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Why Play.com are complete bastards.


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Here's my story:


I was happily browsing Play.com and decided to pre-order Advance Wars: Dual Strike. Yay!


Of course Play is a UK site so I expected them to give me a UK copy of AW: DS.


So that day finnaly arrived, the parcel was there, on the table...


I opened it and!!


Advance Wars: Dual Strike... USA copy.


I was annoyed, not just annoyed, pissed off.


Anyway, I played it a bit and decided to return it since it wasn't a UK copy, so I e-mailed Play and they said if I send it back they will give me a UK copy. Okay then.. *sends back*


A few days later:


Package! Opened up and...


Advance Wars: Dual Strike... USA copy.


Guh. WTF, they said they'd refund my P&P costs for sending it back, and they haven't since. This has made me NEVER to buy anything of Play.com again - Gameplay.co.uk is the way to go.


So, has Play.com ever scammed you?

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I pre-ordered a CD with them that was out on monday. I checked on monday to find 'Out now. Waiting for delivery of stock', I would guess its 3/4 weeks before I get my CD :-/ Although its not much of a surprise, on the HMV website it says 'usually ships within 3 weeks'.

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Never scammed me, I got my DS on launch day, and most things 2 days after release. Only thing that pissed me off was that they sent Black & White 2 Collectors edition 4 days late with a cracked case. Dicks. Free P&P though I dont think they have that on Gameplay.

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lol, i would love to have play.com profits, they make a killing, they can undercut any online site.


there are now alot of jersey websites, blah.com


but you just need to know where to look for good deals and offers, cod 2/fear/bf2 all for £60.

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don't particularly love play, they aren't significantly cheaper than game.co.uk, as in their prices match up to games more often now (annoyingly). obviously you don't have to buy £100 worth of stuff to get free delivery from play, so thats where they win over game, but there are cheaper sites out there now.

annoys me though, because play used to be consistently cheapest which reduced the reward of shopping around.

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I have never had a problem with play , and have used them for a while now. Although for any major releases that I may get impatient waiting for I always go with gameplay because the shipping times from Jersey can be a bit slow. Other than that I have always found them to be very good.


Despite the above , I tend to use blah nowdays as there prices are sometimes a bit cheaper - they also come highly recommended.

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I stopped using them ages ago. It wasn't anything major but I pre-ordered Timesplitters 2 from them about a week before release. A week after release i'm still waiting for it so I buy a copy from a shop. A few days later it arrives in the post, I send it back and get no refund. So yeh, sucky deal.

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