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Dead Space


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I really want to play this now after all the talk going on everywhere about it...I mean, Resi4 mixed with Bioshock in Space? Can it get any better a mix than that?


Considering buying this once I've finished with Fable, instead of Fallout, and getting Fallout later on.

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Man if this is worse than Bioshock then I think i'd probably brick myself playing this. Bioshock had its tense moments, same with Resi 4, but it wasn't a constant thing. Eventually you'd just get used to it. I might pick this up when it drops in price as i'm a huge fan of the Alien franchise (bar the last 2 films).

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I managed to get to level 5 last night before going to bed and im starting to get used to the game and jump less :heh:


Does anyone else get a strange satisfaction by stamping on the corpses of the enemies AND the humans? At the start of one of the levels there is a blind wifey just lying there talking, pity she couldnt see my boot heading towards her face! Man, I think I need to seek some help....

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I saw that blind woman. DId you still get telekinesis off her?


Yeah I took it off her and repaid her with a stomping :)


Well I managed to finish this last night/this morning. It was about half 1 and I was lying in bed all relaxed and in a calm state of mind that I had beaten the boss then I nearly had a heart attack with a certain something :) Awesome.


I started it again straight away and played til about half 3 getting to level 5 again. Its very easy and short when you have played through it before especially as you get to keep all your weapons, cash etc.


When I got up I got to level 7 and finally maxed out my weapons. All thats left is to beat the game on hard....:(

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Yeah I took it off her and repaid her with a stomping :)


Well I managed to finish this last night/this morning. It was about half 1 and I was lying in bed all relaxed and in a calm state of mind that I had beaten the boss then I nearly had a heart attack with a certain something :) Awesome.


I started it again straight away and played til about half 3 getting to level 5 again. Its very easy and short when you have played through it before especially as you get to keep all your weapons, cash etc.


When I got up I got to level 7 and finally maxed out my weapons. All thats left is to beat the game on hard....:(


How long would u say it took you to play through first time?

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and you dont need to collect anything. I spend half my time just looking for crap on the floor or blue boxes. I suppose when I come to do it on hard Ill just need the two achievements. I wasnt really thinking on how to maximise my time with that one gun achievement.

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and you dont need to collect anything. I spend half my time just looking for crap on the floor or blue boxes. I suppose when I come to do it on hard Ill just need the two achievements. I wasnt really thinking on how to maximise my time with that one gun achievement.


Im just using that one gun on hard anyway, its a piece of work only beaten by the Line Gun. The amount of nodes it takes to upgrade the Line Gun is pretty high so you might aswell just spend it on your Scorpion armour and the max out the default gun.


Im thinking of picking the anime up of this on dvd just so I can to see how everything happens before you get there.

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Im just using that one gun on hard anyway, its a piece of work only beaten by the Line Gun. The amount of nodes it takes to upgrade the Line Gun is pretty high so you might aswell just spend it on your Scorpion armour and the max out the default gun.

Im thinking of picking the anime up of this on dvd just so I can to see how everything happens before you get there.


Oh is that how they are telling that part of the story, I was wondering if that may have been done by a prequel game.

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My housemate got this for PC and so I've borrowed it of him. Got it to run smoothly while still looking OKish. Even with minimal effects and stuff, it's still pretty scary.



Well, except for when one of the creature's arms got stuck in Isaac. Childish humour FTW!


Still, done chapter one and it's awesome so far.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This game seems to be overlooked if you ask me. It's a really solid 8/10 game that drips polish and is excellently paced, my only real complaint being that the story and monster design is a bit ho-hum.


I don't think it's a scary game, but its atmosphere is so thick you could cut it with a plasma cutter and the audio work is easily some of the best in the business. Dead Space is very good at making you tense or uncomfortable — in a good way — but it is very much a Resident Evil 4-style action game; you'll be peeking around every doorway and eyeing every vent suspiciously, but when things kick off you'll be all business, cutting off limbs with clinical precision.


Hopefully when people get their hands on the demo they'll move on to full game, as I really want this and Mirror's Edge to be successes for EA.

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This game seems to be overlooked if you ask me. It's a really solid 8/10 game that drips polish and is excellently paced, my only real complaint being that the story and monster design is a bit ho-hum.


I don't think it's a scary game, but its atmosphere is so thick you could cut it with a plasma cutter and the audio work is easily some of the best in the business. Dead Space is very good at making you tense or uncomfortable — in a good way — but it is very much a Resident Evil 4-style action game; you'll be peeking around every doorway and eyeing every vent suspiciously, but when things kick off you'll be all business, cutting off limbs with clinical precision.


Hopefully when people get their hands on the demo they'll move on to full game, as I really want this and Mirror's Edge to be successes for EA.


I know what u mean about this being overlooked. I am very keen to play it but never had any money when it came out but now have not got round to buying it just with all the other games around.


Will defo buy it at some point though!

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Okay, from what I hear the demo is a rubbish rush job that gives you a rather arbitrary section from the early chapters; no taste of the zero-gravity rooms or wonderfully muffled vacuums. Quite why they didn't just offer up the first 30 minutes of the game is beyond me, as from the sound of things this demo isn't going to convince anyone to rush out and buy the game.


Still, if EA can't sell their game then perhaps I can: it's the best attempt at mimicking RE4 yet, and whilst it doesn't have an obvious hook it features a lot of smart ideas — the HUD, the on-demand navigation trail, combat that isn't all about headshots, the zero-g and vacuum sections, etcetera. The story and monster design didn't really do anything for me, but in a way that adds resonance to the fact that I'm currently playing through it again on the hardest difficulty and hope to eventually get all the Trophies: the core mechanics and pacing are good enough to keep me coming back.

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it's the best attempt at mimicking RE4 yet,

Exactly. Anyone who liked RE4 will have a blast with this game. I read it's not selling that well, and neither is Mirror's Edge. Which is a shame because they're both great games.


Why don't more people buy these games? Do people prefer it when EA just churn out the yearly NFS and Fifa?

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