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Your perfect body?


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I also had to have braces 2 years ago.....luckily I only had them for about year and a couple of months...But one of my teeth has gone inwards a bit. Other than that, my teeth are ok. Wouldn't mind if they were a bit whiter though...but not TOO bright if ya know what I mean.


Most dentists don't go for bright white and go for a white that looks more natural. I still have metal bars on the backs of my teeth from my braces, things I will have to wait for the them drop off, over two years I've waited, if not longer.

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Like many people, teeth. Unfortunately I never got braces as my dentist said it wouldn't help; a few of my teeth grew at odd angles due to my falling down a flight of concrete stairs when I was 4 or 5 years old.


Actually now that I think about there are a lot of things I don't like about myself. Thanks a lot Eenuh!


Oh, I probably will get corrective eye surgery at some point. As my optician once told me, my eyesight's "only going to get worse". Yeah, thanks for that.


Haha, sorry! But hey, no one said you -had- to post in here. =P

Plus I also asked for something you like about yourself to balance it out.


About teeth, I wouldn't mind mine being a bit whiter really, and better ones since I always get holes no matter how often I brush. D:

Had braces as well, and still have a wire behind my bottom teeth (which I think you have to just keep for the rest of your lifeeeee).

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Of course it goes with out saying that I have some teeth problems like every other person in this thread although they are only superficial.


I also have an abundance of moles on my upper body although they aren't obtrusive and are not causing me any problems.


Apart from those two features I am perfectly happy with the rest of my body.

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Plus I also asked for something you like about yourself to balance it out.

Well if this thread hadn't turned me into a paranoid wreck...


I like my eyes. That's a bit ironic considering they don't work properly, but I think eyes have an easier time of things aesthetics wise; they're naturally interesting.

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i like my hair (even if i whine about it)

i dont like my tummy n my arms (im not too fussed on my legs even if they are a tad chunky cause i dont show them in public) but i never wear a t-shirt on its on - i always have a jumper over it cause im so self concious about my arms


oooo i like my eyes.. n my face in general if it was a bit thinner (damn u doulble chin and chubbby cheeks)

that makes me sound vain doesnt it? but im happy the way i am if i could loose a tad wee bit of weight

but id love to look like her:



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Hmm, I wonder where you got the idea for this thread. :heh:


First of all, I ain't happy with my size. I wish I was a little bit taller! I'm quite wide across the chest for somebody of my size and build, which is pretty nice, but I wish I could be a bit taller and a little wider.


It would make me feel more manly!


I hate my nose. It makes me look stupid in photos, and I don't like it. I would make it smaller, and kink-free.


Bigger hands would be nice, but I like them. I've never had a single complaint about my hands, hoo hoo harr haarr.

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I hate my nose. It makes me look stupid in photos, and I don't like it. I would make it smaller, and kink-free.

Doesn't the kink count towards your manliness quota? Just don't start wearing an eye patch or anything; Rokhed ended up pushing the manliness scale to breaking point and looped back around the other side.

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Doesn't the kink count towards your manliness quota? Just don't start wearing an eye patch or anything; Rokhed ended up pushing the manliness scale to breaking point and looped back around the other side.


I laughed reading that. :D


I guess it is manly, but I don't think it suits my face (I almost typed soooots instead of suits). I think it's quite ugly, and plus it hasn't even got a cool story behind it.

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I laughed reading that. :D


I guess it is manly, but I don't think it suits my face (I almost typed soooots instead of suits). I think it's quite ugly, and plus it hasn't even got a cool story behind it.


There is SO room for potential there though.

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Hmm, I wonder where you got the idea for this thread. :heh:


First of all, I ain't happy with my size. I wish I was a little bit taller! I'm quite wide across the chest for somebody of my size and build, which is pretty nice, but I wish I could be a bit taller and a little wider.


It would make me feel more manly!


I hate my nose. It makes me look stupid in photos, and I don't like it. I would make it smaller, and kink-free.


Bigger hands would be nice, but I like them. I've never had a single complaint about my hands, hoo hoo harr haarr.


I actually had the idea for a while now, but I guess our convo made me finally create the thread. =P


And I know I've said it before on here (though years ago I think), but I had my nose fixed at 18 (made it kink-free as well), and it was one the best decisions I had ever made. =)

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I actually had the idea for a while now, but I guess our convo made me finally create the thread. =P


And I know I've said it before on here (though years ago I think), but I had my nose fixed at 18 (made it kink-free as well), and it was one the best decisions I had ever made. =)


:D Yes, I have influence. :)


Are you telling me to have my kink fixed?! Because you're probably right, itsa mess.:(

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:D Yes, I have influence. :)


Are you telling me to have my kink fixed?! Because you're probably right, itsa mess.:(


Nah, I'm not telling anyone to do something like that. It's something you have to decide for yourself. If you feel really unhappy about it though, you might want to consider it? I felt depressed about myself and my appearance, and once I had it fixed it felt like such a great new start (plus new school and all at the same time). I think it helped me in being a bit more open to people, and I'm not hiding myself anymore. =)


But really, it's only something you should get done if you are truly unhappy about it I think.

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I think I'd look strange having it done now, especially to my family. We've all got pretty bad noses, so it's kind of like a running joke between us all, haha. I think if I got rid of it now, the magic would be lost.


I'll keep it, I think. It doesn't really depress me or owt, its an annoyance, but one I can live with. Kinda like a younger brother.

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I'd like to look like Coolness Bears :)


The embodiment of happiness and awesomeness! =D


Aww, Thanks Guys! :heart: : peace:


I don't want to sound vain but I'm perfectly happy with my body. I dislike change and so to have the want to change my body would be the ultimate hypocrisy! (wanting dying my hair blue doesn't count :p)


Now I'm not saying I look amazing and I'm aware I'm no Ellmeister ;) but I'm happy with who I am and the way I look. To change that would to me feel like I'm changing not just the way I look but also who I am as a person. :)

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Guest bluey
Are you telling me to have my kink fixed?!

*resists bad joke about eenuh liking flink's kinks... O_o*

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Aww, Thanks Guys! :heart: : peace:


I don't want to sound vain but I'm perfectly happy with my body. I dislike change and so to have the want to change my body would be the ultimate hypocrisy! (wanting dying my hair blue doesn't count :p)


Now I'm not saying I look amazing and I'm aware I'm no Ellmeister ;) but I'm happy with who I am and the way I look. To change that would to me feel like I'm changing not just the way I look but also who I am as a person. :)


If I could get a personality transplant I reckon I'd nab coolness! :bowdown:

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