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I get what you mean Dyson and I have laughed at say your grandad died in concentration camp he fell off a tower jokes.


But thats not the same as going into a 9/11 thread and saying "good times"


I'd be inclined to disagree here Haden, my friend - both are jokes intended to lighten a situation and how one reflects on the circumstances. Neither are intended to be taken as is, by face value.


Anyone who truly believes I enjoyed the events of 9/11 should get to know me better. It's one of those risqué jokes that some people will appreciate and most people will not. It boils down to how you see the situation yourself.

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That would be true if he meant what he said, which I don't believe he did. Its a sarcastic comment to someone who felt nostalgic about the 9/11.


Oh ok I see some logic behind the joke now. I mean I still dont agree with it but I hadnt even linked it up to the first post before.


I'd be inclined to disagree here Haden, my friend - both are jokes intended to lighten a situation and how one reflects on the circumstances. Neither are intended to be taken as is, by face value.


Anyone who truly believes I enjoyed the events of 9/11 should get to know me better. It's one of those risqué jokes that some people will appreciate and most people will not. It boils down to how you see the situation yourself.


Ok man im sorry if I came off angry Im sure you didnt mean any harm its just confusing sometimes when people say stuff like that.



Hmmm I better cancel that barrage of dirty tricks I sent your way in xpert!!!! ;)

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My feelings about it are mixed.


After the initial "shit" thought, when I first heard about it, I thought "wow, that's amazing", as, in terms of drawing attention to your cause by violence (ie terrorism), it's absolutely brilliant. The fact we're still talking about it almost seven years on shows how effective it was.


While the loss of life was not as great as that caused by the Chinese earthquake or the Boxing Day Tsunami, for a single, deliberate act, it is exemplary, and incredibly evil, both through the loss of life caused, and the fact that people are willing to use the influence they have to brainwash the ill informed into performing such an atrocity.


The worst side effect, by far, however, is the fact it has given the US government all the self-justification it needs to do whatever the hell it likes. The origin of the attacks has also been manipulated by the government to convince the American public that all of America's Middle Eastern enemies where responsible. At the time of the invasion of Iraq, 70% of the American public believed Saddam Hussein was a prominent cause of 9/11.


I should also mention that during the attacks people demonstrated the extreme risks they will go to in the course of a cause they believe in, both with the attackers believing they were doing a good and honourable deed, and the sheer lack of self-preservation shown by the firefighters who went into the towers. A mention also, of course, goes to the passengers and crew of United 93.




That's almost definitely fake...

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I'd be inclined to disagree here Haden, my friend - both are jokes intended to lighten a situation and how one reflects on the circumstances. Neither are intended to be taken as is, by face value.


Anyone who truly believes I enjoyed the events of 9/11 should get to know me better. It's one of those risqué jokes that some people will appreciate and most people will not. It boils down to how you see the situation yourself.


I thought it was a fracking hillarious post Dyson. I have a wicked sense of humour and the ability to notice that when a sensitive subject is highlighted, someone always comes in with the funny to make life seem that little better.


Jog on son. Keep the funnies coming.

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Sorry, but you can get off of your moral high horse, because that's bullshit. You think that I don't understand what happened? I think there would be a lot of people that would argue that humor is some peoples' way of dealing with stuff like this. What's the point in moping around feeling sorry for yourself or angry at the people behind it when it won't help anything?


I didn't joke about it at the time. But I don't feel the need to look back on it constantly and think "Oh god the world is such a horrible place that day will haunt me for the rest of my life etc"; because that would be depressing, and to be quite honest I don't fancy leading a depressing life, thanks.


80,000 were killed in Sichuan this year as a result of those earthquakes. 1 million were left homeless.


It's time to move on from 9/11 and start dealing with today's problems, even if they're not conveniently videotaped and put on TV for your viewing convenience.


agreed.. And in fairness jokes can be made about everything.. It's only humour

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agreed.. And in fairness jokes can be made about everything.. It's only humour


Yeah, people seem too on-edge about humour. In fairness it's a wholly non-confrontational thing with only a means to making the listener think outside of the box (when used in the correct context.) Think about the many comedians who have made the best jokes from covering sensitive issues. The confrontation comes from the listener who thinks "no, you're a **** because I think....". What gets me is that comedians can get away with saying stuff but Joe normal takes a pasting from the general public. Yet the public will still praise the comedian. :nono:


I like differing humours: Kinda like America: They don't really get irony nor sarcasm due to their flaboyance for the obvious. Yet that's actually quite funny. Even McCoy...I guess referring to yourself/everything in the third person is quite funny. And even a unique comedy. If a little impersonal in context.


tapedeck is just merly saying(i think) that you should continue being jolly about stuff instead of living in fear.. Most americans choose to live in fear after all.. imagine joking about it in new york though:)


Spot on. New York. :o PMSL.

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The point I think isn't that, but the fact that someone here could have had a relative who died in 9/11 and it could disturb them a little. We know you were sarcastic, but somethings like that are better left unsaid just because you never know who could be one here.


Mcoy doesn't even know how someone like you became an N-Europe staff member, you're showing the maturity of a 2 year old.


I don't think maturity is something they look for, generally they look for good writing skills and such.

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I did chuckle at Dyson's post, although I thought it was a bit much (I knew some people were going to go (ZOMG, distasteful, Dyson you're an expletive etc.), and I've heard funnier jokes regarding 9/11. (Though if you expect me to remember any at nearly 4am then you can just go away and masturbate.)


I was in Year 7 when this happened, didn't think much of it until afterwards with all the stuff in the papers and on the telly.

I don't really dwell on this matter, or even on natural disasters like the Tsunami or the Earthquake. Yes, it's sad. Yes, it's terrible. But I just don't seem to have that much care for people I don't know and can't really help.

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After the initial "shit" thought, when I first heard about it, I thought "wow, that's amazing", as, in terms of drawing attention to your cause by violence (ie terrorism), it's absolutely brilliant. The fact we're still talking about it almost seven years on shows how effective it was.

There is a brilliant philosophy you can follow to prevent this. If everyone were to take it to heart, then terrorists wouldn't be a problem at all; in effect, the mechanism terrorism exploits is herd irrationality.

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That's almost definitely fake...


Real picture, but misleading without context. The more clued up of you will have noticed that the people in the background are Hindus and not Muslims, and are not looking particularly gleeful but instead rather sombre. These should give you the clues that it was a memorial created in India (by the guy in the white t-shirt in the picture) rather than a celebration by west-hating muslims.

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I thought it was Saddam who did it.. Because he was the only villain I knew about at that age - apart from Hitler... who I did consider briefly but then decided that him and his monster race aren't back... yet.

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I gotta say, i laughed too :p


Same here. C'mon, lighten up. It was years ago. Maybe at the time it was a massive shock but having seen how the Americans have abused it i really have no sympathy whatsoever. It's all a massive excuse for their "war on terrirism" which is actually about nicking some oil. Fucking Americans, we shouldn't get dragged in by their patriotic propaganda.


Seriously, they've killed more and done far worse things since it happened. 9/11 was a drop in the pond, but oh no, western people can't die, that's horrible. Let's just fuck over all the eastern world for our own gain and turn a blind eye. And some people act as if America was the victim! Bollocks.

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Guest bluey

i would comment, but i cant really... i went to see titanic...


that was a natural & a man-made disaster... AND a joke. :nono:

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