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Whats Wrong With This Bloody Country?


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Clearly they need a "don't evict any" option. I voted for chocolate, even though I've never heard of revals here in aussie land. Surely everyone can do without the chocolate flavour 'for a limited time'


Was anyone else strangely reminded of the X-Files game on the PS1 while going through the voting? :s

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That reminds me of a game Stocka made about 3, maybe 4 years ago called Revel Roulette. We used to play it in school with another 2 or 3 of us, it requires several bags of Revels and for everyone to be sitting somewhat close. This is during a lesson.


The gist is that you're "in" until you receive a coffee revel, after which you're out and can no longer take revels. Awesome game, provided me with many a free revel.

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Dyson: Like the ad then. :heh:


You had to be careful eating Revels if you had a peanut allergy back when the peanuts were in. It was like Russian Roulette. (Then again, why the feck would you be eating them anyway?)


I don't HATE the coffee one, but it's my least favourite Revel. Would be happy to see that one go instead of any of the others.

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