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Play control system on Revolution...


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Hi guys, just got this press release...


16th November 2005 – Nintendo today announces it will include a play control system in its next home video game system, code-named Revolution, coming in 2006.


By using a password-controlled setting, adults can decide what flexibility they’ll allow younger players to have in playing video games rated 3+, 7+, 12+, 16+ or 18+. The system also ensures dedicated adult gamers can opt to play without limitations.


Maybe this means Nintendo won't be so arsey about the games that are released on it's systems anymore...

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12 year olds the world over have started crying. I suppose it could be used as a way to stop younger siblings from messing with your saves on games with a higher age rating. This doesnt really affect me though, I've been allowed to see and play things above my age since before I can remember (I saw Jaws and Terminator when I was 6. All my ikle friends back then were jealous). Wasnt something like this meant to be on xbox?

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Oh well, its more sensible, and it hints that Nintendo most prob will accept any genre of game for its revolution, why have security features when you hardly have any 15+ games to utilize it on?

So hopefully we'l be seeing the great games from next-gen on the revo, and this is a good move for nintendo, the security features enticed parents on the over next-gen consoles, so nintendo were bound to follow.

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Maybe it's not bad at all, could it be possible to restrict some games content to anyone under a certain age, so that they still get the games but somewhat censored, say without blood, because in Germany and Austria many games have the blood censored to get a 16+ age rating but for anyone who is running the console without age restriction there is also nothing censored...

And if that was possible maybe we could finally see what Mario is doing after he rescues Peach :D:D

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Guest Ray Falling

But you see... Graphics next generation are gonna be so vuccing realistic...I doubt youd want to see something get brutally murdered in near-photorealistic images... I think that will be quite shocking...


So id say this is good. And the people who are into to that stuff can see and play these games anyway...so no problems...

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But you see... Graphics next generation are gonna be so vuccing realistic...I doubt youd want to see something get brutally murdered in near-photorealistic images... I think that will be quite shocking...


So id say this is good. And the people who are into to that stuff can see and play these games anyway...so no problems...


you know this could be used in clinics for murders. they use the next gen console as a replacement for the real thing.

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that will be good for parents. too bad it wasnt on the ps2 to stop kids playing gta


The irony being more sales were probably produced by under 18's. Damn controversy sparking publicity. Well it's really the way forward, it should have been done years ago.

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Hopefully this will be used in conjunction with my expectations. Online gaming needs a headset, akin to the most excellent Xbox Live. If Nintendo were concerned about vulgarity being heard by children who play their games... then an easy compromise can be set.


No audio chat for kids, no restrictions on audio chatting for older kids and adults. Maybe even an option for parents to specifiy whether or not they want this feature restricted - wouldn't even be difficult.


I bet Jack Thompson squirted a little when he read this.

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I see alot of people screaming whats the point. But I really think this is just the companies way of reacting to media criticism for violent games, and the way they influence children into being being violent blah blah blah. Violent games arent gonna stop being made whilst there is a market for them, so atleast next time the Daily Mail starts ridiculing console makers the allowing the games to be made for thier consoles cos someone did a copycat murder, or killed and owned a game (like they did with man hunt, and farenheit(? maybe that was a different paper!), the console manufacturers can say you should have applied the parental locks available!

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yeah. there isnt gonna be any more of:

"My child played the newest resi game, and is now trying to decapitate people... damn you nintendo!"


the reply to this will be "well, you shoulda turned on the gamestopper thingy",



i mean, ive always thought that if someone is going to be 'affected' by a game in that way, they must have a serious problem to start with, and im sure that the videogame influence had nothing to do with it,,, just an excuse really...

but lets not get into that conversation!


the controls wont affect me at all seeing as i'll be 21 at revolution launch, but i do believe that its a good thing. it wont stop many youngsters doing stuff, but its good 'insurance' for nintendo

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im sure when a kid gets a console they will be the first to try it out and will prolly just turn this feature off?


I think it's aimed for mainly kids the age that can't set up a console on their own.

and Nintendo doing it to cover their backs, like the warning at the start of all their games now.

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But you see... Graphics next generation are gonna be so vuccing realistic...I doubt youd want to see something get brutally murdered in near-photorealistic images... I think that will be quite shocking...


So id say this is good. And the people who are into to that stuff can see and play these games anyway...so no problems...


That's actually an interesting point.


What will happen when graphics are real? Will you still feel the same joy as killing a man in GoldenEye or Halo? Or will you feel horrible about yourself?


I think since we know it's not real, we won't have any psychological damage associated with killing a human person. Although, what if you the person begged for there life? What if when you shot them, the person's child cried? It would seem so real that the consequences could turn out being be the same, regardless of you knowing its fake.

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That's actually an interesting point.


What will happen when graphics are real? Will you still feel the same joy as killing a man in GoldenEye or Halo? Or will you feel horrible about yourself?


I think since we know it's not real, we won't have any psychological damage associated with killing a human person. Although, what if you the person begged for there life? What if when you shot them, the person's child cried? It would seem so real that the consequences could turn out being be the same, regardless of you knowing its fake.


There could be a game made on that concept. It would be all screwy and the character wouldnt know if what he did was in the game he was playing or in "real" life. Woah that game would be like shrooms in game form. But deliciously twisted.

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To tell the truth, i and most of the people i know have never really had parental controlls on movies or games, and besides a wierd sense of humour (which 90% of people have) theres nothing wrong with us, i mean i dont get the sudden urge to rip someones arm off, to use it as a wepon and see how effective it is, but it will stop any law suite son nintendo, not that i believe many parents will use it any way, but ill be 18 any way so i wont be affected.

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