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Dreams of Penguins. Oft Kinky.


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You know how you have those dreams that your with someone and your all happy and stuff until you wake up disappointed that all that happened was just a dream?


I had one of those last night but everything was going fast not as in moving fast things just happened fast and all the time I was aware that this was a dream and just waiting it was over because I knew it was a dream and evenually I would wake up.

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... and all the time I was aware that this was a dream and just waiting it was over because I knew it was a dream and evenually I would wake up.


Usually as soon as i realise it's a dream everything starts "crumbling" away around me until i wake up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I just lov the idea of your violent gran finding you!! - would you have been scared if she'd not been violent?! - the dream could have gone a completely different direction from here!


Hehe, no not at all. It was just so odd having to escape to another country because of my gran. Such a strange dream.





I had a dream a few nights ago involving Ashley, Triforce and Daft. We were sat in this big flat, and it was what seemed like a mini house party. There were all these people I didn't know, of all different ages. The four of us then went outside and we had to try and find this guy who was for some reason nervous of coming near us because of a group of people blocking his way into the building. When he finally got in, we all sat down and began chatting about something, though I can't for the life of me remember what. Some of us then went to get some alcohol from the kitchen, but Triforce and I "accidentally" drunk some of someone elses. The guy got really annoyed at us, and we had to run out of the building. Triforce and I then started discussing how cute the guy we found was, before Ashley mentioned something about a girl at the party looking like Kristen Bell.


When I woke up, I just lay there thinking how odd the dream was.

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I had a dream a few nights ago involving Ashley, Triforce and Daft. We were sat in this big flat, and it was what seemed like a mini house party. There were all these people I didn't know, of all different ages. The four of us then went outside and we had to try and find this guy who was for some reason nervous of coming near us because of a group of people blocking his way into the building. When he finally got in, we all sat down and began chatting about something, though I can't for the life of me remember what. Some of us then went to get some alcohol from the kitchen, but Triforce and I "accidentally" drunk some of someone elses. The guy got really annoyed at us, and we had to run out of the building. Triforce and I then started discussing how cute the guy we found was, before Ashley mentioned something about a girl at the party looking like Kristen Bell.


When I woke up, I just lay there thinking how odd the dream was.


Wow, that is pretty amazing. With a cast like that it had to be an awesome dream! :heh:


Maybe you are subtly hinting at how we should have a massive house party. I'd be up for that! :D


I seem to end up in loads of people dreams. I'm like Freddy Krueger... except without the whole killing people thing.


I had a dream about lying at work about the messages I found in the game and most of them turned out to have mistakes and I got shouted at by some big scary guy. It felt pretty real.


Damn... Haggis, your dream was way more awesome. I'll have a better one tonight. Of course you are invited.

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I had a weird dream where I was at some club working... Then somehow some of us got a Commodore 64 game to go into a conviniently nearby C64. I place my cassette in and wait for it to work its magic. After seeing an old school title screen it suddenly lurches into scenes from Police Academy and Star Wars. The thing is, they actually made sense and they followed one another.

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Was woken up yesterday morning by a little girl's voice saying "help". It may have been part of my dream (which involved an apocalyptic London being attacked by a dragon) but it just sounded real. Like there was someone in my room, although there wasn't. Odd.

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My dream last night was weird. I was in some random city that was completely flooded and only the tall buildings weren't submerged. And then I was telling these random people I had to go save someone...and then the dream to na turn for the, shall we say, saucy.


Definitely ended on a mega high. I now have an urge to go out and buy some blue y fronts.

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My dream last night was weird. I was in some random city that was completely flooded and only the tall buildings weren't submerged. And then I was telling these random people I had to go save someone...and then the dream to na turn for the, shall we say, saucy.


Definitely ended on a mega high. I now have an urge to go out and buy some blue y fronts.


Won't touch the last part (...) but my dreams do that sometime. Go from epic disasters to sexy fun times. They're very similar I suppose...

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My dream last night was weird. I was in some random city that was completely flooded and only the tall buildings weren't submerged. And then I was telling these random people I had to go save someone...and then the dream to na turn for the, shall we say, saucy.


Definitely ended on a mega high. I now have an urge to go out and buy some blue y fronts.


So there was no Haggis? See now I'm dissapointed. :p


Dreams like that are rather odd, the change in from one extreme to another is wierd. Not that I'd complain if I had a "saucy" dream, but still. Mine last night involved a mate from school. We were in this huge sports hall, with a sort of running track set out. We kept racing, but I kept sliding on the floor and could never quite catch up to him.

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Make that navy blue y fronts with a white banding. My dreams, more effective than all the ads combined. I wish I had just dreamed up where I could buy them from...


Won't touch the last part (...) but my dreams do that sometime. Go from epic disasters to sexy fun times. They're very similar I suppose...


Normally mine just end on a cliffhanger or they are generally quite dull. This was pretty unusual. Maybe my subconscious is telling me something...


BAD! subconscious!! :heh:


So there was no Haggis? See now I'm dissapointed. :p


Dreams like that are rather odd, the change in from one extreme to another is wierd. Not that I'd complain if I had a "saucy" dream, but still. Mine last night involved a mate from school. We were in this huge sports hall, with a sort of running track set out. We kept racing, but I kept sliding on the floor and could never quite catch up to him.


Yeah, I'm sorry. Maybe tonight. :p


Tbh, there were quite a few people in my dream but I can only actually remember the last bit in detail.

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I had the most vivid dream a few nights ago.


I was on this beach kinda place, and I kneeled down in the sand and put my hands out. Then, from some sand dunes a little way away, this bizarre creature ran out, and pecked my hand, then jumped into my arms!! It was a really wierd looking thing, like a really fluffy grey duck, but with no eyes:




I was with someone else too, and they said,


'Whoa, that creature is really rare!! It obviously likes you, you should make it your pet!' So I was like,




Then they said


'Be careful though, dont ever EVER snatch it up from the ground if you're going to hold it, or it will run away. You can pick it up gently off the ground, but not too fast, or it will think yo're snatching it!!'


Then I took it home and it made a nest, and I went out shopping for food for it! I then realised I had no idea what on earth it ate, so I bought one of almost everything in the shop for it to try at home.


Then some other stuff happened, and I had to take it to the vet, where it escaped and ran around the waiting room.


It was an AWESOME dream!! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had the strangest dream last night, I started off involved in an easter egg smuggling gang, and was skimming the profits, when King Kong and Godzilla turned up tearing up the place and I had to do a runner to a train station where the woman behind the counter wouldn't sell me the last train ticket because she liked the people behind me in the queue better.

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My dream was by far the weirdest one i've ever had. It started off with me just needing to go to the toilet, so i went to the bathroom,l cept it was this huuuuuuuuuuuge place where there was nothing but urinals, and little side passages that led to more urinals. There was only one other guy there, so i went someplace where he wouldn't see me (peeing infront of peopels just not my cuppa joe). But he kept following me =[


so random, wish i could show you the urinals though, there was so many and just so many little routes that led to other urinals >.>

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well, my dream invloved a day of fun with friends, suddenly interupted by russian terorists. turns out on of my friends was an agent trying to track them down. ended up in a fight with them, i had a desert eagle, which apparently has unlimited ammo, though the kick back wasn't bad.


climax of the fight was in a bathroom. terroist stood in the bath pointing a handgun at us, about to shoot my friend, i pull the desert eagle, he shoots me in the chest twice (low down) I go into last stand mode from call of duty 4, slumped against the wall, i shoot him with my gun, killing him. i manage to get to my feet, turns out i'm ok, though i should go to the hospital at some point.


also tried to shoot my friend, not sure why but the bullets didnt harm her, and i wasn't trying to kill her, just shoot her :s

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Don't you hate those dreams when you're ABOUT TO do something you really want, but other stuff keeps getting in the way... then by the time you wake up you still never got round to doing the main thing?


Oh and Rokhed & DomJcg: I think you should combine your 2 dreams, smuggling easter eggs through a train station which turns out to be a maze with the walls lined with urinals, while being chased by Godzilla, King Kong and the guy that wants to watch you peeing.

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Don't you hate those dreams when you're ABOUT TO do something you really want, but other stuff keeps getting in the way... then by the time you wake up you still never got round to doing the main thing?


Tell me about it, last week I had a dream where I was just about to be spit roasted by two really hot shemales and a bunch of dogs jumped through the window to interrupt things.


Oh and Rokhed & DomJcg: I think you should combine your 2 dreams, smuggling easter eggs through a train station which turns out to be a maze with the walls lined with urinals, while being chased by Godzilla, King Kong and the guy that wants to watch you peeing.


No, that is just too scary.

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I and a big robot are standing outside a bar, in an old whaling village far to the north, looking cool, when this dude tells us we have to go hunting. Not like we have a choice is it?


We travel betweeen iceflakes at night, in an old wooden rowing boat. The boat stops way out at sea. An immense fear rushes through me. The water below feels extremely cold and deep like there is no end to it. Something is lurking in the water.


It feels like danger is approaching. Almost like the sea itself is trying to suck us down. Suddenly I see the big robot swimming in the water next to the boat, like he is protecting the boat. The fear slowly disappears and I feel warm and calm.

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Had a starnge dream last night, don't know if anyone remembers them but you used to get these money boxes in the shape of a coffin where a skeleton would come out and take the money. In my dream I found the kit for an extra large one and when I was putting it together the skeleton kept rising from his coffin making these cryptic statements. Even after completion if kep going off, and then I found a component of the kit I'd forgotten to put in, the motors and batteries.

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Hehe, no not at all. It was just so odd having to escape to another country because of my gran. Such a strange dream.





I had a dream a few nights ago involving Ashley, Triforce and Daft. We were sat in this big flat, and it was what seemed like a mini house party. There were all these people I didn't know, of all different ages. The four of us then went outside and we had to try and find this guy who was for some reason nervous of coming near us because of a group of people blocking his way into the building. When he finally got in, we all sat down and began chatting about something, though I can't for the life of me remember what. Some of us then went to get some alcohol from the kitchen, but Triforce and I "accidentally" drunk some of someone elses. The guy got really annoyed at us, and we had to run out of the building. Triforce and I then started discussing how cute the guy we found was, before Ashley mentioned something about a girl at the party looking like Kristen Bell.


When I woke up, I just lay there thinking how odd the dream was.


I've only just read this.


Sounds like something I'd say. Although if the likeness was uncanny I'd probably end up flirting.

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I had an awesome random dream last night. I was in a pub when I noticed Kevin from Eggheads was there, somehow we got chatting, bought some rounds, then moved to another table less than 10cm from the one we were at. I go to get the next round and when I get back this family has taken all the seats and started chatting.


Then I'm at home and my brother comes in an introduces this girl he's been fooling around with recently, not as attractive as other girls he's known [never seen her yet], next thing we're like on holiday, on a beach but not on a beach kinda thing. We see our mum then these blokes start hitting on her. Some and my brother start throwing ice cubes from our drinks at them.


Then I'm at my mums work, which is near the top of a tall building [not really], the secretary for the floor was the Rock who had an eyepatch and one side of his hair was tuffed up, I was going to tell him on my way out. Even though I knew my mum was on holiday I went up for something, I start to go down the stairs and security guards chase me, I run into this attractive lass and we run together. Strangely enough into a room where second hand shoes are sold by Angelica Houston.


We end up finally at the ground floor and I attempt to punch the main security guard, poorly. As he's down on the floor I mention how I can't punch properly and start tapping his face with my fist. He does the same to me only a little bit harder and I pull out the football player dramatics. He gets fired and it gets hazy after that.

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Had a starnge dream last night, don't know if anyone remembers them but you used to get these money boxes in the shape of a coffin where a skeleton would come out and take the money. In my dream I found the kit for an extra large one and when I was putting it together the skeleton kept rising from his coffin making these cryptic statements. Even after completion if kep going off, and then I found a component of the kit I'd forgotten to put in, the motors and batteries.


I always wanted one of those moneyboxes, they rocked the most!

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I just have weird dreams that have normal places i visit and go to look different inside. And usually meeting people i probably never will meet in real life because they are deceased now.


Last one i had was featuring my work converted into a high security prison and i had to bust in and rescue people. And the prisoners were all my workmates past and present.

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  • 4 weeks later...

When I'm ill, I get the most vivid dreams, it's so odd.


I had so many last night/this morning that were just so wierd but I vividly remember three of them.


1. The first one was I was with this guy that I didn't recognise at all. We were doing..."stuff" and then suddenly I was in this strange schol like building with some of my mates around me. One of them said something along the lines of "My boyfriend did something with this guy, and no one knows who", and for some reason I just "knew" it was me. It was so wierd, people kept asking who it was, and then when I saw the guy it was a bit awkward. The wierd thing is I don't find the guy attractive in the slightest so why would I have a dream about it?



2. The second one was I was walking through my home town, and then suddenly I was sat with some mates of mine (now this is going to sound odd) and...a young (i,e my age) Britney Spears. Lol. Then time sort of skipped forward and I had to go and meet her on the other side of town and bring her back. As we walked along she told me something like "Jeez, I didn't think you'd be the type to walk so fast" and that "Hmm, I like your hair as it is now" (I just changed it a little). Then we saw this wierd woman walking by talking to herself and we started laughing. Then I woke up.



3. The last one was I was in this old style house in a room on my own. I vividly remember looking down at a bowl and seeing a chile with cadbury's mini eggs in with it. I remember thinking this has to look perfect, otherwise I'll fail. My sociology teacher then came in, and I had to leave and fetch some "powder" for her. I walked up some stairs and looked in the mirror thinking (I had this wierd, flat haircut) that my hair looked terrible and I took a minute to change it completely because I didn't want Nate from Gossip Girl (who was upstairs at the time) seeing it looking bad.


Yeah..so, I'm going to go check myself into a mental institution now...:heh:

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