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Aww man, I'm going to be in a meeting for the beginning of the presentation - I won't be home until at least half five, probably six. First time in maybe five years that I haven't been able to watch it live. :(

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I believe gametrailers is doing live HD streaming again this year. I was busy during the Nintendo event last year, so I watched it latter, but I watched some of the other events live on gametrailers, and it worked quite well. But its always varied from year to year. IGN was the best the year before, and Gamespot was the best the year before that. Its hard to tell in advance.

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I believe gametrailers is doing live HD streaming again this year. I was busy during the Nintendo event last year, so I watched it latter, but I watched some of the other events live on gametrailers, and it worked quite well. But its always varied from year to year. IGN was the best the year before, and Gamespot was the best the year before that. Its hard to tell in advance.


if it works as good as last year than never mind, the stream was choppy and uglier than gamespots stream....

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I think it might go the other way. I think this year they will try and squeeze what they can out of the Wii but it probably won't look like much and next year I'd imagine they'd start to show off the predecessor.


Just my opinion anywho :)

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I've no idea what to expect - I imagine we'll definitely get a glimpse of the new Zelda but as for other stuff, who knows. My inner fanboy is screaming out for key franchise updates like F-Zero and Starfox but I just think that they're not gonna happen this time round. It'll be like Metroid and the N64 all over again. I suppose, on something of a sidenote, how do you necessarily make a better F-Zero than the GC one - the graphics were already excellent and it just doesn't seem like a game that would work with motion control due to its frantic nature. You'd probably end up with stupidly wide tracks that are too easy or normal tracks that are unplayable with motion control. With regards to Starfox, if it does happen, please Nintendo, just reinvent the whole fucking series, even if its just Lylat Wars with motion controls and better graphics, the last 2 console games were the definition of shit and the story has gone completely down the toilet.


Anyways, side stuff aside, I reckon Ninty won't want to fuck this one up so my hopes are high for a good show. Also, I'm guessing that perhaps I'm the only one who's looking forward to hopefully receiving some more information about Wii Party? That game looks fun :D

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I think it might go the other way. I think this year they will try and squeeze what they can out of the Wii but it probably won't look like much and next year I'd imagine they'd start to show off the predecessor.


Just my opinion anywho :)


Have to agree with you Ashley. I think besides the new Zelda, Nintendo won't really have much in the way of big hitters that they'll bring to the Wii. I think we'll see Nintendo try and push SMG2 for as long as they can, before quietly shepherding Metroid: Other M into stores with no advertising, and then focus on Zelda Wii. The Vitality Sensor will also have a part to play in extending the Wii's life cycle, and that's really all I see it being: something different but not completely necessary to give them a little more time to finalise their next home console.


I'd love to see various games from Nintendo get a Wii incarnation but given how far we're into the life cycle of the console and how likely it will be that a new home console is shown sometime next year (if they don't then "core fans" are going to be disappointed because regardless of what people say, graphics still mean a lot to gamers and they'll start wanting something more powerful from Nintendo) I just don't think we'll be seeing the likes of F-Zero, Wave Race or anything else. Really disappointing if that's the case as they're really isn't much reason why they shouldn't be given a Wii title. But, I could be wrong and we could get some of these 'forgotten' franchises at E3. I'd rather be pessimistic about what's ahead though.

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Aren't Nintendo putting a ridonculous amount of money into their R&D according to one of their last financial reports or something along those lines? I get the feeling that they've been putting a lot more time into getting a successor or upgrade ready so that it's out quickly - I dunno, I just get the impression that as much as Nintendo publicly dismisses Sony and Microsoft's motion-based endeavours, in reality they're actually shitting themselves a bit considering a) Sony sales at least, are on the up and b) the relatively low retail price of a 360 (and even a PS3 given what it can do) could infringe on Nintendo's sales, given that Nintendo's machine is still ridiculously overpriced for what it is. And although people are drawn to low cost, I think they're also (if not more) drawn to good value for money, something which I feel the Wii currently is not (not saying it wasn't when released). I think it'd be idiotic for Nintendo to claim it's got the Number 1 gaming experience when it's machine is, from a technical point of view, less capable and its winning formula (the motion controller) is in fact only as good as Sony's (with a £20 addon). Furthermore, I don't think it can justify that it's got the software to fall back on because it simply doesn't! I doubt a new model would be announced this show coming though, as Ganepark said, I also reckon they'll drag it out - could be a good thing though, means that a new console might have a better bloody line-up at launch.




Just for a laugh, I'd love it if they announced Mario Galaxy 3 - I'd probably in all seriousness cream my pants if they did.

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but guys it already is bigger than the other e3's.. It will show off zelda and metroid for the first time properly.


Plus some surprises.. I just hope they don't make their usual mistake of showing off the casual games over the core games.. Do they really think soccer mom and granny will be watching this e3 thing over the core nintendo fan?

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but guys it already is bigger than the other e3's.. It will show off zelda and metroid for the first time properly.


Plus some surprises.. I just hope they don't make their usual mistake of showing off the casual games over the core games.. Do they really think soccer mom and granny will be watching this e3 thing over the core nintendo fan?


1. Metroid has already been shown off properly. Granted, only to press but more recent trailers have shown gameplay and how it all works. That's pretty much all you should expect to see of it between now and release outside of a CG trailer.


2. With Natal and Move, Nintendo will have to take big steps to guard casual gamers and keep them with the Wii (although apart from Microsoft, I think Sony will have the hardest task getting casual gamers to adopt the PS3 as their next console even with the pull of Blu-ray) so I'd expect, if anything, there to be more surprise announcements of casual games instead of core games. And by surprise, I don't really mean a surprise just that it's the most expected route for them to take.




What I will say is that it will definitely be an interesting watch this year. I can see how both Sony and Microsoft are going to aim their conferences, trying to cater a large portion to the casual gamers with their new tech but also not forgetting the core gamers that make up the large percentage of console and software sales. With Nintendo, it could go either way but seems more likely that Nintendo will take a slightly more casual route with their product lineup, while giving the usual franchise instalments such as Zelda on the Wii and Mario on the 3DS.

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1. Metroid has already been shown off properly. Granted, only to press but more recent trailers have shown gameplay and how it all works. That's pretty much all you should expect to see of it between now and release outside of a CG trailer.


2. With Natal and Move, Nintendo will have to take big steps to guard casual gamers and keep them with the Wii (although apart from Microsoft, I think Sony will have the hardest task getting casual gamers to adopt the PS3 as their next console even with the pull of Blu-ray) so I'd expect, if anything, there to be more surprise announcements of casual games instead of core games. And by surprise, I don't really mean a surprise just that it's the most expected route for them to take.




What I will say is that it will definitely be an interesting watch this year. I can see how both Sony and Microsoft are going to aim their conferences, trying to cater a large portion to the casual gamers with their new tech but also not forgetting the core gamers that make up the large percentage of console and software sales. With Nintendo, it could go either way but seems more likely that Nintendo will take a slightly more casual route with their product lineup, while giving the usual franchise instalments such as Zelda on the Wii and Mario on the 3DS.


Is... is that even possible?

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2. With Natal and Move, Nintendo will have to take big steps to guard casual gamers and keep them with the Wii (although apart from Microsoft, I think Sony will have the hardest task getting casual gamers to adopt the PS3 as their next console even with the pull of Blu-ray) so I'd expect, if anything, there to be more surprise announcements of casual games instead of core games. And by surprise, I don't really mean a surprise just that it's the most expected route for them to take.



I dunno why but I feel that it'd be Microsoft who'd struggle the most, for stupid reasons really. MS has certainly got the upgrade/new experience up its sleeves but there's always something very alluring about Sony products. I could see Blu-Ray being perhaps one of the biggest secondary (if not primary) reasons for picking one up and purely because there's Sony and Playstation written on the box - it's a ridiculous reason/idea I know but the brand image is certainly a lot more powerful - some people come to my shop and when it comes to a TV will not settle for anything less than Sony, even though other brands are just as good if not better. Not to say Microsoft isn't a decent brand, but they're more known for the office/study, not living room entertainment.


The Xbox (1 and 360)'s strongest feature is their online aspect which most certainly isn't a big deal to the casual crowd. As much as Nintendo promoted the shit out of MK Wii online, I imagine it was a very small percentage of casuals who hooked it up and played compared to the "core" crowd. (Humongous generalisation and I'm probably wrong!)


I digress, but the point is, if folk have to choose between PS3 and 360, I see PS3 being the clear choice, mainly because if they can't relate to, or get bored of the gaming (as my father did), as least they have a box that can play Blu-Ray, which is something that they're certainly more accustomed to (unlike fragging noobs in Halo).


I think people forget the importance of price - the Wii hasn't been a top seller purely because of its "revolutionary" step in gaming that allows anyone to play - that's a part of it - but I think it just simply comes down to price - when it first came out it was the cheapest thing going (until you had to buy 3 other remotes at 30 quid a pop). If it'd been a similar price to 360 or PS3, I somehow doubt it'd be on top of the pile, or if it were the margin between 1st and 2nd would be a lot smaller.


When Move and Natal come out, Ninty should just drop the console price to like 80 or 90 quid - casuals won't see a huge difference as they'll all be supposedly user-friendly but one will be a lot cheaper.


/rant + generalising like mad

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