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Guest Captain Falcon
Never had any problem with delay in TP or Okami. I wouldn't use CC, pointing+IR=win


Really? When playing TP at least, got Okami on PS2, I always have to anticipate when I want to strike and flick the remote just before to time it correctly - since I don't actually use the widescreen function or the IR for aiming, I'd probably have been better with the GC version now I'm just thinking about it.

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Old infomation?




Square Enix

Pollux Engine


Blood of Bahamut



Dekoboko Motors


Galileo Factory


Brick Block Clock


Shining Force Gear


Soft Darts - Japan Tournament









Doka! Doka!


Forgotten Worlds


Noise Kaizou Gear


AQ Interactive



Bandai Namco



Ultimate Destruction Machine Gun Game


Odoru!! Shirokuma Panda


Hiru Dora




Hinkaku UP Jutsu


Project iM@S - Intermedia Artists and Specialists


Family Beach


Of particular note is Shining Force Gear, especially considering one of the team working on the Wii game let slip of its existence a few months back on his personal Japanese blog, then tried to stop people from spreading it as news (hence it barely being reported on anywhere). The game is heading to Wii, following the release of the Flight-Plan developed Shining Force Feather on Nintendo DS.


Also on there is Pollux Engine, which is the engine powering the DS-Wii link-up RPG Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time, due in January 2009, plus another one under the moniker 'Blood of Bahamut appears on the list. Whilst this could very well be a brand new game, or a subtitle for something like a new Final Fantasy XI chapter, it could also be linked with the previously Japan-only SNES strategy RPG Bahamut Lagoon. Considering the wealth of remakes that have already hit the DS, such as Final Fantasy IV, Chrono Trigger, Front Mission 1st and the Dragon Quest games, a re-imagining of Bahamut Lagoon certainly would not be out of the question. Time will tell, though...


Elsewhere on the list, Solvalou was the third in the Xevious series and could perhaps be being readied for a rebirth similar to Gradius on WiiWare, Family Beach is obviously a continuation of the very popular 'Family' range that has seen Family Baseball, Family Jockey, Family Ski and Family Trainer released in Japan so far, and Forgotten Worlds is Capcom's side-scrolling shooter from 1988, which again may well be revitalised on WiiWare!


Be sure to cast an eye over the list and share your thoughts on what the products could turn out to be...

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We'll see. I just think the Wii is simply getting too big for them not to. All it will take is a couple of big 3rd party "core" games to sell well - Madworld and Conduit will be the first of the batch. It's stuff like pro Evo, Ghostbusters etc. Like Guitar Hero, Rock Band and Shaun White etc. The more these sell well on the Wii, slowly development will shift over. We'll see.

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Really? When playing TP at least, got Okami on PS2, I always have to anticipate when I want to strike and flick the remote just before to time it correctly - since I don't actually use the widescreen function or the IR for aiming, I'd probably have been better with the GC version now I'm just thinking about it.

You don't use IR aiming? Jesus!

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Guest Captain Falcon
You don't use IR aiming? Jesus!


I don't like having to have that annoying fairy on screen on the time telling me to point at the screen - plus I find my aim with the analogue stick is pretty sharp as it is. The IR is probably quicker, but I never found it as accurate and since most use of the projectiles is done through Z-targeting, I don't think there's that much call for it.


If I need to aim at something that is far away, and thus out of Z-T range, I'll take precision over speed.

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I don't like having to have that annoying fairy on screen on the time telling me to point at the screen - plus I find my aim with the analogue stick is pretty sharp as it is. The IR is probably quicker, but I never found it as accurate and since most use of the projectiles is done through Z-targeting, I don't think there's that much call for it.


If I need to aim at something that is far away, and thus out of Z-T range, I'll take precision over speed.

I'm usually not aiming at the screen when I don't need to, so the fairy never appears and I prefer precision and speed which is exactly what the IR pointing gives me :P

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Ive just watched this myself. I was happy DeBlob got mentioned, that game deserved to sell through the roof.
Yeah I agree!


I just the other day ordered Zack & Wiki and Boom Blox for the holidays so I feel I'm doing my bit, and De Blob is more than likely the next game I'll be getting after those.


At least Boom Blox met sales expectations though [and we're getting a sequel], as did Zack & Wiki I think.

Anyone know how De Blob got on sales wise?

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I think De Blob has been selling very well actually! Which is great to hear.


De Blob and Zack and Wicki are to of my favourite games of the year. (I LOVED Boom Blox, but it didn't grab me in the same way, and I haven't played as much of it)


I want to get a wireless keyboard for the Wii. Does anyone know the cheapest and best one to use?


Anyone know what this one's like - http://www.play.com/Games/Wii/4-/6614942/Logitech-Cordless-Keyboard-for-Wii/Product.html


Just to say I bought this and think it's brilliant. Looks and feels great and makes Wii (and Animal Crossing) life so much easier!

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Do Nintendo sell replacements for the white plastic flap that cover the gamecube controller ports for the Wii, mines cracked. Also the clear plastic circular stand that goes under the grey stand too as I lost mine.


Mines also cracked and has come completly off :(


Looks crap :(

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Do Nintendo sell replacements for the white plastic flap that covers the gamecube controller ports for the Wii, mines cracked. Also the clear plastic circular stand that goes under the grey stand too as I lost mine.


Nintendo themselves sell replacements, look at their online store.

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With Animal Crossing only taking up a couple hours a day I have decided to start playing through some of the games I picked up recently. I wanted to to play something fun and light hearted so I started Order Up! I will post my impressions in here as it would be pointless starting a topic as there would probably just be me in it.




For those of your who dont know about the game or havent even heard of it ( I imagine thats a few of you ) Order Up! is a cooking game. Now before you all go running for the hills let me explain what you do in the game.


You start the game as a chef looking for a job and you get hired by a burger company a bit like Mcdonalds. This serves as a tutorial of the basic moves and actions you will be perforimg with the wiimote in the game. The guy teaching you is alot like that spotty kid off the Simpsons who works in Krusty Burger, he even sounds a little like him :)


Once you have done the training you realise you are getting paid pennies so you go out to look for your own business. Luckly for you a diner is for sale so you quickly snap it up. This little scene is done via cutscene with some basic but very charming graphics.


Now that you have your own place the main objective is to get a good reputation for your resteraunt and get it from a 1 star establishment to a 5 star one. So how do you go about doing that then? You do this by cleaning up your kitchen, buying new recipes, cooking equipment, special meals and eventually impressing the food critics by cooking them a meal. All of that comes at a price though so you have to start scraping some cash together.


To make money you have to cook meals for people who come into your diner but its not a simple make a meal and then another one, there are many factors you have to consider.


Say you get 2 people coming into your diner, the waitress will take their order and then place the tickets next to your cooker. You click on each ticket to see what they want and then you can go about cooking it. Each of the meals is broken into sections so say you need to make a sandwich for someone you will have to butter the bread, then slice the tomato and grate the cheese. Now while you are doing this your customers are waiting and are getting impatient and this is where things get hectic and the game really comes to life.


As the game progress and starts to get harder you have to learn to multitask. So again say you have 2 orders, one a sandwich another a burger and fries, you can start by putting the fries in the fryer as they take a while to cook. Then you can put a burger on the grill, again this takes a while to do and meanwhile as they are cooking away you can butter the bread for the sandwich etc. This will help you make the meals quicker which will net you more customers. Oh and dont think you can take it one meal at a time either.


You see when you finish a meal a bar appears above it as it sits on the counter and this is to indicate the temperature of the meal. If you finish a meal and place it on the counter you can then press the bell to signal the waitress to come and collect the goods for the customer but when you have 2 meals or more being cooked you must have all the orders ready before the waitress will pick it up! If you finish one meal you better get a move on to finish the 2nd because as the temperature lowers so does your tips percentage!


If this all seems a little too much then fear not as you can hire some help! Thats right this isnt a solo effort because as you get together more cash you can then hire some help. Now dont just hire the first person you see, what you need to do is look at where your working and then look for someone who has the relevant skill set that will net you some perfect results.


As I said earlier you start in the diner which cooks alot of fries and grills alot of burgers. What you need to do is look for help that has these skills so that everytime you use them for your tasks then will net you a PERFECT rather than just a GOOD result. Getting perfects will quickly fill up your tips jar help you buy bigger and better equipment for your kitchen. There are however other ways to get a further bonus when it comes to cash...


As you progress through the game the market will open up for you. Here you can buy spices off a Mr Miyagi style character and these will enhance you meals and flavours so that when used correctly will give a nice bonus for each meal they are used on. Another stall opens up and it is owned by a guy who wouldnt look out of place in the horror movie. He sells special dish recipes which cost alot but will bring the cash flying back to you once you start cooking them.


There are some more suprises in store while you are cooking away in your resteraunt and these come in the for of mini games. You may get a visit from the health inspector who makes you wash a certain amount of dishes before he leaves. Your kitchen may get invaded by rats so you have to flick them off the counter before they scares all of the customers away. Using your hired help too much? Then on occasion they will fall asleep and you have to shake the wiimote to wake them up. Finally just when you think you are doing well a kitchen fire may break out and you have a certain amount of time to put it out before the whole place goes up in smoke.


I will briefly mention the controls for this game because if you have played or heard of anyone playing the Cooking Mama game on the Wii then you know how things will work. Need to chop an onion? Then yeah you do a chopping motion, same goes for slicing stiring etc. Unlike Cooking Mama though all of the controls here work fantastic which makes the game even more enjoyable.


So yeah I have been enjoying this to bits today and even though I have only been playing it today im already halfway through it as its such a joy to play. If you are an opened minded game who is up for a laugh *points to the likes of RedShell* then I really recommend picking this up. Its £25 in GAME, £19.99 at HMV or even better just wait to see of it drops in th sales come New Year. Hopefully my little rant will inspire more people to pick up yet another hidden gem on the Wii.

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If you are an opened minded game who is up for a laugh *points to the likes of RedShell* then I really recommend picking this up.


Haha, singled out! :heh: *points*


I enjoyed reading your impressions there, H-o-T, thanks for posting up such a detailed rant. :smile: I've been reading bits and pieces of info on Order Up since it released, the general vibe seems to be that its defo worth a look if you are looking for something different. I love the way you can get so many quirky titles on the Wii! I've looked at Order Up a few times in Game already, so I'll be checking it out come the January sales.

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Im glad to see others are interested in this title.


I was up til half 12 slicing and dicing in the kitchens and I finally unlocked all the resteraunts. I have to try scrape enough money to buy all of my new and improved equipment and then get the last place up to 5 stars. I will probably have it finished today :(

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