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Matt thinks Miyamoto- employed by Nintendo as a games producer- is working on a game?


No shit, Sherlock.


We know he's involved in a few gamers but nothing has been said of him heading a game. Bring on E3!

New stuff from Shigsy is always worth keeping an eye out for. Plus, when has Matt ever let us down. :wink:


*clears throat, unravels medieval scroll*

Guest Captain Falcon
Which might be good if it's a great game, but I want to see him put his director hat once more and go and helm a Mario or Zelda.


I think Mario's in safe hands as long as Yoshiaki Koizumi's at the helm if Galaxy is any indication.


Zelda, on the other hand, could do with a little kick up the backside to get it on track - Spirit Tracks is not the answer...

Zelda, on the other hand, could do with a little kick up the backside to get it on track - Spirit Tracks is not the answer...


I agree about Spirit Tracks.


As far as I'm concerned, Zelda's in very good hands with Eiji Aonuma. I'd just like to see what he could do without having his table upturned.


Zelda, on the other hand, could do with a little kick up the backside to get it on track - Spirit Tracks is not the answer...


I basically agree with that.. Motion Plus could be the answer :heh:


I feel that a Zelda game from a different perspective (such as over the shoulder, or even first person..) could be fantastic if the sword fighting and shielding is done right..


Just thinking about it, I'd be very interested to see what Capcom would do if they got the chance to make another Zelda game (only this time, on the Wii) ..with the control options available, I'm sure they could produce a very different style for the series than Nintendo.


Having said that, I really want Nintendo to pull the finger out and deliver a quality and fresh new Zelda experience that blows us all away. I'm sure most of you remember the first video of the Wii...



The Legend of Zelda seems perfect fit for the console and I am sure they will get it right! Twilight Princess was obviously the GC game with motion control.. but the true Wii Zelda Experience is yet to come.. I think it will be special :smile:


I doubt I am, but I feel like I'm the only one who thinks the implementation of MotionPlus in the next Zelda title is completely unnecessary. Zelda doesn't need 1:1 motion capturing gestures. Those in TP worked well enough but I'd rather they didn't do this in the next one and left it to the usage of a button. I also don't think that a Zelda in the first person would be that great because at that moment as soon as it happens, it's going right up against the Elder Scrolls titles and it won't be able to compete, at least on content.


I think the Zelda series doesn't need much of a drastic change up. It just needs to move away from the current template of dungeons. Yet we've seen them move away from this in the likes of the Wind Waker and people just moaned about that one. The problem with Zelda isn't so much the game as it is the fans because they'll say they want something new but when they get it, they'll yearn for something familiar and so it comes down to not being able to please them. Zelda fans need to be more open in regards to what can be done with the series but if they're going to criticise Nintendo for going all out and trying something completely new then there's no point.




- Matt thinks Craig overrated it

- Title Defense mode changes everything, made Craig bump up the score

- Playing through the regular mode Matt saw presentation elements he liked and disliked

- Interface not up to Mario Strikers

- Matt didn’t do Title Defense but he would have scored it a bit lower

- All about patterns

- Craig thinks that Mr. Sandman in Title Defense mode is just as hard as Mike Tyson in the NES game

- Lack of online functionality is a missed opportunity

- Feels like Punch-Out!! remade but no major gameplay changes

- Great for nostalgia/if you haven’t played it before

- Stuck with core gameplay then added presentational stuff around it

- In-game visuals very fluid - For Bozon, almost forget you’re not looking at 720p stuff

- Balance board is terrible

- Bozon thinks it’ll sell well

- Actually marketing the title


Boom Blox Bash Party


- Recommending it

- 8.5, editor’s choice award

- Great sequel all around

- Packed full of content

- Level editor a bit more seamless now

- More options in editor mode

- Connecting to EA’s servers are quick

- No online play, Matt hopes it’s in next time around

- For this game Matt is pleased with the user-created options

- Can rate levels

- Fun game

- Can theoretically play this game forever

- Hardcore and casual gamers should buy this game

- Easy for anyone to pick up

- One of those games that can only be done on Wii

- Has a few flaws (no online, technical limitations, some textures)

- Highly recommended




Secret game


- Nothing earth shattering but it’s cool

- Still good for the hardcore

- The hardcore Nintendo fans will appreciate it

- Mind might not be blown but again, you’ll appreciate it and it’s good for the Wii audience

- It’s like, if you have a Wii, buy Mario Galaxy, buy Boom Blox, and then this is another one which fits in with that family

- If your name is Matt Casamassina it’s good for you

- Something they want to talk about

- Don’t want to overhype it though

- It’s a smart move


Third-party games


- A few game announcements here and there coming up next week

- Some more details on some big games which have already been discussed (the usual suspects)

- 1 or 2 that we haven’t heard about in awhile, IGN will show, some big ones

- All the stuff next week concentrated on the hardcore

- Craig has an exclusive for a darkish game on the DS - it’s a sequel

- Lots of exclusives/videos


Art Style: Pictobits


- Puzzle game

- Surrounding presentation about 8-bit Nintendo

- Tiles that you remove basically pixels in 8-bit Nintendo sprite

- As you’re playing, you’re playing music to that game

- Unique because you’re not sliding tiles around

- Taking tiles out of bin

- Paint them back into play

- Crazy and addictive

- Gets super hard


- Wii MotionPlus device embedded with jacket


Virtua Tennis


- From what Bozon played it’s framey

- Haven’t played with MotionPlus yet but doesn’t have the presentation

- EA’s game is better


- Need for Speed: Nitro coverage coming soon (way better than you think it is)


Magician’s Quest: Mysterious Times


- 7.5

- Animal Crossing clone


Reader questions


- Starting to hear some good news about third-party E3 games

- Silver Star Chess is bad

- EA Sports Active a good workout but it’s tailored for women

- Matt, Bozon would be happy with Galaxy 2 from EAD Tokyo over a new IP

- Don’t know anything about the Bethesda Wii

- Will have some stuff on High Voltage’s new game soon

- Punch-Out!! Wii sales will be better than Excitebots

- There’s a lot of times when games won’t need Wii MotionPlus, some devs won’t put in the effort to implement it - More games will be supporting MotionPlus than the balance board

- Devs too lazy, not informed to include WiiSpeak support in their games

- Not sure why games such as Soma Bringer, Fatal Frame, etc. are releasing in North America - Matt heard Tecmo was asked to change controls/glitches in Fatal Frame, didn’t want to do that - Nintendo still not giving out official statement about the game- Haven’t heard anything about online in Wii Sports Resort but they don’t really know - Shouldn’t be expecting it based on history of Nintendo games

- Haven’t heard anything about Metroid Dread either

- Don’t know if Metroid Fusion sequel will happen

- Might see No More Heroes 2 at E3

- Matt can’t say anything about his Miyamoto blog post - he just thinks “he will have something crazyâ€

- Red Steel 2 will be more focused on sword play

- Best case for Nintendo at E3: Live up to predictions/hope - Show Mario/Zelda/Pikmin/Something crazy new from Miyamoto that is Wii MotionPlus centric

- High Voltage Software’s project is a new IP - they have multiple games



- If your name is Matt Casamassina its good for you


Kid Icarus. He's been pimping it for ages, and no one believes him... Its good for Matt because he can finally say "told you so".


Thats my speculation, anyway.


I reckon the 'dark' DS sequel is Moon 2.


Looks like there'll be some Red Steel 2 and High Voltage stuff next week, and then some. Damn I'm almost hyped.


I think David might be right about KI, but from the sounds of it, it may be a quirky little 2D, WiiWare version.


Virtua Tennis I don't really want to talk too much about. Tom's hands-on should be going up fairly soon so wait for that. I have to say that the negativity IGN expressed there (like a PS2 game) was kind of my initial fears and why I always thought Grand Slam Tennis would be better. But wait for the hands-on - Tom actually got to have a go with MP.


I think David might be right about KI, but from the sounds of it, it may be a quirky little 2D, WiiWare version.


Every time I read KI I think its Killer Instinct, then I have to think what else it might be. :(


..all the monkey sounds in the podcast? It's DKC 4 :heh:


You tease. :red:

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