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Rate the last game you played

Chris the great

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Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker


I love. Came back after 4 years of not playing it, and was stuck where I was (forgot everything about last time I played), so I started a new game. Currently in the Forbidden Forest/Deku Tree bit. Got the Big Key, but can't find the Boss Door (since I'm not sure how to get onto the second floor, as eveything is all higgeldy piggeldy)



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WET or please ensure your brain is switched off, sit back, and relax


yeah, pretty good actualy. nice controles, looked decent, music was a particular highlight for me. had a little varity to it, enough to keep me interested any way. as you can probebly tell, its not a very long game, 2 days to see it through on normal. I guess it'l be replayed a fair bit mind you, good few bits i'm looking forward to playing again.


main gripe is the boss fights. QTE is so bland. it could have been more like no more heros in that reguard but oh well.



+fun to play

+great sense of style

+really good sound track




-boss fights were poor

-couple of frustrating moments


a good little time filler not to be taken too seriosuly 7/10

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Batman: Arkham


9.8/10 Simply amazing, it catures the idea and feel of batman perfectly. If i had to be picky id say the boss fights could have been a little more varied though!


Sonic & Knuckles XBLA




Love the old retro sonic games, lost count the amount of times i have completed them. Pitty the knuckles section of the game is not abit longer though.

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Interpol (PSN)


I downloaded this game purely based on its PSN description, which made it sound like a mystery, Carmen Sandiego-type game.


Instead i got a game where you find random tiny objects in a series of static locations with the most generic story ever conceived tacked on. I now hate Sony for approving this, i hate the developer, and mostly myself for downloading it.


Avoid at all costs


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yet more Halo 3


We did the vidmaster: annual challenge last night. God it was hard. You have to absolutely nail the timing on the final dash across the exploding Halo- with 4 players it's pretty hard to avoid being killed by falling scenery and collapsing floors triggered by the player in the front. Alot of stupid deaths, swearing and 'claw hands' later, we did it though.


Soon I shall can haz Recon.

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Resident Evil 5 (PC)


I played through half of the campaign in coop with a friend over lan which was great fun. The presentation is very good with fantastic cutscenes and nice graphics although the colour palette is a bit bland but the atmosphere is nice. More varied enemies would be good as well and they seems a bit like clones from the previous version with roughly the same armament. Level design is brilliant and varied which made for a fun experience so far.

Coop is also well implemented and the players are really dependent on one another because it's essential to cover each others back. The inventory system is inferior to RE4 though and rather annoying actually.



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Condemned 2


It starts off great, scary intense and interesting all around.

As I progressed trough the game it just got worse and worse until the ending which was just plainly shit.

This one had way too much dependency on guns on many levels and ignored the melee combat system which was a major part in the previous one and everybody in this game (especially in the later part) are so fucking cryptic it made me wanna scream and it increased that urge when you find out that nothing is really explained!


There were things that I liked but the stupid things in the overshadows them.

i like the whole personnel demon thing that he had until you literally fought him, taking the metaphor "fighting your own demons" to a new level


But the biggest monstrosity of this all where I did not know if I should laugh or cry.

After finding out that the bad guys in both games is a 3000 year old cult who have learned a technique which lets you emit sounds from their body that induce violence in people you find out that you are the "chosen one" with the ability to make people´s head explodes by screaming at them.

What... the... fuck



It just goes so far away from the original one that it just defiles it.

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Interpol (PSN)


I downloaded this game purely based on its PSN description, which made it sound like a mystery, Carmen Sandiego-type game.


Instead i got a game where you find random tiny objects in a series of static locations with the most generic story ever conceived tacked on. I now hate Sony for approving this, i hate the developer, and mostly myself for downloading it.


Avoid at all costs


There's a lesson in there somewhere.

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Dead Space


Awesome game, pleasantly surprised....liked the ending, bring on the sequel!




i felt the same, got it out of curiosity, found it to be one of the best games of 2008.


x men origines: wolverine


nice, fun game. not alot of depth but it was satisfying to rip people in half. and wolverine is totaly bad ass.


only real complaint is the reocuring mini bosses, fun to fight once but then they got dull. the actual, proper boss fights were pretty spectacular, certainly looked the part.


it just goes to show, you can make good movie/comic book games, so hopefully more will start coming out.


7/10 ott violence and a satisfying combat system

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Bonzai Barber-WiiWare


A little backstory here... I decided to bequeath my Wii to my older sister for her birthday this weekend.

Before packing it up, i recalled having 1500 Wii points left so i spent it on the original Donkey Kong and Bonzai Barber so my niece would have something easy to play.


After helping my sister hook up the system, we decided to give BB a test run. I was suprised to find myself enjoying the game every bit as much as my 6 year old niece did. BB oozes charm and the standard Wii Remote is a perfect fit for the concept.



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Condemned 2


It starts off great, scary intense and interesting all around.

As I progressed trough the game it just got worse and worse until the ending which was just plainly shit.

This one had way too much dependency on guns on many levels and ignored the melee combat system which was a major part in the previous one and everybody in this game (especially in the later part) are so fucking cryptic it made me wanna scream and it increased that urge when you find out that nothing is really explained!


There were things that I liked but the stupid things in the overshadows them.

i like the whole personnel demon thing that he had until you literally fought him, taking the metaphor "fighting your own demons" to a new level


But the biggest monstrosity of this all where I did not know if I should laugh or cry.

After finding out that the bad guys in both games is a 3000 year old cult who have learned a technique which lets you emit sounds from their body that induce violence in people you find out that you are the "chosen one" with the ability to make people´s head explodes by screaming at them.

What... the... fuck



It just goes so far away from the original one that it just defiles it.


Couldn't put it better myself. At the start, it was brilliant and sort of scary but as it went on, it just went shite. Nothing like the first one, the first one was just brilliant. The only thing I would say about C2 is that the graphics were brilliant. Other than that, too much gun usage and less combat which made the first game sort of unique in its way. The combat is still there but not as much as I would like it to be. No character development either. It's a shame, I had high hopes for the game. Still, not a bad game but compared to the first one, it's rubbish.






Brillant, scary, original. Best played in the dark, absolutely loved it.



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So good that you said it FIVE times? :blank:




Halo 3 ODST


Satisfying yet short single player compaign, rather enjoyable while it lasts, feels a bit fresher but overall it's mostly the 'same' Halo.


Multiplayer is where its at though, the second disc is fantastic if you haven't bought all the maps allready and even if you have, it's nice to have them on one disc, plus the Firefight mode on the ODST disc seems pretty well put together.



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Halo ODST:

Still not got too far in it as it's just too boooorrrrrrring.

I know Halo has millions of fans globally but I just don't get the single player AT ALL. I feel like I've played almost exactly the same game now 4 times over. The main reason I bought it was for the multiplayer which I can't use here as we're so far away from the telephone exchange we can't get anything other than steam engine internet access :(



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Resident Evil 5 (PC)


I played through half of the campaign in coop with a friend over lan which was great fun. The presentation is very good with fantastic cutscenes and nice graphics although the colour palette is a bit bland but the atmosphere is nice. More varied enemies would be good as well and they seems a bit like clones from the previous version with roughly the same armament. Level design is brilliant and varied which made for a fun experience so far.

Coop is also well implemented and the players are really dependent on one another because it's essential to cover each others back. The inventory system is inferior to RE4 though and rather annoying actually.




The other half got a bit boring though. The inventory system is a pain and lacks options it had in RE4. The bosses all seem quite alike by looks and strategy and the game keeps dragging on. It looks like the story guys were still full of ideas and needed levels to tell the story in. The plagas are also no big threat once you get the "electric stick". The bosses also become more annoying and over time the combat also got a bit boring especially because the enemies are essentially the same as in RE5 - they even had the gatling guys that took so many hits.




Overall it starts out great but towards the end I stopped caring and just wanted to finish it. 7/10

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  • 3 weeks later...

Uncharted 2 or how the bar has been raised for cinematic games.


stunning. that's the most fitting word for the game. every aspect, the plot, voice acting, animation, locations, level design and action were amoung the best ive ever seen.


the game was simply very exciting to play, it dosent matter if your exploring a lost temple, fighting along (and over) the outside of a train or running across the rooftops in a wartorn city, the game simply makes it as exciting as it possibly can. the action simply looks like your in real danger, and constantly pushing nate to his limits. its stunning to actualy see in motion.


the cutscens are a good length, enough to progress the story and add more depth to characters, but they are usualy over before becoming stale. the best way i can really describe the game is that it feels like a spiritual successor to indiana jones.


the number of jaw dropping, show stopping moments is unbelivable, just when you think you've seen the best the game has to offer, BAM! anouther chance to feel your chin hit the floor.


the game isnt without its faults, there are a couple of frustrating difficulty spikes, and there are some annoying enemys, but these all fade away to nothing under the shine of the game.


i was a huge fan of drakes fortune, amoung thievs irons out the flaws and builds on the strengths. this is a game worth buying a PS3 for. its that good.


+amazine presentation

+relentles pace

+fantastic story

-odd frustrating moment

-no real innovations

-it ends.


10/10 my personal game of the generation.

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Fallout 3


After many of my friends have constantly told me Fallout 3 is a brilliant game, I asked one of my friends kindly to let me borrow it to which he said "Yeah" which made me happy. However, when I got home and put it in my 360, I experienced something different to everyone else. I didn't think it was all that yet everyone thinks it's fantastic. I mean, sure the graphics are fantastic and the gameplay is quite cool and I'm in the middle with the storyline but HOW THE HELL CAN YOU STILL BE ALIVE AFTER SEVEN GUNSHOTS TO THE HEAD YET DIE AFTER ONE PUNCH???? It riddles me!!! I hate games like that but I don't particularly hate Fallout 3...yet. I'm at the start at the moment so it's unfair of me to judge just yet but at the moment, I'm not liking it THAT much. It's alright though...it could be a Godfather 2 case for me (hated it at the start and got addicted as the game progressed).


At the moment though, it gets 5.5/10 from me.

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How long have you played it for? The first 20 hours I was kinda playing in a really frustrated way... You know, you can lower the difficulty at any point (at the cost of getting less EXP, but you'll find you reach MAX level before the end of the game anyway) without missing out on any achievements... I ended up playing over 80 hours. It's a brilliant game, you're just doing it wrong.

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I played it on normal and whilst you may die once or twice at the start, I that adds to the tense atmosphere, especially when exploring the world for the first time - not knowing what to expect. You become powerful sooner or later and in the end you just feel totally badass.

As I've said before, I'd love to play it through for the first time again, it really is special. Best game this generation, the retroness/dated feel only heightens my impression of the game.

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