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Red Steel 2 (£4.95 @Zavvi)


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  • 4 weeks later...
I've got a good feeling about this one. Everything's in place for this to be the Wii's definitive 3rd-party game.


Imo, third party games are just getting better and better now. Sure, there's still a lot of shit out there, but I think there are some high quality games on the horizon now, or recently released. It's to be expected though. Now that developers now the system, know what they can do with it and the controls, we should be seeing better games.


I've got a feeling this will be great to play. Really excited by it. This and No More Heroes 2 I think will be two very good reasons to own a Wii.

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  • 1 month later...

I got the chance to play this at the Eurogamer Expo, and it's excellent! It was the first thing I went to, as oddly enough, no one was playing it. Turns out the demo had buggered up already, and the pointer seemed to be suffering a fit on the title screen. The Eurogamer people said it was beyond help, so unfortunately I had to leave it alone until the end of the day.


The second time round, all was dandy. It prompted me to calibrate the controller by laying it down on a flat surface, then it was time to rock and roll. An incredibly cinematic opening ensued, with your pal Payne taking you on a scenic route through the desert, tied to the back of his motorcycle. He does his level best to skewer you with as many cacti, rocks and other debris as possible before his cycle eventually crashes and explodes.


You immediately jump into the action and rearm yourself, escaping an abandoned building and emerging into an old Western town, confronted with men with big guns, and bigger swords. MotionPlus works excellently at this point, and as far as I could tell, it was definitely 1:1 and responding to every angle I chose to butcher the goons from. Some of the butch sword-wielding men are wearing armour, so you'll either have to parry their blows then counter-attack to peck away at their armour, or smite their vulnerable heads with astounding precision, again thanks to MotionPlus.


Someone else said their demo went a little crazy but they couldn't find the option to recalibrate, but mine was fine. I'm used to Wii Sports Resort's Swordplay, so I assume there's also an auto-recalibration feature here if you allow the pointer to have a line of sight with the sensor bar every once in a while.


The end of the demo features a boss fight with a massive hammer-wielding brute, who takes the entirely original approach of charging at you, missing, then pausing for a few moments to catch his breath, allowing you to dish out some massive damage with your sword.


It was the same as the E3 demo, but it was indeed brilliant. After having played a few 360 and PS3 titles that day, I have to say it stacked up well against them visually. It even looked better than a few next-gen titles, such a brilliant art style.

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With the recent trend, is anyone else worried that this game won't sell? Or at least nowhere near the numbers of the first.


I think the change in visual style won't help it either.

For us gamers it looks like beautifully stylised art, but for the mass casuals who want nothing but realistic these days, I'm not sure a great deal of the 1million+ Red Steel owners will be coming back for the sequel!

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With the recent trend, is anyone else worried that this game won't sell? Or at least nowhere near the numbers of the first.


I think the change in visual style won't help it either.

For us gamers it looks like beautifully stylised art, but for the mass casuals who want nothing but realistic these days, I'm not sure a great deal of the 1million+ Red Steel owners will be coming back for the sequel!


There's a difference between this and the likes of Dead Space Extraction. Apart from the fact that it's looking set to be genuinely of high-quality, people actually asked for this, and it's being given to them how they wanted it. How many other third party titles can you say that of?


Red Steel 2 and Silent Hill are miles ahead of the depressing majority of western 3rd party Wii titles, and its because the developers were actually allowed to do what they want. It's not the developer scene that's the problem - it's dumb publishers who 'get it' far less than real gamers do.


Besides, just look at the goodwill games like Red Steel 2 and Silent Hill are getting from posters we otherwise hardly ever see around these boards. It might be ambitious or even naive to suggest, but I think there is something different about Red Steel 2. It just seems to have everything a successful game should, and that is unfortunately quite rare with 3rd party Wii games.

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I agree with D prOdigy, there is just something different about this. For one thing, it doesn't seem excessively violent - the horror games and Madworld are a real turn-off for me. It's a full game, designed for the Wii, and seemingly in the right tone.


Also, Motion Plus is great and this is the only forthcoming game I know of that uses it!

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Does it feel good then? I love the showdown mode in resort; is it like a bigger version of that complete with FPS genius? It looks incredible and has so much potential...


Can't believe this was supposed to be coming out before xmas...would have been an excellent (and much needed) addition to the Wiis xmas line up!!

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Can't believe this was supposed to be coming out before xmas...would have been an excellent (and much needed) addition to the Wiis xmas line up!!


The ubisoft rep at eurogamer commented on that to flameboy and i. He basically admitted ubisoft were shit coz they kept delaying it and he has no idea why! (Saying that though i wouldn't of thought a rep would know much about what goes on inside the company!).


My experience of the sword fighting was abit dodgy to be honest, however i dont think it was calabrated right as i just kinda balanced it on my hand... lol. The graphics look really good in this though.

Edited by Mike1988uk
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Personally, I think how well they market this will heavily impact on how well it'll sell. Red Steel 1 had a massive marketing campaign behind it, and it sold like hotcakes despite the fact it, well, had serious problems.


If Ubisoft do a Dead Space and just sneak it out the door without telling anyone, then I can't see it having a very happy end.

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I got the chance to play this at the Eurogamer Expo, and it's excellent! It was the first thing I went to, as oddly enough, no one was playing it. Turns out the demo had buggered up already, and the pointer seemed to be suffering a fit on the title screen. The Eurogamer people said it was beyond help, so unfortunately I had to leave it alone until the end of the day.


The second time round, all was dandy. It prompted me to calibrate the controller by laying it down on a flat surface, then it was time to rock and roll. An incredibly cinematic opening ensued, with your pal Payne taking you on a scenic route through the desert, tied to the back of his motorcycle. He does his level best to skewer you with as many cacti, rocks and other debris as possible before his cycle eventually crashes and explodes.


You immediately jump into the action and rearm yourself, escaping an abandoned building and emerging into an old Western town, confronted with men with big guns, and bigger swords. MotionPlus works excellently at this point, and as far as I could tell, it was definitely 1:1 and responding to every angle I chose to butcher the goons from. Some of the butch sword-wielding men are wearing armour, so you'll either have to parry their blows then counter-attack to peck away at their armour, or smite their vulnerable heads with astounding precision, again thanks to MotionPlus.


Someone else said their demo went a little crazy but they couldn't find the option to recalibrate, but mine was fine. I'm used to Wii Sports Resort's Swordplay, so I assume there's also an auto-recalibration feature here if you allow the pointer to have a line of sight with the sensor bar every once in a while.


The end of the demo features a boss fight with a massive hammer-wielding brute, who takes the entirely original approach of charging at you, missing, then pausing for a few moments to catch his breath, allowing you to dish out some massive damage with your sword.


It was the same as the E3 demo, but it was indeed brilliant. After having played a few 360 and PS3 titles that day, I have to say it stacked up well against them visually. It even looked better than a few next-gen titles, such a brilliant art style.


Well the only thing that bugged me about red steel 2 on e3 where the fake deaths of the ninja's, no blood I can mildly understand but blinking disappearing enemies was cheap. I thought it would be more like a sand cloud thing like in the first CG trailer.


But looking at the new footage from egames of '09 I saw a sand cloud instead of the blinking corpses:




can you confirm this Tellyn?

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  • 1 month later...

Confirmed for European release on: March 24th 2010


Seems VERY late to me, considering it was delayed..and March is looking like a HUGE month for games...i thought we were already told it was coming out Feb? Not impressed.


EDIT: And looking at the wii release list on Gameplay, it really would have helped being out much earlier...where are all the games!!!?

Edited by Owen
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