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Legalising Weed In The UK


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No, you're not. Hence why you still don't see what's wrong with what you're saying.


I've had enough of this...this is pointless. Bye.


I still don't see why I'm wrong because none of the people I've had this discussion with had one single argument to counter my arguments (need I write them again?), they all just say, "no, that's not how it is" without any propper backup. If you really want to shut me up and for me to acknowledge you as right in this matter, you will have to overcome my arguments with yours, such are the rules of discussion. And since you have none... I'm not proven wrong yet. Seriously, do me the favour of posting why I'm wrong and explaining it propperly and I will acknowledge you are right. Come on then, I'm waiting.

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What you call poor people I call idiots. People that are actually poor generally were born poor, barely have income to eat, live in poor social environments and rarely get the education and incentive from the ones around them to get out of it. Vices come as a consequence of all that, and by vices I mean drugs and other stuff they're exposed daily, not HDTV or houses.


Poor - having little or no money, goods, or other means of support: a poor family living on welfare.




Working with the most conventional and straight-forward defintion possible, poverty is ultimately measured in income and wealth. How much you make, and ultimately, how much you save. Being an idiot has little to do with it. Being controlled by social urges does have a significant being.


That's not to say that there are people who are born of circumstances you described, absolutely. But they do not make up the general statistic in relation to Western civilization. Most people in places like the U.K., France, Germany, America, Canada, etc are poor because they made poor finanical and personal decisions. Stupid? Maybe. Ignorant? Defintely. Even the most meager income pull can still have powerful effects if managed right and spent wisely. And even the people who have a difficult time pulling themselves up, there are many welfare programs that do provide support.


Being poor and poverty in general is very broadly defined.


As for HDTVs and houses, I can't speak on Europe's behalf, but I can say getting unsecured credit is extremely easy in America. It is not uncommon to see people use every ounce of credit (easily in the hundreds of thousands of dollars) on houses they'll never come close to paying off and electronics and cars that are, ultimately, unnecassary. And by burying themselves in credit, they leave no money for the essentials.


Thus they are poor from common defintion. Lack of resources.

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I think trying to win an arguement by attacking rokhed's personal life is a sign that none of your opinions should be taken seriously at all.


Grow up and live in the real world, there are loads of people that take drugs and loads of people that are different from you.

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Weed and all drugs are TWATTISH

End of.


Talk about a good arguement there dear. :indeed:


I'm sorry but fact and opinion are different, just because you believe something to be the best doesn't make it fact, unless I'm not understanding the conversation at all? If I'm not correct me :).


It's still rather odd to say that you believe the 5 best animes to be such and such and say that it is fact, when I may come along and say another 5 animes that I believe to be the 5 best, unless of course you are on about money and popularity in regards to sells and merch than actually opinion on what I should like?


See now that would make more sense..:blank:

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Talk about a good arguement there dear. :indeed:


I'm sorry but fact and opinion are different, just because you believe something to be the best doesn't make it fact, unless I'm not understanding the conversation at all? If I'm not correct me :).


It's still rather odd to say that you believe the 5 best animes to be such and such and say that it is fact, when I may come along and say another 5 animes that I believe to be the 5 best, unless of course you are on about money and popularity in regards to sells and merch than actually opinion on what I should like?


See now that would make more sense..:blank:


Clearly he doesn't fully understand what the word fact means, or he's doing it just to annoy people.

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haha sarah your arguments are just so well put :)


(really love you btw :)).

and i love you too :)

Talk about a good arguement there dear. :indeed:


I'm sorry but fact and opinion are different, just because you believe something to be the best doesn't make it fact, unless I'm not understanding the conversation at all? If I'm not correct me :).


It's still rather odd to say that you believe the 5 best animes to be such and such and say that it is fact, when I may come along and say another 5 animes that I believe to be the 5 best, unless of course you are on about money and popularity in regards to sells and merch than actually opinion on what I should like?


See now that would make more sense..:blank:

that sort of made sense lol

in my OPINION (see, careful there..)why bother wasting money on weed and other shit to get high. You're born to live your life as who you are, not as some stone-faced idiot. Why you'd want to cause amazing amounts of damage to yourself is beyond me...there's just no point. You only live once, so why waste yourself away?...Wow how philsophical

(Sorry if I offended anyone again lol)

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and i love you too :)


that sort of made sense lol

in my OPINION (see' date=' careful there..)why bother wasting money on weed and other shit to get high. You're born to live your life as who you are, not as some stone-faced idiot. Why you'd want to cause amazing amounts of damage to yourself is beyond me...there's just no point. You only live once, so why waste yourself away?...Wow how philsophical

(Sorry if I offended anyone again lol)[/quote']


Ignoring the fallacies in your argument, what does this have to do with decriminalization of marijuana?

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and i love you too :)


that sort of made sense lol

in my OPINION (see' date=' careful there..)why bother wasting money on weed and other shit to get high. You're born to live your life as who you are, not as some stone-faced idiot. Why you'd want to cause amazing amounts of damage to yourself is beyond me...there's just no point. You only live once, so why waste yourself away?...Wow how philsophical

(Sorry if I offended anyone again lol)[/quote']


It's not just that but your argument means that you include legal drugs, as well as drugs that people need not live, calling someone twattish for taking drugs that keep them alive seems very rude. Most drugs will cause alot of damage, christ knows even the contreceptive pill does damage to the system if you take the wrong one!


I do also agree with high drugs, why bother, it's expensive and very dangerous, but weed itself isn't as bad as alcohol, which is actually legal, so start calling people who drink twattish first :heh:

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Why you'd want to cause amazing amounts of damage to yourself is beyond me...
True in some cases, but not all weed smokers are stereotypical.


Even so, I don't see why you would ban it. If you're stupid enough to fuck up your own life with weed, you should be free to do so. It should be completely your loss.


Those people wouldn't be stopped screwing up their life with banning of weed, and even if it would eradicate use completely, they would find another way.

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It's not just that but your argument means that you include legal drugs, as well as drugs that people need not live, calling someone twattish for taking drugs that keep them alive seems very rude. Most drugs will cause alot of damage, christ knows even the contreceptive pill does damage to the system if you take the wrong one!


I do also agree with high drugs, why bother, it's expensive and very dangerous, but weed itself isn't as bad as alcohol, which is actually legal, so start calling people who drink twattish first :heh:


FYI....i said that DRUGS are twattish, not the people who take them lol....

And isn't it obvious that I didn't mean medicinal drugs? Yeah ofc these drugs are needed to save lives (I mean c'mon...I wanna be a doctor ffs lol) But the drugs that can cause physical and mental harm to the body I'm TOTALLY against (obviously)


If someone wants to take drugs the entire time, then fine, it's your body, your funeral. But could you really stand it knowing that someone you know and care about is harming themself by doing it, watever the circumstances?...I couldn't


In answer to the thread's question...'should weed be legalised in the UK?'


Um.... NO


(I'm waiting for your argument now Nightwolf ;))

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If someone wants to take drugs the entire time' date=' then fine, it's your body, your funeral. But could you really stand it knowing that someone you know and care about is harming themself by doing it, watever the circumstances?...I couldn't


In answer to the thread's question...'should weed be legalised in the UK?'


Um.... [b']NO[/b]


(I'm waiting for your argument now Nightwolf ;))


I think the only way that people will screw up their lives with weed is if they take the Bez route, which probably won't happen. The only problem I have with weed is the usual antisocial bunch who I often see slounging around in dodgy areas smoking it, often during hours when they should be at school. There are probably lots of 'normal' people who smoke it too, just the only ones stupid enough to do it in public are chavs.

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I was trying to avoid this thread, as I got all too in to it...


but it's annoying me that people keep saying it fucks people up in a way that they assume is like 'couple of doobies a week and all of a sudden you're schizo and can't think'


that's not true.


I'll admit- I've smoked a fair bit this last year. Like...I was pretty much baked every night for weeks at a time at some points.


I'm fine! 99% of people who smoke weed find it completely harmless and do it regularly with no consequence.


Now I won't deny it can lead to problems- after all, anything that's going to alter brain chemistry can do that. But people are being very reactionary with their condemnation of the substance and it's users. Believe me- you need to put some serious effort in to your weed for it to damage you, and if that's the sort of person you are..well it's going to happen anyway.

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FYI....i said that DRUGS are twattish' date=' not the people who take them lol....

And isn't it obvious that I didn't mean medicinal drugs? Yeah ofc these drugs are needed to save lives (I mean c'mon...I wanna be a doctor ffs lol) [b']But the drugs that can cause physical and mental harm to the body I'm TOTALLY against [/b](obviously)


If someone wants to take drugs the entire time, then fine, it's your body, your funeral. But could you really stand it knowing that someone you know and care about is harming themself by doing it, watever the circumstances?...I couldn't


In answer to the thread's question...'should weed be legalised in the UK?'


Um.... NO


(I'm waiting for your argument now Nightwolf ;))

ALL drugs have side effects, some more harmful than others. Some effect the body badly.



I was trying to avoid this thread, as I got all too in to it...


but it's annoying me that people keep saying it fucks people up in a way that they assume is like 'couple of doobies a week and all of a sudden you're schizo and can't think'


that's not true.


I'll admit- I've smoked a fair bit this last year. Like...I was pretty much baked every night for weeks at a time at some points.


I'm fine! 99% of people who smoke weed find it completely harmless and do it regularly with no consequence.


Now I won't deny it can lead to problems- after all, anything that's going to alter brain chemistry can do that. But people are being very reactionary with their condemnation of the substance and it's users. Believe me- you need to put some serious effort in to your weed for it to damage you, and if that's the sort of person you are..well it's going to happen anyway.


My point exactly...

Who here has first hand experience of weed causing severe/longterm mental problems?

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And isn't it obvious that I didn't mean medicinal drugs? Yeah ofc these drugs are needed to save lives (I mean c'mon...I wanna be a doctor ffs lol) But the drugs that can cause physical and mental harm to the body I'm TOTALLY against (obviously)


People can seriously fuck their life up with Vallium, thats a legal drug that is used to save lifes are you against that?

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I'll admit- I've smoked a fair bit this last year. Like...I was pretty much baked every night for weeks at a time at some points.


Yer me too, my heads still here :)


People who judge it without trying it are TWATTISH

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Yer me too, my heads still here :)


People who judge it without trying it are TWATTISH


I see friends of mine get fucked up by the stuff, and thinking "that's bad, I'm not going to do that too" is 'twattish'?


Right... :indeed:


with very very small consequences on a very small percentage of people.


I think this is how something is judged to be illegal or not - by it's consequences, and how many people they occur in. Weed falls just on the illegal side.


I can't speak on Europe's behalf, but I can say getting unsecured credit is extremely easy in America.


Unfortunately, your country's banks' reckless abandon with money has come back and hit not only the US, but Europe in the face. Damn profiteering yanks! *shakes fist*

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FYI....i said that DRUGS are twattish' date=' not the people who take them lol....

And isn't it obvious that I didn't mean medicinal drugs? Yeah ofc these drugs are needed to save lives (I mean c'mon...I wanna be a doctor ffs lol) But the drugs that can cause physical and mental harm to the body I'm TOTALLY against (obviously)


If someone wants to take drugs the entire time, then fine, it's your body, your funeral. But could you really stand it knowing that someone you know and care about is harming themself by doing it, watever the circumstances?...I couldn't


In answer to the thread's question...'should weed be legalised in the UK?'


Um.... [b']NO[/b]


(I'm waiting for your argument now Nightwolf ;))


You'll be waiting a while for a true argument from myself, I don't see the point of arguing over something that has no indication of being legalised, when I agree that higher drug should always be illegal, christ I don't even agree with some legal drugs these days because I've seen some much harm come from them.


I will only say that alcohol is worse and yet here we have kids a lot younger than me on the streets drinking it, wasting away their livers before they hit 18, yet when I got caught for drinking underage all I got was the drink taken off me and sent on my way...


Yet if I smoked weed all hell would break lose, when the effects are less severe than alcohol or smoking tobacco. Unfortunetly, that is the way life is and if it was legalised it would only be as bad as the two mentioned.



Besides everything gives you something these days..:indeed:

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What happened to your friends?


One of them is now (post-cannabis) really, really slow - you could think he was stoned all the time, but he's not.


Another has similar problems, to a lesser extent, but also has massive anger issues, which only started after he became a regular weed user.


My sister, on the other hand, is fine, and she used to use it reasonably frequently. However, I'm not going to risk it, I don't want to end up like either of the previous two.

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