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I need to Write a letter to a dear friend and confess some things, I need to reply to an email about a broken headset, and I need to change the bed lining.

I think I'm gonna post here when I finally do it :P


So my guess is that everyone of you is Procrastinating something right now.

What is it?

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For me it's shaving.


I need to shave. I've let my facial hair just grow and now I've got a full-blown bumfluff beard. A beard does not fit me at all, I like my face smooth, but I just can't be arsed to pick up a razor and shave. :blank:

I'm doing something like that, but I'm also feeling a change of image. Letting my hair grow and my pr0 beard to finally reveal itself.


That's right. Tonight N-E, I'm going to be... Jayseven.

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Same here, i'm a very bad procrastinator. I cant work unless there is a little stress involved. It is annoying though becauce you know it would be better to get things out of the way early, you just cant convince yourself to agree with yourself! People who are organised, like my g/f for instance, don't particularly like it either. They dont understand, they think its laziness but thats just not the case :p

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Ive been meaning to make this thread but kept putting it off.


Genius. As for me, procrastination is like my main occupation in life. It's amazing though, I can do amazing things whilst I'm procrastinating. I once, instead of doing my ICT excel project, created a badass spreadsheet to calculate my pay, which served me all through my old job. I once did a paintjob on a gamecube, turning it entirely gold, from which I learnt Gamecubes are a bitch to take apart. I did that this year instead of my dissertation. Last year instead of revising for exams as much as I should have, I learnt to solve rubik's cubes in less than 5 minutes. I could probably run a small nation, if I wasn't supposed to be doing that at the time.


And at the moment? I've been meaning to apply for a job for like a month, but can't bring myself to actually write a proper up to date CV and a cover letter for it. I did some of the CV on monday night, but that's only cos I was at work and probably should have been doing something else. It's also taken me about 20 minutes to write this post.

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Ditto shorty (and EEVIL, by default I guess...) I'm putting off doing my washing, shaving, getting a haircut, getting a job, doing my essay, tidying my room, calling my parents, christmas shopping, fixing my hearing aid, checking if the doctor's have the results of a blood test, booking an opticians, booking a dentists, arranging gig outings, going food shopping, writing a letter to a good french-canadian friend of mine that i promised to do like six months ago... then on a smaller scale, it's getting up and getting dressed and eating every day.



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Why am I the only looser who doesn't do this (much)?! It's a rare occasion me putting something off, I always do things too early and then don't chill when Iv'e done eveythin!! That's uni work tho and Lush stuff, but I guess I do sometimes with house work, I'm a student, if it wasn't messy I'd be too weird!!

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