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Legalising Weed In The UK


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Lol, I think we can find a bigger sample here that disproves your point.



Personally I think his example works quite well against him, I'm free to express myself, and he's narrow minded and intolerant. He seems much more fucked up than me.


But none of that has anything to do with drug use?


My point exactly, you were the one who brought it up.

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Well, I'm gonna walk on down the street and pick some up later on tonight. Considering how easy it is to get, I reckon they might aswell legalise it, since everyone would benefit. It would be cheaper since it would be grown on a larger scale, and it could still be taxed. I'd be happy with that.

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Personally i think it should legal but you should have to grow it yourself. That way you wouldnt have to buy crap from dealers for stupid money and people might learn something in the process.


To grow weed you need a £230 minimum investment into a proper light bulb and some other expenses elsewhere. You'd also need the space and a ventilation system for both the smell and cooling.


That's why a coffeeshop is a good idea.

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Ok some of the personal attacks on the last page got a bit too much. Weed doesn't 'fuck you up' but yeah it can lead to mental problems. There's no need to use Rokhed's situation to say that drugs lead to that. I mean, the bard just said he's going to get some, doesn't mean he has the same issues.


People are born differently, no need to say dumb things to make a point.

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Im talking like a fascist?

Because i think THE LAW (and thats what it is) should be enforced more. If there were harsher punishments people would not do it, not to the extent that they do.



I suggest if you are going to start banding the F word around you go and inform yourself as to what the hell it means. But it was quoted as being the most over used word in modern times, something you have carried on i think.


Oh yes, you're taking the "he's wrong therefore I'm right" stance, are you? Damn it, now I used the word fascist and made a fool of myself in your eyes, therefore my whole repertoire of arguments is discredited... :(

Well, I'm sorry, but no, THE LAW exists to better serve the citizens of it's society, not to hold them back, and this is a case that should be discussed publicaly, not "IT'S THE LAW, LET'S FOLLOW THE LAW". The law is wrong on many things, and it's up to you and me (although apparently you're having none of it) to change it's shortcomings. Laws were made to be broken, when necessary. Is this such a case? It's undefined, it's not an absolutist matter, opinions will and may vary.


Well i havent smoked mountains of drugs and i have no urge to wear a dress and put my balls in a jar.

So out a sample of two people i would say yes the drugs fucked you up!!!!!!


I think your point just bit you in the ass.


Oh this is just unreal. Does anyone remember O_W stating (and adamantly arguing the case of) something along the lines of "these 5 anime titles are the best ever, fact."?


They are. Fact. You're the one who can't think beyond your own opinion. And I'm the one who's narrow minded, right?

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Oh I don't know, it serves quite well to illustrate the small mindedness of the people arguing against.


Now you're being narrow minded. Just because one person arguing against it is narrow minded it doesn't mean we all are. That's just the same as what Danny was doing when he was saying drugs fucked you up.


Don't be a hypocrite Rok.

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Now you're being narrow minded. Just because one person arguing against it is narrow minded it doesn't mean we all are. That's just the same as what Danny was doing when he was saying drugs fucked you up.


Don't be a hypocrite Rok.


I think there was more than one person, I wasn't generalizing, but admitedly I could have worded it better.


Fixed it now.

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To grow weed you need a £230 minimum investment into a proper light bulb and some other expenses elsewhere. You'd also need the space and a ventilation system for both the smell and cooling.


That's why a coffeeshop is a good idea.


Unfortunately you are wrong it called weed for a reason, its a weed! Its pretty hardy and can grow in almost all conditions. You can grow it with a couple of energy saving lightbulbs! You dont need ventilation or cooling. You only need cooling if you have hot lights which you dont need. Failing that plant the seeds out side at the right time of year.

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Unfortunately you are wrong it called weed for a reason, its a weed! Its pretty hardy and can grow in almost all conditions. You can grow it with a couple of energy saving lightbulbs! You dont need ventilation or cooling. You only need cooling if you have hot lights which you dont need. Failing that plant the seeds out side at the right time of year.


Well... if you want bad weed, that works.

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They are. Fact. You're the one who can't think beyond your own opinion. And I'm the one who's narrow minded, right?


Living proof that you are a complete idiot. You call someone fascist then pretend your opinion is absolute fact and everyone else is wrong? Pot calling kettle black.

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Living proof that you are a complete idiot. You call someone fascist then pretend your opinion is absolute fact and everyone else is wrong? Pot calling kettle black.


That's what you still haven't understood, ever since the first time you ever argued that, I've explained it to you time and time again. I don't give a rats ass about my opinion when discussing something, in fact, I don't even smoke weed, nor have I done it in ages (go and ask Hellfire if you want), but in the end, my opinion is just as relevant as yours: not at all. I couldn't give less of a fuck if you like this or that or hate that other thing, there are facts, and then there's opinions. This applies to almost everything. In the case of the anime discussion, as with any discussion I have in the music thread or film thread, I was stating those that are factually the best animes. And you still insist that no, that I was stating my opinion and that when it backfired, I made that excuse up... Well, if you actually stop being silly and so god damned egocentric, you'll find there's a criteria to things that surpasses anything you might think or have an opinion on. Of course that only applies to objective discussion, and wether or not to pass a law is clearly not an objective discussion, seen that each country has it's own set of perogatives.


That being said, My opinion is everything but absolute, if anything, it's merely passable, a feeble attempt at existing significantly. You see, unlike you, I know there's something beyond myself, I'm not consumed with my beliefs and creeds. There's what is, and what I think is. Only one of them matters, globally, the other one is just there for me to live my life by. And in the end, I am insignificant.

There's facts, and then there's perspectives. I hate Hemingway, and he's still one of the best writers the world has ever seen.



You love your girlfriend and she's still... [is extremely polite in order to avoid yet another infraction that derives, yet again, of Sheikah's extremely fragile ego]unbalanced[/stops being all of that]. That's the beauty of being human, we make mistakes.


Sometimes even mistakes that we learn from. But when the subject is an objective discussion, I personally believe that opinion should be disregarded.


The choices we make and the choices that are right are two different things. Smoking marijuana is never a good choice, but it's a damn fun one.

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The choices we make and the choices that are right are two different things. Smoking marijuana is never a good choice, but it's a damn fun one.


QFT i read somewhere else on the thread bout how stoned idiots is the last thing you want for humanity progressing or something, somehow a world full of people who care about celebs/tv/games is hardly anything that really pushes the frontier of humanity. Not saying whoever it was is like that or anything.


And as for legalising weed if they did it i'd probably stop smoking it all together - its easy enough to get ripped off by chiefy dealers, last thing you want is tax and such added on top. Might be able to monitor it quite well in that way too.

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The choices we make and the choices that are right are two different things. Smoking marijuana is never a good choice, but it's a damn fun one.


What he said, for the most part.


However, I know several people who've reacted badly to smoking pot, even on the very first time. A majority of people I know who use the stuff regularly are noticeably less aware than they used to be, which is, well, a bad thing.


From my personal experiance, I think it should remain illegal, as most people get screwed up by it.

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However, I know several people who've reacted badly to smoking pot, even on the very first time. A majority of people I know who use the stuff regularly are noticeably less aware than they used to be, which is, well, a bad thing.


From my personal experiance, I think it should remain illegal, as most people get screwed up by it.


Oh yes, it most definitely screws you up, in the long run... but I still think it should be legal, as it's a fantastic stress-relief and overall feel-good-enabler, with very very small consequences on a very small percentage of people.

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I was stating those that are factually the best animes.


Right, for the love of common sense, would someone please reassert the fact that there are no 'factually best' anime/TV series/films! Saying that something is the 'best' is completely your opinion, not fact!!


Jesus Christ! Broken record!

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Jesus Christ! Broken record!


I think it's mutual, darling.


And yet again, of course there are. Artistic quality is purely objective. The enjoyment you derive from it is 100% subjective, but it's artistic and conceptual worth is totally objective. All the critics of pretty much all artistic circles agree with this, and all but people can pretty much settle on that, except one type of creature, which is precisely your type: the type which is unable to acknowledge it's own... how shall I phrase it... insignificance. :smile:


This is completely off topic. Sorry... I'll make a thread in a couple of minutes.

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I think it's mutual, darling.


And yet again, of course there are. Artistic quality is purely objective. The enjoyment you derive from it is 100% subjective, but it's artistic and conceptual worth is totally objective. All the critics of pretty much all artistic circles agree with this, and all but people can pretty much settle on that, except one type of creature, which is precisely your type: the type which is unable to acknowledge it's own... how shall I phrase it... insignificance. :smile:

No, no, no. There is simply no way to say that subjective things such as art or film are 'factually better'. You can argue this until you are blue in the face, but you will still be wrong.

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No, no, no. There is simply no way to say that subjective things such as art or film are 'factually better'. You can argue this until you are blue in the face, but you will still be wrong.


Sheikah, I think we've all understood that you're as stubborn as can be, but then again, so am I. The difference is, I'm able to acknowledge when I'm wrong and you, despite all your preaching that I'm the one who thinks is always right, have never once since you came into this forum had a discussion with anybody in which you actually abdicated of your views on things. All that is different to that which you think, you cannot accept. Which can only mean two things, you're either always right, or you have a personality disorder. Or better yet, a grudge on me. You see, try as I might to have a rational discussion, you always say no, without any proper backup, much as you just did now.

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