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Heroes Season 3 *Beware of Spoilers*


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Well it does make sense that he could kill her in the school I think, Claires powers have been growing so they could simply have been at an earlier stage at that point.


Killing Claire in the future though doesnt make any sense. They dont seem to look back on the series before writing new things for characters.

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You seem to be forgetting Claire is adopted and her Dad is Nathan, who is Sylars brother, making Claire Sylars niece, so I highly doubt they will go down such a route.


I reckon he named his son after Noah as maybe some kind of mark of respect... possible after them teaming up that one time as partners in teh company they start to develop a freindship.


Or seeing as Noah was not round in the "future", the boy could be named in memory of Noah... though again would require some form of friendship having been developed...unless it's like a "he was a worthy enemy" type thing.


My theory is based on the fact that angela petrelli lied to sylar about being his mum.


Also! I want mohinder to become that rock guy, Uluru


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It's fast going down hill, they could have made a good show out of it if they followed the original plan. The problem is that these characters weren't meant to return for season 2, it was to be new heroes in a different location/timeline. Now they have to drag things out.


Still, it's easy viewing and entertaining.


But what did he do with all the brains in the first season? If you remember, they were always missing, and the police asked Hiro the same in episode 2.


Of course I'm not expecting an answer, as Heroes is nowadays a heaving bed of contradictions and inconsistencies. It's still cool though.


Removed them in fear of someone else like him getting those powers? In Season 1 he wanted to be the most powerfull of all, i think he's accepted he can't be now though, because Peter is his equal.

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But what did he do with all the brains in the first season? If you remember, they were always missing, and the police asked Hiro the same in episode 2.


Of course I'm not expecting an answer, as Heroes is nowadays a heaving bed of contradictions and inconsistencies. It's still cool though.


Possible he needs time to examine the brain to understand the power, he likely it thought it best to leave the crime scene asap and examine the brain later whn he gets home

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Or maybe it's another villain altogether :heh:


Also Claire is beginning to annoy me. She moans about wanting to fight and use her power but she can't cause she fails and second of all, healing yourself can't save everyone from villains ¬_¬


Unless she has a "batman stlye" utility belt filled with syringes of her own blood, and whenever someone gets injured she injects them with blood.


Imagine a Heroes RPG game, that would be your teams healing "spell" :heh:

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Also Claire is beginning to annoy me. She moans about wanting to fight and use her power but she can't cause she fails and second of all, healing yourself can't save everyone from villains ¬_¬


It depends, i mean being able to heal and being inable to feel pain does have it's advantages. She could push herself harder than any human could. Send her off to train with the Gurkhas for a few years, that'll teach her discipline :p She'd also be one of the most deadly heroes after that. She really doesn't do 'tough' very well, even future her just ends up looking like a kid throwing a tantrum.

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case in point: technically Wolverine's base power in X-Men is healing (and senses) but with training etc he's considered one of the most dangerous mutants in the world in the hands of a good writer.


obviously Claire's not going to be a weaponised lab rat, but if she was given training, she would be very, very dangerous.

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case in point: technically Wolverine's base power in X-Men is healing (and senses) but with training etc he's considered one of the most dangerous mutants in the world in the hands of a good writer.


obviously Claire's not going to be a weaponised lab rat, but if she was given training, she would be very, very dangerous.


His "senses" are a result of training and living "like an animal" for an extended period of time, nothing to do with his mutation.


But yeah good point (can't believe nobody made a Wolverine comparision yet, haha), if she was trained properly, guns, swords, hand to hand, she would be dangerous as Sylar.


Haha, what they should do in one ep is have Claire see an X-Men comic with Wolverine on the front, then look at hands as if thinking "wonder could I get that done?" type thing, haha

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ah I always thought it was a mutation thing. tbh, it probably should be but for another bloody writer getting his hands on the right to change canon. I fucking hate writers doing that.


think the worst one was when someone decided that Magneto wasn't a Jew after all...that was just incredible...

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ah I always thought it was a mutation thing. tbh, it probably should be but for another bloody writer getting his hands on the right to change canon. I fucking hate writers doing that.


Nah he did have that power, unless they rewrote the series or something, he had anger issues and the senses were heightened, it was the same as sabretooth who was like wolvie in terms of powers.

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Adam's a pretty good character. Depends on how much they weigh in on his anger at humanity coming from his relationship with Hiro though, as it's not as good as him just having seen too much violence and destruction.


I think perhaps its a bit of both, Hiro's betrayal made him bitter and then 400 years of shit has built upon this. If he hadn't been betrayed he may have been more life affirming and thought there were other ways to save mankind...

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Awesome episode mostly because of the F.Peter and F.Sylar scene where F.Sylars kid gets killed. I´m starting to like Sylar more and more this season, for the first two seasons i was just waiting for the bastard to die

One thing that REALLY annoyed was when F.Peter was strapped down and Claire is cutting saying that she will cut him for every person that died because it was his fault.

No no no no just no!


[Rant/]When two people with the power to detonate a nuclear explosion out of them selfs come together and one of them is a recovering psychopath with a child that he apparently loves very much meet together you don´t throw 3 more superdicks into the mix and threaten to kill the son of a guy who can create a nuclear explosion![Rant/]


Also the whole Linderman in Nathan´s head shenanigan who else things it might be Matt´s dad screwing with his mind on behalf of the company?



Ah-ah, the narrative is hilariously bad. Seriously, god damn Heroes, it's so mediocre, why do I like it so much? =S


It´s just one those things where you ignore all the shit and inconsistency for that one thing you like about it.

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If it was mat's dad then I think my opinion of the show would up a peg or two. I hated how quickly they abandoned that path last season and would love to see more about that.


Peters mum had a vision that showed the remaining company bad guys teamed up so i'm guessing they'll go back to it. But i'm clearly the only one that wants nathan to be mad...


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