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Over at Mario Marathon they are currently engaged in a marathon Zelda playing session to raise money for Child's Play.


Can be found here;






The Zelda Marathon begins Thursday, July 31st at 8:00 PM ET


Last month we we raised $11,767 for the Child's Play Charity by broadcasting 57 hours of Super Mario Bros. This month we're at it again, teaming with the guys who originally inspired us, Cameron Banga and the Four48 Team.


Beginning at 8:00 PM ET on Thursday July 31st the Mario Marathon team will play through:


* The Legend of Zelda - COMPLETE 2 hours 36 minutes

* Zelda II: Adventure of Link - COMPLETE 3 hours 30 minutes

* The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - COMPLETE 5 hours

* The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap - BONUS


Twenty-Two hours later (6:00 PM ET) the Four48 crew will continue where we leave off by completing the four 3D Zeldas:


* Ocarina of Time

* Majora's Mask

* Windwaker

* Twilight Princess


Combined it's seven Zeldas in 70 hours! Both feeds will be available here, at MarioMarathon.com as well as on CameronBanga.com. Be sure to check out Cameron's site for a live blog throughout the event


They are actually up on the deal as they completed Minish Cap as well...


Man I'd love to do this. I'm sure I could do everything except Link to the Past and Minish Cap (have never finished either of those) very quickly. Especially Ocarina which I probably completed about 20 times back in the day.


Surprised they're doing minish cap instead of phantom hourglass though =/

  Shorty said:
Man I'd love to do this. I'm sure I could do everything except Link to the Past and Minish Cap (have never finished either of those) very quickly. Especially Ocarina which I probably completed about 20 times back in the day.


Surprised they're doing minish cap instead of phantom hourglass though =/


IMO, Minish Cap > Phantom Hourglass


But considering PH is shorter, yeah, it's a bit strange.

  Shorty said:
Surprised they're doing minish cap instead of phantom hourglass though =/


Perhaps its because PH is newer so the speed runners haven't quite got the hang of it yet. Though, I thought Minish Cap was a better game.


Out of all them games, I could do Ocarina in about 5 hours, Majoras Mask in about the same time and if i really pushed myself, Wind Waker in about 6 hours. As for the 2D Zelda games and Twilight Princess, i would need more practice at them to even beat them in single figure times.


Good on them to attempt this, i quite liked their Mario Marathon. May look into this and see how its coming along


Edit: They are on Wind Waker right now, 30 hours to complete it and Twilight Princess


Whoa, it took me over 70 hours to finish Twilight Princess alone 0_o


Well, actually that was my total play time, and I left it on overnight a few times if I was in a temple.



  Oxigen_Waste said:
Speed runs are as stupid as anything can get.
Strange thing to say o_O games have had time trials for a very long time, people are always trying to beat each others times on games, it's the same premise but accross the whole game.


This particular one is raising money for charity. What is stupid about it?

  Oxigen_Waste said:
Speed runs are as stupid as anything can get.


Unless they're for charity. Then the more stupid the act, the better.


I agree about speed runs in general though; people who take part pretty much have obsessive compulsive disorder. Of all the things you can feel proud of for achieving, completing FFX with Tidus L1 should not be one of them.

  Sheikah said:
Unless they're for charity. Then the more stupid the act, the better.


I agree about speed runs in general though; people who take part pretty much have obsessive compulsive disorder. Of all the things you can feel proud of for achieving, completing FFX with Tidus L1 should not be one of them.


Totally agree. Gaming should not be an outlet to feed this obssessive compulsive need as I swear that it suggests to devs that the majority of ppl want that kind of element in a game.


People should sit down, chill out and have fun with a game not this pseudo-olympics for people who really should be socialising.

  Iun said:
What happened to Links Awakening?


They had a live feed, it might have been hard to film a Game Boy screen and finish the game as quickly as possible at the same time.


  dwarf gourami said:
I have heard of better ways to raise money for charity.

Who's actually sponsoring this anyway?


Don't be a cynic, they raised $2,260 for Child's Play. And it was donations via Paypal.

  Tellyn said:
They had a live feed, it might have been hard to film a Game Boy screen and finish the game as quickly as possible at the same time.



The Book Of Nintendo, Chapter 3, Verse 1: "And Yea, Nintendo Invented The Super Gameboy, And The Land was Filled With Big Screen Gameboy Games"


Still, this is a sort of nice way to raise money.


Why condone a marathon speed run session of games? Yeah, it's great for Childs Play and all but they could have done it in a way that wasn't so boring and wasteful.

  Iun said:
The Book Of Nintendo, Chapter 3, Verse 1: "And Yea, Nintendo Invented The Super Gameboy, And The Land was Filled With Big Screen Gameboy Games"


Ah, true. Maybe they didn't have one at their disposal.


  dwarf gourami said:
Why condone a marathon speed run session of games? Yeah, it's great for Childs Play and all but they could have done it in a way that wasn't so boring and wasteful.


They generated an internet audience this way. If they decided to do a marathon it'd be a bit hard for people to watch, they'd just have to rely on write ups online, so money raised would probably be considerably less.


But that doesn't mean this was the only way they could have got high viewing figures does.... It's been and gone now so it doesn't matter anymore.

  dwarf gourami said:
But that doesn't mean this was the only way they could have got high viewing figures does.... It's been and gone now so it doesn't matter anymore.


I don't see your point here.


Basically I'm saying there are other things you could do which are more interesting than watch someone else do a speedrun - I mean it's pretty sad trying to speed run a game yourself, let alone watching someone else do it (especially seeing that you aren't rewarded anything in Zelda for doing this).


So I think it's a wasted oppurtunity to raise money where they could have got more viewers if they did something more lively.


I think it's the dedication more than anything, and the fact that they're pushing themselves to do this for a good cause. The Mario Marathon raised over $11,000 earlier this year.

  Iun said:
What happened to Links Awakening?

Word is it got left out because Wind Waker took too fucking long looking for Triforce pieces.


Same with Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons. Fucking love those games.

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