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If we look at how far HVS pushed the console with The Conduit, and consider the fact that they're a tiny little company who's been developing licensed games mostly and completely funded the project themselves, imagine what a company with the resources of Nintendo could do if they really wanted to push the console.

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Guys, I'm very dumb when it comes to this, but I'm curious.


So... having a Wii Emulator on our computer is almost impsosible as our graphical card can't handle it, right?

Yet, Fallout 3 can play on it.


This will sound a very dumb question but: Shouldn't Fallout 3 play on the Wii better than on the PC if the PC can't emulate Wii?

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^ No. Fallout 3 was made for the PC. The graphical detail and large open world make it impossible to run on the Wii. A PC cannot run a Wii emulator because to emulate a system, it has to have a series of settings which can replicate those which would appear within the Wii while playing a game. It's not just the graphics card that would prevent it running on most PCs but the CPU and ram of the PC. These two things need to be significantly higher than what the Wii possesses to even produce a workable a stuttering of gameplay. It's really out of reason that any PCs for the next few years will be able to run a Wii emulator, and when one comes along there's the problem of playing games on it. But enough of this as, while it's not strictly illegal to own an emulator, it is to try and play Wii games in this way so don't bother.

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If we look at how far HVS pushed the console with The Conduit, and consider the fact that they're a tiny little company who's been developing licensed games mostly and completely funded the project themselves, imagine what a company with the resources of Nintendo could do if they really wanted to push the console.


Well the thing is, companies can use the same logic with the PS3 and 360, which is far more interesting for them.

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HD games do cost more to make in general though.


Oh yeah ofc they do, miles more. I think that from where a programmer stands though, it's far more exciting to push a console like the 360 to it's limits than it is the Wii. I mean, if you pushed the Wii it's great and there's going to be a lot of people out there commending them for that, but then again those graphics are good for the wii and compared to what their counterparts are achieving with games like fallout, it's unfortuntely not on the same level. That said, some games out there will look great on the Wii (Mario galaxy, Prime 3), but as fantasitc as they looked, the moment in Fallout 3 where you get out of the vault and see the world for the first time...well that in HD just beats them both hands down.


Don't get me wrong, I love Nintendo (always have, always will) but yeah you can see where some of these programmers are coming from. I mean put it this way; you're one of the best engineers in your country and get offered a job at Ferrari (as in the formula 1 team) or I dunno, Toyota, to help them with a new hatchback. Now, what you can do for Toyota might be great and really push future car development forward, but at the same time, you could play a part in making the fastest racing car in the world.


Sorry for the bad analogy; it's late and im tired lol.

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There really is just something about the Metroid games that can feel unappealing at times, even if you have enjoyed what you have played up to that point.. It's hard to explain!


That's exactly how I feel about the Prime series. I think they're one of the toughest mental agility tests you can take and I'm sure you're more intelligent (and have much faster reactions) when you've completed one than you were before!


Part of it is remembering where you are in the vast, 3D world. And then, WHAM, you meet a boss that requires you to keep switching visors and different types of laser beam. When you fail (which I do), you think about finding more health and missile expansions...if you can remember where you actually are, that is!


Zero Mission and Fusion, on the other hand, are a joy to play.


Don't get me wrong, I love Nintendo (always have, always will) but yeah you can see where some of these programmers are coming from. I mean put it this way; you're one of the best engineers in your country and get offered a job at Ferrari (as in the formula 1 team) or I dunno, Toyota, to help them with a new hatchback. Now, what you can do for Toyota might be great and really push future car development forward, but at the same time, you could play a part in making the fastest racing car in the world.


Sorry for the bad analogy; it's late and im tired lol.


No, it's a very good analogy! I've always hoped games designers do actually want to make the best game they can. I know it's a business, but they must have got into it for a reason.

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Tbh though he did make Fallout 3, which is fucking incredible. An experience like that isn't possible on the Wii at all. I mean, unless you want to do something like Zack & wiki or have a go at an FPS (Conduit ftw!) then yeah you might as well push the limits of your talent and explore the boundaries of the PS3/360 for a while.


You don't always need the most powerful hardware to be able to push the limits of your talent. Here is my analogy: Give a drummer a huge drum set, with a set of, I dunno, 6 tom-toms, two floor toms, different cymbals ranging from different sized crash cymbals, to a splash, and a cowbell and ask them to come up with something.

Now, give the same drummer a regular five-piece drum set, with a snare, two tom-toms, a floor tom, two crashes and a ride and ask them to come up with something.


Both provide different sets of challenges. Sure, with a bigger drum-set, you have access to more available sounds, so there's more you can do. However, it is also a challenge to use all of these drums and cymbals - quite often you may only need a regular five piece. Some of the best songs ever created were accomplished with a five-piece drum set.


So, yeah, having access to loads of different tools is great. But, there is also the challenging aspect in using technically inferior hardware. With the 360, we know that the system can produce wonderful things. With the Wii, it's much more challenging to produce something really high quality (in terms of the technical things, graphics, etc) when compared to its rivals. But, if you push the system, you can get marvelous things from it. In my opinion, I would be more impressed with pulling off something like Super Mario Galaxy than I would Halo3.


I hope this makes sense, and I hope it makes you see things in a different way.

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So what you're saying is that if you like Metroid then you must be intelligent and if you don't like it, then that's likely because you're stupid? Hmmm....that explains why Darksnowman doesn't like it!!


LOL, yeah, it's like a muscle. You're more intelligent after you've been playing Metroid than before (as long as you've done a fair bit in the game).


I must stick up for my RPG pal darksnowman though! ;)

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There's always silence when it comes to Zelda, the main guy doesn't talk!


I know what you mean though, but it's not only Zelda, every other Nintendo project has an 'ominous silence' since they don't reveal games till it's a fair bit in developlment.


Fact saying that, it wasn't exactly long ago we had that Zelda patent, so if anything, Mario Galaxy 2/Pikmin 3/October games has more of the ominous silence around it to me.


Though i'm willing to bet a fair amount of folk are hoping/expecting Zelda at E3.

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I've been sure that Nintendo are going to show off a new Zelda every year since 2007, now I'm a bit sceptical though. I think they're going to give their smaller franchises a chance this year such as Pikmin. I still believe they're up to something big with WiiWare, though...

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I'm the opposite. I didn't believe they were gonna show Zelda in 07 and 08, but this year, with the patent and everything, I'm almost 100% sure it will be at E3, probably a trailer, at least a logo. It won't be released until Xmas 2010 though.


Nintendo's (arguably) biggest announced games, Wii Sports Resort and Punch-Out!!, will be released prior to E3 in June, so they have to show at least a new big hitter.

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I would say its a 90% chance of being shown this E3. PH came out in 2007 and a good amount of the Zelda team were working on that, the rest (since they apparently weren't all working on it, were probably starting on this new Zelda game. By then they'll have had a year and a half with the full team on it, so it all depends on how early they want to show it. Its possible they'll wait until the fall or next year.


I just hope when they do show it, people don't find some reason to hate it.

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I must stick up for my RPG pal darksnowman though! ;)


Good to know someones looking out for me! :santa:


In my Metroidy defense... I completed Prime 1, you slags. Didn't end up getting all the scans, but I did get a lot. I'm not averse to "checking" stuff in games so scanning was no different. I even started a new file in Prime with the Fusion Suit- yes I also completed Fusion on the GBA. Tis my favourite of the 'troid series. Though obviously the best of poor bunch. :hehe:

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See, this is what I don't understand. Metroid and Donkey Kong Country are practically the same game:


In both games you control a lifeform, intent on travelling through different environments, encountering enemies and collecting things along the way.


I can't even tell which game is which between these screens:





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Lol! Well Patch when you put it like that...


Samus needs a companion though. Donkey and Diddy, Diddy and Dixie... Samus and... her ship? Seeing that screenshot of the Magmoor Caverns brings back some bad memories. It was kind of a hub type place wasn't it? I wish they had used some other environment for an area that you had to spend so much time trudging through. I'm not a huge fan of the lava levels in games at the best of times.

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I'm sorry, but none of that compares to the suspension of disbelief required to accept having crocodiles floating quite happily in a big pool of lava. ;)


When, in my younger days, i was questioned about why Mario could jump so high, i explained everything by creating 'the laws of the mushroom kingdom'.

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All this talk in the Conduit thread about mature titles has reminded me about a l'il title known as Orb, announced by Crossbeam Studios what seems like eons ago. Think I need to hit them up with an email to see what's happening with it as they haven't updated their site since 2007. Apparently the game was much more than concept art and was running on the Wii so perhaps it's still going. I'll see if I can get a response from them.

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I'm sorry, but none of that compares to the suspension of disbelief required to accept having crocodiles floating quite happily in a big pool of lava. ;)


I er... hmm. Are you saying Metroid, on the other hand, is realistic? :rolleyes:


When, in my younger days, i was questioned about why Mario could jump so high, i explained everything by creating 'the laws of the mushroom kingdom'.


But of course. :hehe:

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All this talk in the Conduit thread about mature titles has reminded me about a l'il title known as Orb, announced by Crossbeam Studios what seems like eons ago. Think I need to hit them up with an email to see what's happening with it as they haven't updated their site since 2007. Apparently the game was much more than concept art and was running on the Wii so perhaps it's still going. I'll see if I can get a response from them.


Back in June 2008, Falafelkid ran an investigation on them and came to the conclusion that there was no way they could be developing Wii games, and they were all talk and publicity. They then issued a response that said they did go through a lot of problems, staff members left, and the project never took off. They're now working on a small-scale PC title - details on which will be released once it's at least 50% complete - and hope to get some experience and titles under their belt to allow them to develop on next-gen platforms and continue work on Orb.

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