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Metal Gear Touch


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I reckon it is going to be an Ac!d title...wouldn't surprise me if it hit home consoles finally...there have been rumours in the past..


Personally I think Dante is right Ac!d game coming to the iphone...it would make sense as Ac!d recently went to mobile phones, seems a simple transition.

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I'm going to concur and say it's another Ac!d game. But I won't say for which platform. The i at the beginning of it would seem to suggest that it would be the iPhone but it does seem very obvious to have it as that. Any news on when we find out? I'm guessing it won't be till the new year.

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Wii ports of MGS2 and 3.

An all new multi-platform (Wii, 360, PS3, PC) MG game.

A new MG for the DD services of all consoles (including the iPhone/iPod Touch and DSi) but perhaps not a 2D one. Maybe something more like phantom hourglass.

An all new MG game for one of the 3 consoles.


I don't see how the power icon automatically means 360. Its a universal icon. The green perhaps could. But its possibly just the colour they decided to use. Green could possibly have just been the best colour.

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