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Obama -VS- McCain Choose your Poison!


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News flash, Palin believes that russia needs to be reprimanded harshly and would deem war as necessary actions.


I cry ;_;


But at least we know where the republicans stand, obama's just gonna go "freeeeeedom" and think thats enough, he needs to start spreading out his messages other than simply "change" i would like to know the finer points of his campaign other than he can heal the world. I'm starting to wonder if the republicans can win now, obama's reduced funding in swingstates aswell, =[

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I've not payed any much attention, but I don't want the old guy to win cos he's old and cos his running mate seems a little bit flimsy to be fair, just the whole history of it and her, though you must also understand I've gotten very limited information about it all and no doubt very media skewed information at that. I think america could use a black president though(i just reckon it'd help with progress, alot more than that Palin woman from what I heard of her religious history), so my vote'd go to Obama.

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The election is close, I hope I'm allowed to bump this thread a little.


Anyway, I just watched this video on youtube. It's a report about what some "white, working class" (I'd call them "racist, dickheads" but maybe that's just me) think about Obama.


Apparently he's "Anti White" and "a terroist" and if he wins "THE BLACK WILL TAKE OVER!"





Currently, Obama is ahead in the voting. Though, only just.

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Apparently he's "Anti White" and "a terroist" and if he wins "THE BLACK WILL TAKE OVER!"



Violent video games don't make me want to kill people. These people make me want to kill people. Specifically these people.


I can't even comment on the sheer stupidity and ignorance of those people. Stupidity of such purity is more radioactive than uranium! Seriously, I'm surprised the Internet hasn't imploded, resulting in the spacetime continuum collapsing onto itself.


Sorry if I'm rambling, but that is just ... dear God ...



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Palin is filled with the holy spirit.


The best bit was the next line: "I believe she will bring honesty and integrity to the white house". Yeah, just like she did the the Mayor's office of Shitsville, Alaska, or to the governer's office in Alaska...


Most of those people really, really need to actually, y'know, go to school...

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Yes. I don't agree with many of his points, and his campaign is getting too aggressive, but thank whatever these retards believe in that he's not a redneck.



Then again, he's probably doing this cause this would help his campaign. He uses Sarah Palin to scare people into voting for him, while at the same time stay clear of criticism cause he himself says it can't be tolerated (thus gaining more votes).


If he would really feel the way he does, he wouldn't let Sarah Palin make those accusations. It's all part of the campaign.


I'm not saying Obama/Biden wouldn't do the same, at the moment they just don't need to.

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I love how people seem to think that just because his middle name is "Hussain" that he's of Arab origin. Jeez... Africa and the Middle East have some very strong cultural ties in many ways and this is just one of them.


The sheer racism and idiocy of some of the American (as well as English...) public scares me, truly scares me.

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I think we've always known McCain is actually quite a decent person and all and would make a decent president. There's just a few problems.


He's so old he's going to be out of touch with the younger generation.

His running mate isn't fit to be president (And since he's so old thats kind of a problem).

He's running against someone who by a long shot looks like the will make a much better president.


I have a feeling a lot of you will agree with this.


Also, why do people even care what background Obama is? Are people really that racist these days or am I missing some important detail?


Also: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/464518

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