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Exam Results 2008!


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Clearing places in Scotland are listed on the UCAS website, folks!


I've started a (hopefully unessential) list of places of get in touch with if I don't make my grades.


EDIT: Wow, I stand a good chance of getting into Dundee, the 5th best in the country for Civil Engineering, with C's. I'm feeling much more comfortable about my results now. :D

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I'll probably stroll in late morning to avoid the crowds. :D and run back to my Mum's car to avoid the teachers. >_____<


See I'm gonna get in as early as poss (about 9ish) cus I'm sure I'm gonna have to phone up my unis to try and get my place confirmed without the grades and I'm sure the phones are gonna be busy

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See I'm gonna get in as early as poss (about 9ish) cus I'm sure I'm gonna have to phone up my unis to try and get my place confirmed without the grades and I'm sure the phones are gonna be busy


I'll probably do that next year as well with my A2 results but this year doesn't matter so much! :)


There is nothing more awkward than sharing results with someone:


Man 1: what did you get?


Man 2: All A's. :D you?


Man1: I got 3 D's and an E...


Man 2: Oh.



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I'll probably do that next year as well with my A2 results but this year doesn't matter so much! :)


There is nothing more awkward than sharing results with someone:


Man 1: what did you get?


Man 2: All A's. :D you?


Man1: I got 3 D's and an E...


Man 2: Oh.




I know exaclty what you mean....in your example, last year for my AS results, I would have been Man1. :(

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haha coolness that was me with my gcse's, my best friend was a straight A student, so obviously it went:


Friend: What did you get?


Me: Few B's, C's and one D, what about you?


Friend: Few A's, one B, I'm well disappointed about that B


Me: *glare*


I actually remember being annoyed haha ^_^, even though really I had done really well as I'd even got C in maths when I was predicted an E, I hope you get good results, tomorrow is it?

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I know exaclty what you mean....in your example, last year for my AS results, I would have been Man1. :(


Aww! :(


I think I could be Man 1 this year although I'm hoping for CCCC! my predictions overall are BCCC. :)


haha coolness that was me with my gcse's, my best friend was a straight A student, so obviously it went:


Friend: What did you get?


Me: Few B's, C's and one D, what about you?


Friend: Few A's, one B, I'm well disappointed about that B


Me: *glare*


I actually remember being annoyed haha ^_^, even though really I had done really well as I'd even got C in maths when I was predicted an E, I hope you get good results, tomorrow is it?


Yes it is tomorrow. :grin:


I know how you feel that was like me and my "friend" as well.(but over the phone so less awkward) He got all the A's and even though I didn't do badly 3 A's 5 B's and a C I had to listen to them complain that they got a B in this when they wanted an A and it made my results feel a bit rubbish when in fact it was a miracle what I got. :D


I got a C in maths too. I was really happy with that and one point it was at an E!

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If I don't get into my unis I'm gonna take the year off and aply next year but I'll have nothing to do all year. I'll get a job I suppose but I'll be sooo bored. My mates (the ones I want to hang out with) will be at uni so I will really have nothing to do

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Guest Stefkov

I'm not worried about tomorrow. I get a place at Uni no matter what I get really. Foundation course offered on the side if I don't get the points = no worries.

Even so, if during the course they realise that I just failed badly cos it was the exams I can get on the course I wanted in the first place anyway.

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I'll probably do that next year as well with my A2 results but this year doesn't matter so much! :)


There is nothing more awkward than sharing results with someone:


Man 1: what did you get?


Man 2: All A's. :D you?


Man1: I got 3 D's and an E...


Man 2: Oh.




This was me and most of my friends this year.


Me: How'd you do?


Friend: Good, Couple of Bs and the rest Cs, you?


Me: All As


Friend: See you next tuesday.


Makes me feel like I'm being really arrogant any time I mention exams now >_>

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This was me and most of my friends this year.


Me: How'd you do?


Friend: Good, Couple of Bs and the rest Cs, you?


Me: All As


Friend: See you next tuesday.


Makes me feel like I'm being really arrogant any time I mention exams now >_>


Pretty much the same here. Though I usually just get called a nerd and thats the end of it.

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Well I'm expected constantly to get As too. Like, if we're doing some kind of group work everyone immediately nominates me to do the most important role. In Modern Studies I was put against 8 people a year older than me in a debate with nobody else from my team chiming in any support and still won :smile:


And people generally don't mind that I do well, I'm graceful to everyone else if they do well in their opinion and so on (other than my best friend with who I have the uber competitive going on :p)


Also I had to get my picture in the local paper last week too meaning EVERYONE saw it and now I get constant "WELL DONE!!!111" which I hate.


Price of success :p

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I seem to be the only person nervous about results tomorrow! What's the deal? I really like the University I've applied for (Bournemouth) and it seems perfect for me. I really do love it and I dunno what I'll do if I don't get in. :/


From my last 2 subjects, I need the equivalent of 2 C's (1 B 1 D would be fine etc) but I think I really really fucked up on my Philosophy exams.. >_<

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I remember failing all my subjects once, then I went out with friends to celebrate the results :heh:


Them: I done good, A, 2Bs and a C, i'm happy

Dude1: Yeah i'm happy with mine aswell, got Bs

Dude 2: What did you get?

Me: All fails : peace:




*slowly moves onto what we're having at Pizza hut and another 10 questions throughout the day on how I done*

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I seem to be the only person nervous about results tomorrow! What's the deal? I really like the University I've applied for (Bournemouth) and it seems perfect for me. I really do love it and I dunno what I'll do if I don't get in. :/


From my last 2 subjects, I need the equivalent of 2 C's (1 B 1 D would be fine etc) but I think I really really fucked up on my Philosophy exams.. >_<


Don't worry Dyson, I'm nervous too buddy! For the last 2 hours, I've been occupied by the football..is been taking my mind off results day. But now that the footy has finished, I'm getting really freaked out! :shakehead

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Don't worry Dyson, I'm nervous too buddy! For the last 2 hours, I've been occupied by the football..is been taking my mind off results day. But now that the footy has finished, I'm getting really freaked out! :shakehead


: peace:


Glad it's not just me, then! I bought Bionic Commando and managed to finish Braid earlier in an attempt to get my mind off of it but now it's gotten to this point I'm positively bricking myself!


Good luck to you, Babooo! :D

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Mate, I've just had a session of COD4 online as well as watching an episode of scrubs...just to keep my mind off these bloody results!


But now my parents are forcing me to go to bed....I just know I won't be able to sleep properly!

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Mate, I've just had a session of COD4 online as well as watching an episode of scrubs...just to keep my mind off these bloody results!


But now my parents are forcing me to go to bed....I just know I won't be able to sleep properly!


Heh, i've had a similar sort of day. Last couple hours i've been trying to read to get my mind off the results but reading is surely the worst thing to try and do when you got things on your mind.


Urgh, these are the exams i've tried the hardest for in my life which would make finding out that i've done badly all the more horrible...


Well good luck all anyway

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I'm not worried about tomorrow. I get a place at Uni no matter what I get really. Foundation course offered on the side if I don't get the points = no worries.

Even so, if during the course they realise that I just failed badly cos it was the exams I can get on the course I wanted in the first place anyway.


What you applying for and where?


I will probably be offered a foundation course aswell at Kent if I don't get the grades, won't take it mind, but it's nice to have the choice if I, for whatever reason, decide I will hate going into clearing tomorrow.



I also just realised I don't know the result of my english GCSE retake. I hope the uni's already know :(

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Good luck to everyone ^_^


One of the best nights out i ever had was results day 2 years ago! Started drinking from 11am, didnt stop till 4am the following day! Teh awesomez!!


Also, well done to anywho who is on their way to the university of manchester, fucking ace city, amazing university, and lots and lots of attractive students to have fun with ^_^

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Guest Stefkov
What you applying for and where?

Games Design at Huddersfield for 260 points. Then I got offered aswell a foundation course for 180 points. I went for a formal interview months back and speaking to the guy he said it's just something there so that if I do really bad in my exams I can still go there. Then during the course if I do well (can't think how what they'll base that off) and they realise I just had an off day in the exams then I can get onto the original course.

I don't even know what time I'm meant to go in for tomorrow/today/later oshi...

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