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Just checked my copy and that's what it says.


I know that's what it says because I have it as well.


Probably shouldn't have used the word apparently but apparently I like to use it.


So how long till the internet gets to see Red Steel 2 because I can't see Ngamer actually getting the first look at it.

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Anyone else remember when ONM hinted heavily at it ages ago with their "Your move, young grasshoppa!" on the Next Month page?


I'd put more faith in NGamer, but as already said, I'm more looking forward to the internet beating the actual magazine to it.


Having said that, I really expected it to be an E3 2009 thing in a similar vein to the original's presence at 2006.

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Sora are Kingdom Hearts right? have they done anything else?


Masahiro Sakurai made Kirby and Super Smash Bro series, left HAL and Nintendo in 2005 and made Meteos with Q Entertainment, along with Tetsuya Mizuguchi.


Sakurai announced that he had formed his own company called Sora, he was making two games but Nintendo asked him to make SSBB for them first.

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Earned 50 euros at Birthday.


Along with my brother and sister, we'l do a fucking spree.


My sister bought Pikmin for Wii.

I will buy Deadly Creatures and Tenchu

My brother will buy MadWorld.


And then me and my brother will buy The Conduit.



FUCK YEAH!!! (Just a shame I won't be able to buy any WiiWare games for a long time)

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It was also being developed in the mindset that they could make it into a PSP title as well. Just my opinion but doesn't sound like much of a Wii title exclusive that they said it was going to be. And I'm not one for stealth titles much. But it's your money so you can do what you want and completely ignore me. I was merely pointing out my disgust at the fact that they announced it as a Wii title but were developing it behind curtains for the PSP as well, with both titles sharing many aspects, such as the graphics.

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Broadcast Yourself


Don King Boxing





You'll be able to train your virtual fighter with the Balance Board. The game is set to release in March.












Think it actually looks pretty fun with both Wiimote and Balance Board support, and the in-ring shots actually look pretty good.


Though I guess a lot of people will just wait for Punch-Out to get their boxing fix, but this does look good as a realistic alternative.

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That don't look half bad, however i'll give it a miss purely on the basis a boxing game is well...just boxing..i'll probably miss 'punchout' too when it's first released!


Yeah, its looking kinda sweet.


I'm interested in it because it is a boxing game though. :heh: I expect Punch Out!! to be turn out great but I'm hoping Don King and Ready 2 Rumble can turn out being quality as well.

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Considering how much NGamer enjoyed and praised Red Steel's multiplayer, I'd like to think that they get the information before the internet.


Along with my brother and sister, we'l do a fucking spree.


FUCK YEAH!!! (Just a shame I won't be able to buy any WiiWare games for a long time)


Why not bother with Tenchu? Its a fucking Stealth game for my Wii, besides, it got good scores.

Why don't you like it?


Tone down on your language, grasshopper.

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Capcom have Resi 6 down as being another series re-design...




Resident Evil 5 isn't even available in our shop that Capcom already thinks at future of the series. You will have noticed, this episode divides players like never. The following statements indicate that the codes of the next episode will be quite different.


“(...) In what is destined to be the first genuinely epic game of 2009, Resident Evil 5 is practically guaranteed to be the last of its kind, with the game's producer, Jun Takeuchi, assuring us that a reboot is in order for the inevitable Resident Evil 6.

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How about cel-shaded and on rails! :wink:


But seriously I hope Resi 6 is developed for the Wii, it's Nintendo's turn again after missing out on Resi 5 and after Resi 4 did so well on GC/Wii.

And the motion[plus?] controls would fit a redesign.


I was gonna say about on rails actually but then I thought the purists would be up in arms. :heh: But it probably needs to retain that run-yawn-turn-yawn-shoot-yawn-turn-yawn-shoot-yawn, etc exciting control scheme that everyone loves. :zzz:

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Was only joking bout on-rails; Given the Dead Space reaction and the Wind Wakers reaction, Cel-Shaded On-Rails Resi may cause the universe to implode!


Wonder if they'd ever consider going back to pre-rendered or fixed camera? Though it's prob best to leave that to just Resi 2 & 3 REmakes.

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