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Okay, Okay, so the 60 second thing is not strictly accurate - but I stand by my words that MH Tri cannot be considered the best third party Wii game out there; it has appalling load times when moving from area to area (and lets remember that occurs mid combat too) and it has some crazy control choices too (personally, I think the combat is flawed - its crying out for lock-on targeting). Dire choice of mid-game text font, and an online system that is no better - probably worse - than Nintendo's own shocking system (having to be online at the same time to add people?! WTF?!)


Thats not to say I think its a bad game, its probably the most ambitious third party Wii title. And I like it, but it has some glaring flaws which, while not gamer breakers, exlude it from this title.

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I've not got the game, but I imagine the sense of scale to be massive. So, I can forgive the loading times.


I think in stills the game does look grand, but as soon as your running around, the sense of scale is shattered. Most areas are no larger than some of those in Metroid Prime or World at War, but rather than traversing the corridor between the large open areas, the load skips it breaking the immersion.


All that said, as soon as i've finished Metroid Other M, i'll be back on it.

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The game is only as good as your group makes it - fortunately, between you, Kav, Lost and Mokong, it's been great. Randomers normally annoy me after a while too. I mean, I've a few of them but it mostly out of politeness. Only a couple would I actually choose to play with if none of you were available.


Whilst I've not payed the Wii Edition, RE4 is a phenomenal game no matter what you play it on (iPhone not included obviously) so it has to be up there.


Of my own experiences, I still rate No More Heroes right up there even now - more so than it's sequel too.


Yeah, we did live on Monster Hunter for a long time, my total play time is 316 hours, second only to Mario Kart which logged in at 365 hours - damn I miss Mario Kart lol.


Kav, LostMario and Mokong are awesome guys and I do miss Monster Hunter a little, mainly for the community. The only thing that stopped me playing was that I actually felt I had seen and done all I needed to. When the Jhen Mohran fights lost their epc appeal, well that was the last bit of magic for me.


As for RE4, it was amazing on the Cube, but when you add in the Wii aiming, well it just becomes so much more, in fact I'd say it's virtually the perfect game. It has all the strengths of the original, with all the bonuses of the PS2 version, with the added controls of the Wii.


For me, I'd say the best 3rd party game is Silent Hill. Purely for its experience. It's difficult to describe. It's not survival horror. It's more of a psychological thriller that manages to still be captivating in a video game format.


Silent Hill is indeed fantastic and should be purchased by any seious gamer. I've never played anything like it.


I've not got the game, but I imagine the sense of scale to be massive. So, I can forgive the loading times.


The sense of scale is huge, and it's not like the loading times are that long, or that you're running in between areas that often. What's more, when the graphics are so nice, you really can forgive it.

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I'll post this here, as many have probably already written off the Doctor Who game and won't check the thread:




Doctor Who Gets His Own Wiimote

The Sonic Screwdriver to be honored with a fully functional Wiimote.


If you love the Nintendo Wii as much as you love the British sci-fi series Doctor Who, you'll be thrilled to find that BBC Worldwide is teaming up with Blue Ocean gaming accessories to produce a limited edition Sonic Screwdriver Wiimote in honor of the good doctor's famous gadget.


The accessory is being produced in support of the upcoming Wii game based on the series, Doctor Who: Return to Earth, though pricing information has not been announced. A Sonic Screwdriver stylus will also be produced for the release of Doctor Who: Evacuation Earth for the Nintendo DS.


The accessories will arrive in Europe in October, North American availability has not been confirmed.








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Warren Spector talking about the game's industry today:

"Actually, I think that this is kind of a Golden Age," Spector said in a Gamescom interview. "I can make a Wii-exclusive game featuring Mickey Mouse. Someone else can make an all-original $100m MMO. I've got friends who are literally working alone on indie games that have no prospect of profit or commercial success. I've got guys working on iPhone games." Spector noted that a widening audience and abundance of platforms makes it easier to find a fit. "There's something for everyone, which means there's something for every developer to do that's meaningful for them, that will ignite their passion."


"Gaming is in a very special place right now and we should be reveling in it, enjoying the parts that we love and letting other people enjoy the parts that they love. The more people who game, the better for everyone."



Edited by LostOverThere
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wow Tokyo game show is turning out to be a wii ditch party, a smacking 8 games are playable.


and now that the pre TGS from both EA and Capcom are over, we can say that both of them didn’t announce any new wii games.


Wii's 3rd party is really going down the drain isn’t it? what 3rd party games do we have for 2011, like none?.


Wii cant survive 2011 with only zelda and mario sports mix.

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The Wii will do just fine.


We'll have Nintendo's titles, the casuals will have Just Dance/EA Sports Active/Carnival Games etc...


But yes, very few hardcore third party games.


i know the wii gets the support from nintendo, but its impossible for nintendo to release 10 games a year from there own catalogue.


Just dance, ea sports active and carnaval game soon will see HD version on the ps move or even kinect, i even hear that sony is going to market the move as an upgrade of the wii (in commecials/ magazine ads) if we see a major dip in wii sales than nintendo kind of needs to prepare there next console or there going to hurt themselfs in the long run.

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Nintendo have already released a decent catalogue on the Wii. We've got a zelda coming out which will be the 3rd Zelda on this type of hardware (and im not dissing the Wii's graphics here, just saying it's nowhere near 360/PS3 level). I wouldn't be surprised if Wii support was gone this time next year from most publishers.


That said, Nintendo could stop making games for it and it'd still keep selling with a low price point and the wii sports games. No doubt we'll see a Wii successor soon though, or atleast a lot sooner than the next xbox or PS3.

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Yeah I heard Michael Pacter on one of his GT conference videos saying Sony are gonna market move as a replacement for Wii... however at the current price Move is now, Nintendo don't need to worry... and given how long it's taken for the price of the PS3 to drop, Move will probably be off the casual/family gamers radar for many months yet.


Nintendo have enough titles of their own and from third party to run on a little longer, but yes, I think they could well need to start preparing something for 2012.


And perfectly, they've got the 3DS to concentrate on whilst the Wii starts slowing down.

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Yeah I heard Michael Pacter on one of his GT conference videos saying Sony are gonna market move as a replacement for Wii... however at the current price Move is now, Nintendo don't need to worry... and given how long it's taken for the price of the PS3 to drop, Move will probably be off the casual/family gamers radar for many months yet.


Nintendo have enough titles of their own and from third party to run on a little longer, but yes, I think they could well need to start preparing something for 2012.


And perfectly, they've got the 3DS to concentrate on whilst the Wii starts slowing down.


im predicting that a wii2 will be released at the end of 2011 or early 2012, that way nintendo got a jump start. Nintendo could easily now make device that is much more powerfull than the ps3/360 at a lower cost.

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Surely E3 2011 will just be largely 3DS... I can't see another console announcement, but yeah 2012, maybe out for 2012 Christmas.


i honestly think that christman 2012 is too late, by then both the ps3+move and xbox 360+kinect will both be at the 250 price point.


another pricedrop for the wii will only encourage impulsbuyers to get a wii, play wii sports and than never touch it again.

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Nintendo have the 3DS.


I don't think Nintendo are really playing off against the PS3/360 anymore, they're just doing their own thing.


They'll have a new innovation of somekind with their next console, not worry about having to counter Sony/Microsoft in the motion market.


true, but they cant risk loosing lost of marketshare to sony or microsoft, most consumers have hdtvs in there houses and want hd content for it, not downplaying the wiis graphics. but the limitations of the wii gets more obvious evry year ( memory problems, no good online infrastructure) that simply cannot be fixed with a firmware update, without getting a bigger hack scene on the wii.

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Do they though?...


Gamers may want HD content, I'm not sure Families/Casuals care either way, they just enjoy Mario Kart/Wii Sports regardless... nor do they really care about online aspects.


Nintendo will definately produce an HD console next time out.


But Nintendo can't really loose market share... they are already in the millions of homes that Move and Kinect are trying to reach out to!


A Wii HD is only going to appeal to hardcore gamers... and these people have probably already made their decision about which companies console they like best and will always buy, or they buy multiple consoles anyway.

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Third parties have largely left Wii, thats pretty obvious. The benefits of developing Wii games are probably pretty negligable by - programming costs for HD will have probably fallen considerably in the past 4 years. Most modern developers and publishers put the Big Ideas before the small budgets anyway, so thats turned out to be a pretty misjudged enticement by Nintendo. Not that this has particularly hurt Nintendo, of course, but I wonder if the cash-ready core gamer been of any concern within Nintendo's internal development community.


I do think Zelda will certainly be Nintendo's last published game for Wii. Nintendo have historically had a 6-12 month period of baron releases during a console transition; we're of course getting some third party stuff like De Blob Underground, but I do not see any significant releases after April 2011. Does that mean I see Nintendo releasing a new home console for Christmas 2011? Probably not, but perhaps April 2012, giving the 3DS a good 12+ months to bed in.


On the other hand, from what I have seen so far the 3DS has proved potentially less casual than its predecessor so the fear of canibalising that hardware with a casual-focussed Wii 2 could be significantly less. So you never know; but this timing makes it very difficult for Nintendo; release after 2011 and you're risking either a short console lifespan (if the competition are targetting 2015), or again being seen as 'last gen'.


Should Nintendo release something any later than 2011, Sony and Microsoft could potentially pull their concepts out of the bag ala the PS2 announcement at Dreamcast launch.

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Nintendo have the 3DS.


I don't think Nintendo are really playing off against the PS3/360 anymore, they're just doing their own thing.


They'll have a new innovation of somekind with their next console, not worry about having to counter Sony/Microsoft in the motion market.


Exactly, Sony and Microsoft are only just 'copying' the Wii and trying to take a big bite out of the casual market. They're about to dive into a red ocean, whilst NINTENDO will - hopefully - be sailing towards a blue one.


Nintendo Sphiire: filling your living room with holograms.

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They said they would surprise us with the next console, something completely different than all the others. I really can't think what it could be. 3D, probably not, install base too low. Holograms, would they go down this road again and would it work? It's really baffling what could be up their sleeves.

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