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How Long Does It Take You To Get To Sleep


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Im really tired all the time. Ive even been coming in from sixth form. Sat on my bed (the only place to sit part from the floor in my room) and lye down and go to sleep. It even happened today. Came home watched 2 episodes of 90210 and felt so tired i went to sleep. Normally I go to sleep 12-1 and get up before 8am. I have even been known to fall asleep during lessons and sat infront of a computer in the sixth form suite. This is all in the last year of a levels. I feel like shit 4/5 days of the week. Im either super agitated and get pissed off with everything or Im still too tired and practically walk with my eyes shut, closing my eyes on my bus journey. But rare occasions see me actually cheerful and unaffected by the lack of sleep. I cannot go to sleep without watching at least a 24, lost or prison break, but I like to fit an episode in of Scrubs. This of course leads to 2 or 3 episodes which is probably the source of the problem.

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If I'm really tired then I might be out in around 20-30 minutes, but otherwise I'd say it takes around an hour of lying in the dark for me to actually get to sleep. If I've a lot on my mind then sometimes I can't sleep at all, but on the other end of the spectrum I have fallen asleep in front of my laptop when I'm feeling happy.

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Im not entirely sure, I don't take very long though!


I have a program that shuts my pc down after an hour/two hours/whatever, and I always fall asleep before it shuts down!!


You're out like a god damn light :p.


No seriously though, I've never seen someone go from wide awake to asleep so fast.

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