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Heroes Season 3 *Beware of Spoilers*


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I am entirely in on this plan.



(Actually, its pretty much true....I will watch it in bed, and I sleep naked)


Hows that for a horny ReZ fact?!





Pics are needed. :p


I do not sleep naked! :)


unless with ReZ....




How is that for a really disturbing fact? (i'm in an odd mood tonight!)


I say we all photoshop each in our bedly nakedness so it looks like we're having a Heroes premiere orgy.


Who's in?


I'm already there. :heh:


*basks in his naked glory*




*looks in the mirror*


Oh... :(

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So you waited almost 4 months to play Brawl and flat out refused to get a Freeloader... but you can't wait a week to watch Heroes legally? :heh:


well TV and games are different, :heh:


Plus I was going away on holiday for a month (without my Wii) not long after the US release so it wouldn't of made much difference to me.


I prolly still would have waited for Brawl, yeah I really wanted it but it's not a story driven game so i wasn't waiting to see what "happens next"


Tales of Symphonia now will be a different story, version 3.2 all the way baby




Back on topic.


So roughly when will this have aired in the US?

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WOOT, that was fracking awesome


I shall spoiler this for those with the patience to wait for Channel 6 (Ireland) and BBC (UK)



Firstly OMG, the first 2 mins were awesome, starting off 4 years in the future with Peter and Claire I was wondering, what the hell was going and what the hell happened between the end of season 2 and that moment. Then Future Peter (from here in shall be refered to as "F.Peter") goes back in time and turns out he was the one who shot Nathan at the end of season 2. HOLY CRAP, that was like straight up Red Dwarf "JFK shot JFK" who could have seen that coming. AWESOME. I was so surprised I had to text our Shadow (didn't spoil anything on him) and hype him up a bit more, haha, sorry dude. :)


Sylar actually finding Claire then, all because F.Peter told her not to go anywhere, and getting her powers. Shit everyone is so screwed now. And Claire not dying was a bit WTF? With the small revelation that she can't die. Which confirms Kensai is immortal too. Was nice to get final confirmation as to how Sylar gets the powers of others.


Was funny when Claire asked if he was gonna eat her brain and he was offended by the thought, haha. So for definate Sylar gets powers not by the consumption of brains but by being able to see how they work and somehow make the adjustment to his own. We all speculated as much but nice to not have to wonder anymore.


Also confirmation of Angela's power, "Dream the Future", which we did of course see Peter doing at the very start of back in season 1.


F.Peter also somehow able to put peoples "mind" into the body of other people is a new one, he must have gotten that power from someone else, so that'll likely be a new character that could appear later.


Hope we get an explanation for his scar too, seeing as he can heal having a scar makes little sense?


Hiro was just plain old stupid I felt. I mean come his father told him "don't open the safe, it could destroy the world", what does he do, open the fracking safe and lose it's contents. Dumbass. Though the "Speed Blur" left when he stopped time was pretty cool.


The formula on the page I guess is either the formula for the virus that was stopped in season 2. Or the formula for giving normal people powers, though if that were the case it wouldn't matter if Hiro gets it back or not as Mohinder somehow created the serum himself and seemingly became "Spiderman" (WTF).. minus the webs though...so original comic Spiderman and needs to make webshooters :heh:


Not sure what to think of Mohiners actions, he seemed to get too excited and "mad scientist" over the prospect too quickly. Seemed very different from the Mohinder we've known in the previous seasons. And then he manages to frack Maya.... easy easy slut...damn... (bet Peter Paker wished MJ was that easy :heh:)


F.Peter sends Matt somewhere in Africa which is weird, wonder where that is going to go. He's met up with some African hermit (it seems), who oddly makes me think of the baboon from the Lion King, haha, who it seems can also paint the future??? So there won't be anymore "Mendez" paintings? Be interesting to see what happens there.


Poor Bob was diced by Sylar unfortunately, I liked Bob, he didn't even get a proper death scene they could have done something with his confrontation with Sylar rather than a "reveal to be dead" moment.


Elle then acting without thinking again, instead of hitting the "red alert" button goes to the jail cells to let HRG out only to get ambushed by Sylar. Although Sylar still manages to get knocked out, albiet due to more of a reflex action of Elle rather then getting his assed kicked. Leading to a number of jailed up "bad guys" being set free with Peter in the body of one and not knowing what to do decided to hang out with the bad guys :heh:


Seems like Ando gets some sort of lightening/Plasma/Kamehameha power also, prolly from Mohinders serum? When Hiro jumped to the future and seemingly is fighting Hiro for the formula page. Though with everything already seemingly being destroyed already why would the page still be important, unless it's something totally different that could do even more damage?


Oh and Linderman is back WTF? How? I assumed at first maybe Kensai's blood was still in Nathan from when he cured his burns and that's how he survived? But apparently it was Linderman this time? However since only Nathan can see Linderman it very well could be Kensais blood from before and Nathan's mind is just plain old snapped.


And Jessica/Niki/Tracey... WHAT THE HELL?

Firstly how much "time" has passed since Niki seemingly blew up in the house explosion? I don't think much time passed at all, certainly not enough for her to have developed a new personality and get a job as assistant to the govenor of New York with it seems like a considerable backstory of her own? I'm pretty sure Niki's "death" at the end of season 2 was the same day as Nathan getting shot. And this Tracey is seen with the NY govenor like the next day. Then see displays a whole new power by turning some reporter guy to ice. So best bet is that Tracey is actually Niki's long lost twin sister that nobody knew about :heh:


But then at the very end of episode 2, Angela talking with Sylar and saying that she is his real mother? OK now that just seems like they made it up last minute, where the frack did that come from.


Angela also had a dream where everyone gets killed, including Claire (decapitation), So I wonder if taking the head really would kill her (and Kensai) or would see like grow a new body or something? Kensai also appeared in the dream so chances are he'll be dug up soon enough.




Very much looking forward to episode 3.... 6 days to go :heh:

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I couldn't wait...


Even today at school I managed to get to watch Episode 1 with my freind we were both so excited! It didn't disappoint!!! I felt it was awesome and there is so much to think about. It's a lot faster paced this season and seems to have much more focus but still raises some big WTH? questions!


and I just finished episode 2! :D Both were Fantastic, edge of the seat stuff! :awesome:


I was excited from the very beginning one Minute in and it's Like WOAH we are 4 years in the future now, Yeah! Then it goes back to the day Nathan gets shot and It was F.Peter I was like, Wow didn't see that one coming! whilst being totally confused.


Ten finding out how sylar gains the powers from peoples brains was great and watching him have a poke about in Claires brain was odd to watch! and she can't be killed? (unless her heads cut off in angelias future dream.)


Daphne is cool and I loved the special effects when Hiro stopped time I though that was great! this formula buisness is really confusing though but watching Tokyo? was it Blowing up was Sweet. :grin: and what's up with Mohinder I'm unsure about him at the moment. I thought He was against the powers and all for stopping them?


I guess what he discovered though was truely ground breaking and once he had discovered that he can create powers he needed to test it out and his whole way of thinking goes out the window as mine would if I discovered I may be able to have them. His power is odd though it's like Spiderman....


..yeah! still I liked the fact that there was side effects as he seemed to be melting at the end of the second episode or something. Maya won't like that!


and how fast did mohinder Manage to get the clothes off her? Madness, she was not wearing a normal top I swear, and I'm not sure how long this relationship will last.


and where is Molly? is she out the picture now?


Matt in Africa is the most random part so far I think, I have no idea what is going on there although looks like we have a new guy that can paint/see the future. :D


The Villians that were let out of level 5 are SO violent and quite scary and the part where the guy thinks he is Peter Petrelli is weird and interesting!


I feel the Special Effects have been taken up a noth this time as well, which is great particularly when Tracey (Nikki) turns that guy into Ice that was Awesome and at the same time I was like EHHHHHHHHH?


I love Tracey. :p that power is mental!!! but I'm not sure how she fits in as the fire was the same day as the shooting, no? so how can she recover, get a job so quickly, I'm not sure about this one but it's great to see her have a new abilities! : peace:


The guy with the Blue flames was brilliant as well! and Knox's power sounds excellent. :yay: Along with Elle who lets H.R.G out! hope they work together at some point that would be ace.


Finally the Heroes we haven't seen yet, I'm not sure how they will be linked in but someone like West better have a good storyline or whatever as looking back he seems as pointless as ever.






All in all that was a lot of thrills too much for me to handle!!! :heh:


I Love Heroes. :heart:

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That was freaking awesome. Fantastic episodes and a couple in twists in them.


Future Peter screwing everything up and now the world gets totally destroyed. I'm guessing the formula is giving people powers without side effects aka Suresh since he skin is peeling off by the looks of things.


And we finally learn Angelas power and that dream of hers was really dark. I've always thought that if Claire got her head cut of she would die, but Sylar said he can't kill her, but if the body isn't connected to the head then she should die though...


And now 4(if you include present Peter) is on the lose and they only have Sylar who seems to team up with Adam, Marks Dad, Nike(why didn't she die) and a black guy. Wonder if Angela will try and get Sylars help or something. But how did F.Peter put Peter in another body? It's crazy, his body needs to be somewhere.


And now do we have another painter who found Parkman? And things are going crap for everyone. Hope Hiro's plan works out. Is that old guy with Nathan really alive? It could explain how Nathan healed, and if we follow Nikkis routine, she developed the ice power, so maybe the old guy did aswell.


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Very pleased with how they put the show back on its tracks. Much better pacing. Keep it up. Also I like speedy-girl.


If I had a complaint it would be that the cast is getting a bit big and they might split the story into so many parts that they have trouble putting it all together again. Good luck to them.

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Firstly cheers guys for adopting my F.Peter designation, haha (unless you just came to the same idea i did :heh:)


That was freaking awesome. Fantastic episodes and a couple in twists in them.


Future Peter screwing everything up and now the world gets totally destroyed. I'm guessing the formula is giving people powers without side effects aka Suresh since he skin is peeling off by the looks of things.


And we finally learn Angelas power and that dream of hers was really dark. I've always thought that if Claire got her head cut of she would die, but Sylar said he can't kill her, but if the body isn't connected to the head then she should die though...


And now 4(if you include present Peter) is on the lose and they only have Sylar who seems to team up with Adam, Marks Dad, Nike(why didn't she die) and a black guy. Wonder if Angela will try and get Sylars help or something. But how did F.Peter put Peter in another body? It's crazy, his body needs to be somewhere.


And now do we have another painter who found Parkman? And things are going crap for everyone. Hope Hiro's plan works out. Is that old guy with Nathan really alive? It could explain how Nathan healed, and if we follow Nikkis routine, she developed the ice power, so maybe the old guy did aswell.



Not too sure what you mean in the last part, what routine?


Given how Tracey appeared the day after Nathan gets shot (watching the report on the TV of his miricle recovery. And Niki was in an explosion the same day Nathan got shot, and had not been then working for the New York Govenor, which it appears Tracey has been working for for sometime already. I don't think Tracey will be another "personality" of Niki's, maybe something like a lost twin sister.


Big Theory: Niki's "Jessica" personality was named so after Niki's sister who died when they were young, also called Jessica. Now I don't think it was ever said if Niki and "real" Jessica were twins but I don't think it was ever said they weren't either. So it is very likely Niki and "real" Jessica were twins, identical twins. Something happened that split them up (The Company) leading each to believe the other had died. Which is not beyond reason seeing as they told Claires real mother that Claire was dead for example.


What I'm trying to get at here is that perhaps Tracey is actually Niki's "not-so-dead" twin sister Jessica. Who also suffers from split personalities. This would explain Tracey's use of Ice Power rather than super strength.


I think I read somewhere some people think each personality of Niki's might have different powers but I've seen no suggestion of this. Niki displayed Super Strength even when not controlled by Jessica and I think Gina might have also (but definately didn't display anything else), if each personality had a different power Niki should have displayed at least 2 if not 3 by now.


Plus again it certainly seems like Tracey has been working for the Govenor for a lot longer than 2 days.



Oh also just realised, Where is Micah and Monica? hope they turn up in ep 3, I like Monica:indeed:







Just remembered this, thinking about Mohinders behaviour and "side effect" very reminicent of Jeff Goldblums character in "The Fly" after using his teleport machine. Increased confidence, excitement and sexual aggression and physical changes (could Mohinder become the first "mutation power" Hero... think Beast from X-Man...or of the The Fly :heh:), plus Mohinder seems to have a big craving for drinking milk... in The Fly, Goldblums character also gained a craving for sugar.


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First off, that was great, and a big improvement on most of season 2.

Hiro, you are in no way a だめ人. Nevertheless, some chemistry could (well, probably won't) help, so let's have a look at that formula:




Firstly, this is not a protein, so it's unlikely to be the formula for a virus. The central compound is just some random organic aliphatic hydrophilic polymer thingy, which would probably just be a sort of white pasty thing, or maybe a plastic if you're lucky. It might dissolve in water too, if you really coax it, not that that's terribly relevant. The molecule in the bottom corner is some sort of nitrogenous base, which could in magic science fiction land be used to make a perverted version of DNA or somesuch. The reactions along the bottom are just some kind of organic synthesis. The stuff at the top is just plain odd, but looks like it might be some kind of radioactive process.


Conclusion: probably just some bollocks they wrote to look cool - Heroes has never been bothered about correct science - just look at the rubbish Mohinder says when he makes the power giving thing. (and also the plot in general, lol) Even so, I doubt it's the formula for a virus, unless the treatment of science is really retarded.


As for the bit at the end... I got the impression Angela was about to change Sylar's memories - maybe another ability she has?


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First off, that was great, and a big improvement on most of season 2.

Hiro, you are in no way a だめ人. Nevertheless, some chemistry could (well, probably won't) help, so let's have a look at that formula:




Firstly, this is not a protein, so it's unlikely to be the formula for a virus. The central compound is just some random organic aliphatic hydrophilic polymer thingy, which would probably just be a sort of white pasty thing, or maybe a plastic if you're lucky. It might dissolve in water too, if you really coax it, not that that's terribly relevant. The molecule in the bottom corner is some sort of nitrogenous base, which could in magic science fiction land be used to make a perverted version of DNA or somesuch. The reactions along the bottom are just some kind of organic synthesis. The stuff at the top is just plain odd, but looks like it might be some kind of radioactive process.


Conclusion: probably just some bollocks they wrote to look cool - Heroes has never been bothered about correct science - just look at the rubbish Mohinder says when he makes the power giving thing. (and also the plot in general, lol) Even so, I doubt it's the formula for a virus, unless the treatment of science is really retarded.


As for the bit at the end... I got the impression Angela was about to change Sylar's memories - maybe another ability she has?


haha, I was waiting to see if someone might have understood the forumla, nice one. Maybe it'll make more sense when they have the 2nd half. But we have to remember this is TV and even if they did have a scientist on set doubt they would broadcast a working formula for world destruction.


As for Angela having another power, I doubt it, with the exceptions of Peter and Sylar I'm fairly sure it's been stated that nobody will have more than one power... unless they are another Peter or Sylar :heh:


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Watched the 'episodes 'til 4am! Interesting start. I think there's a lot of shakey narrative still, with some odd elements that seem to be contrived, and serve the purpose of merely getting us to the 'conflict' points.


I think Parkman's story is looking interesting. The bit with the tortoise was almost revolutionary ;)


Mohinder... Well at first I thought maybe he was just souped up on adrenaline, but in all honesty they seem to have stripped the dude of any morality. He's a clichéd pile of evil. Nathan's only interesting still because of the linderman thing, and the nikki/tracey element is interesting. I hope she's another personality.


Peter Petrelli. So I guess we're forgetting about that irish girl stuck in teh future, or did Peter jump to the future that's still going to happen when he jumped last season? Is teh future F.Peter is from the same contaminated one? I could imagine season 3 effectively being a stop-gap between season two and the original season 2 latter half. Why did he go with the bad dudes from level 5? Losing it? Peter needs to use the invisibility trick way more often.


So much of the episode felt borrowed from the 4400, or smallville even! The fast woman even has a similar attitude to the Flash. The whole solution to give abilities thingum... 4400 did that really well.


But yeah - lots of missing characters (the kids are probably growing up too fast). Lots of "soo... why don't they just go back in time and fix that?" type issues with their powers.


I'd say the episodes so far were better than the majority of season 2. They're playing with multiple storylines a lot better this time, but it's not saved for certain!

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It was a much better start, but i can't help feel the show has most likely bitten off more than it can chew with a cast this big. Frankly, I'm astounded any hint of Niki is still in the show as her story has never been anything other than a complete crock of shit.


anyone else feel they had a LOT more money this time? they seem to be throwing around powers with abandon this time, instead of dreaming up reasons that characters can't or won't use them.

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Yeah... I mean, great episodes 'n all but it did feel as if they were seriously trying to cram way too many stories in there.


1, I don't like the 'new' Mohinder. He completely fucking changed personality wise within a few minutes (considering season 2 and 3 are back to back).


2, Is Linderman actually dead? Or is Nathan gone even more insane than i previously thought.


3, Playing with religion? Seriously? Hmph. I dunno if this is a good corner for Heroes to take.


4, Sylar "back", the joke about the brain eating was very good seeing as a lot of fans thought that's how he got the abilities from other people. So it appears he can tinker with peoples mind like a clock, hence his profession. So does that mean he was killing everyone after he stole the part of their mind? Or was Claire special enough not to be killed by him ripping her scalp off?


PS: Hadouken guy = bad ass.

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Why did he go with the bad dudes from level 5? Losing it? Peter needs to use the invisibility trick way more often.


I reckon cause he is in the body of someone else. Therfore turning up somewhere in the body of an escaped bad guy might not work out so well. And because he's not in "his" body he's probably lost his own powers.



I think Parkman's story is looking interesting. The bit with the tortoise was almost revolutionary ;)


I thought that was awesome, haha, I was thinking "oh shit he can read animal minds too" :heh:

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I thought it was kind of odd that the villains being detained were even alive...they knew they were dangerous presumably due to doing something, so why weren't they executed?


This show treats time a little oddly...Peter can go back and do something, yet upon screwing up he doesn't go back again to correct it. Or they don't just go back to when Syler was a baby and assassinate him. :p

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