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I'm also going to resist reading that. I just popped on here to say that 1Up have a feature on it. Got that through my Twitter feed, but am also resisting the temptation to read it. I'm already sold on this game... anything more will just spoil it for me.

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Yeah but it'll be a lot fresher if you play it and haven't seen the settings/characters. I get your point but I'd rather have just picked up the game knowing nothing about it. (OK i might not have picked it up but you get the point)

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The original scene they showed, the taxidermist's house, apparently isn't a part of the main game; odds on they'll release an updated version of it for a demo. I would imagine the problem with only showing that stage is that people didn't seem to come away from seeing it with the impression the developers wanted; "It's Dragon's Lair!" Perhaps that's why they decided to eventually show a scene featuring each character instead.


Part of the problem is just that games are trailed for far too long. We generally find out about a game a year or more before it actually comes out, and a lot of times this seems to leave publishers gradually revealing more and more about a game until... well, Metal Gear Solid 4.

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When quicktime is done well, I love it. TR: Legends was awesome because when you failed you got an awesome animation of Lara getting hit by a train or something. Proper slapstick.


The integration in Heavy Rain looks good because the button prompts are located where you would be looking anyway and also you don't have to get every one perfectly (The point of the game is that you can fail and that action will have an effect).


Also, a lot of it isn't quicktime. A lot of what we've seen are just button prompts in context. I think a few people are getting confused by this.




This next bit is pretty spoiler free, especially if you saw the videos at E3.


Cage defends Madison striptease scene



Quantic Dream's David Cage has defended the scene in Heavy Rain in which player-character Madison Paige strips for a nightclub owner, arguing that during its E3 showing it succeeded in its goal of making the player "uncomfortable".


During the scene, Madison discovers that the club owner only has eyes for the girls pole-dancing near to where he's sitting, and the player is given the option to retire to the restrooms to doll her up, before gyrating provocatively to catch his attention.


Having done so, Madison and the owner retire to a private room and she uses a weapon in her purse to extort information from him. However, in the choice-and-consequence world of Heavy Rain, things can go very wrong.


"It was received in a very interesting way. I think with this game we go from discovery to discovery," he told Eurogamer during gamescom last week. "We had a couple of people who felt uncomfortable watching the scene, which is perfect because this is exactly what we wanted.


"You can't pretend to trigger different types of emotions and just focus on adrenaline and fright and competition and frustration. You need to go through different emotions, and showing this scene in particular was for us a test to see if we can make people feel like Madison, having to get naked to do a striptease in front of this ugly guy, and obviously it worked because people felt very uncomfortable.


"You know, when we thought people would just enjoy getting her naked and have this teenage kind of feel, in fact no, they really felt like they were Madison and they felt very uneasy."


Asked whether videogames perhaps have to learn to walk before they can run when it comes to difficult adult events, particularly given the potential for the situation the scene describes to become sexually violent, Cage said that he would not censor himself in order to avoid controversy.


"If you want to do toys for kids with videogames, then you certainly shouldn't do that, but if you intend to do an adult experience for a mature audience, then there's nothing you can't do, and you should certainly not count on me to censor myself, and say I can't do this or don't want to do that because it's too sensitive or too controversial or whatever.


"I do whatever it takes to tell my story, and I hope people will enjoy it, but I'm not playing safe things here, I'm trying things, I'm exploring new ground, and I hope people will appreciate that."


I pretty much agree with what he says, especially about not just depending on adrenaline type situations.

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Eurogamer have a hands-on with Heavy Rain,


"We don't make Dragon's Lair! This is not Dragon's Lair - do you think I'm crazy? I'm not stupid. Do you think I develop on PlayStation 3 to do Dragon's Lair again? It would be absurd. Of course it's not." David Cage is basically hopping up and down in the middle of a hotel room in Germany.


Cage is a funny man.


Anyone worried about it being a QTE-fest, give it a read. It's spoiler free.



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New footage is out but i dont think i cant post it here.


The video is called "Full Madison Paige Strip Scene (NSFW)"




Quantic Dream’s Heavy Rain want to tackle a lot of real life themes. The Madison Paige scene seems to really hammer home the game’s intentions. In it, you are confronted and propositioned by a guy who’ll provide you with information if you strip for him. Given the nature of the shady character, you risk getting raped if you take things too far — but thanks to Heavy Rain’s open-ended gameplay, you decide at what point to stop. This off-screen footage captures the moment perfectly — the footage is shady and in many ways uncomfortable, an emotion we’re sure Quantic Dream are trying to invoke with the scene.
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