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I've always analogised this forum as a village (New-Europe) living on the fringes of one of three war torn magical medieval dystopias, and then daydreamed stories out of that. Characters include Jordan (blacksmith) and his mildly unsuccessful Alchemy girl Lettice ("Look, it's blue!") Fierce, the mythical warrior, Artie and Dan, a pair of young, rambumtious twins, Eenuh the artist, Bluey the cross-ocean explorer, Raining the melancholic bar wench, Mr Fish the demented mayor, Rok the misunderstood rock monster, Vicar the Vicar, blah blah etc. and so on.


Wohooo, I'd love to be the mythical warrior. :)


I'd be just like Conan in Conan the destroyer.


"What does dis keeey unlaaaaack?!"

I've always analogised this forum as a village (New-Europe) living on the fringes of one of three war torn magical medieval dystopias, and then daydreamed stories out of that. Characters include Jordan (blacksmith) and his mildly unsuccessful Alchemy girl Lettice ("Look, it's blue!") Fierce, the mythical warrior, Artie and Dan, a pair of young, rambumtious twins, Eenuh the artist, Bluey the cross-ocean explorer, Raining the melancholic bar wench, Mr Fish the demented mayor, Rok the misunderstood rock monster, Vicar the Vicar, blah blah etc. and so on.


I am so in.

I wish to be an almighty Warlord known as The Baron. Who has a massive wang.


He may also have a whistle, commanding his subjects via the manner of POLICE SKOOOOL!!


You and Rez are the town fools. You get drunk a lot and keep accidentally getting into mischief which regularly brings great misfortune upon the town. In my head, you once accidentally urinated on a sleeping dragon and the whole village was nearly destroyed were it not for a mysterious stranger with a golden sword and breastplate who warded it off.


A Knee film, y'say?


I'd be an attention seeker, bit like an extra who hams it when he gets shot (pirouette, girly scream, fall on floor, spasm aaaaaaaaand dead.).

My only line would be: "I've been here for FOUR FUCKING YEARS! Give me some recognition, some power, something that will make my time seem worthwhile!"


Then Eevil shoots me with a special "Shabba" gun, and says "See you at the party! The wrap party, to be precise! MC DICKO!"


If the movie is to involve Zombies or any form of demon i would be the guy who mainly uses a sword (preferably a katana or real replica of the Master Sword) instead of guns with a kick ass scene where i chop down a whole horde of them. While trying to protect a number of forum members who were using guns but ran out of ammo. During the battle one forum member will be bitten by a Zombie/Vampire, after the battle an emotional scene where bitten person asks to be put of their misery but I refuse at first but finally give in to their request. Mean while another person was also bitten but they hide it and nobody notices until they finally "turn" while my back is turned and eat my brains :heh:


I think you should be a midget Hero, who collects huge swords but can't use them for shit. When the zombies attack he defeats a few by blind swinging, then becomes one. But turns against them in the climatic final battle, sacrificing himself, like the dude with the nuke at the end of Starship Troopers... which I'm very tempted to watch now.


I'm gonna have a crack at making one over the next few days, I've written a script, don't know how it's going to fly yet, not sure on the materials i'm going to use, but i'll have a go. Results soon, probably...

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