lego Batman....


I mean god my poor wallet! I can barely afford half of those...the first gears was just amazing and I haven't even had a chance to pick up the sequel :(

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Seriously, wtf?? A dissapointing year for gaming? I was just thinking how this year will go down as one of the best years of gaming, for me. We've had such a relentless cavalcade of outstanding titles the last few monnths, many of us have struggled to complete or play them all. I think we've been spoilt for choice (certainly as multiplatform gamers), and I just can't comprehend how this year could have been dissapointing...

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