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Kid Icarus Wii


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Listening to IGN's Voice Chat, Matt Casamassina seems to drop hint after hint on the developer of Kid Icarus for Wii. I recall him saying 'details are out there', but i've not found anything... is it Factor 5? Retro Studios?


Just what details are 'out there'

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Guest Jordan

The only 'confirmed' details are in Matt C's stupid asshole deluded world.


He's such a complete ****, i wonder why people listen to him.

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C'mon let's not exagerate, there's one thing as a small rumour, but he's been hinting at this for weeks, he has to know something. Problem is sometimes he hears rumours from insiders and takes it too seriously, but I'm inclined to believe him on this.

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I'm sorry Cube but when Matt said we'd see Mature Zelda NO ONE eblieved it and especially when it was announced - which he called; so although he spouts shit sometimes, lets give credit where it is due.


He aint too bad. He said we'd see some mature games and within a month we say Deadly Creatures and Conduit. He said there was a Halo for DS which everyone condemned him for.


What has he got wrong? The guy gets a bad wrap and I don't really know why.


He's that sure there's a Kid Icarus so Id imagine there IS a Kid Icarus.

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Guest Jordan
After the reception Wind Waker got, a monkey with half a brain could have predicted that easily.


Exactly! Matt reminds me of those old rumor sites you used to get (like how Spong used to be), all wrapped up into one person.

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What guesses of Matt C's have actually turned out to be correct. I swear Nintendo employ him as an indirect hype machine.


Tales of symphonia 2 is just one example. Alot of what they say actually does happen; people just assume he makes stuff up because you know, he has the power.

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Just what details are 'out there'
The details might be out there, he just doesn't know what side of them should he pick.


And we're all sure there is a Kid Icarus at this point, lol; Matt is not Nostradamus for saying it; more like Captain Obvious in a way. (but good to know/hear said)

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He's only bragging because he's always wanted the game made so he had to sleep with Perrin Kaplan to make it happen and now it is. "Whoo I didn't have to shag that bird for nothing, not to mention flirt with her in every interview!"

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He's only bragging because he's always wanted the game made so he had to sleep with Perrin Kaplan to make it happen and now it is. "Whoo I didn't have to shag that bird for nothing, not to mention flirt with her in every interview!"
bird? nah, he ate crow!
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I thought Kid Icarus on the Wii was as good as confirmed? Hasn't Reggie pretty much said so...? I don't think Matty C just picked it out of thin air, he's been going on about it for a while, and I'm sure I've read other stuff that backs it up. I'm curious but not too interested in what a new Kid Ick would bring- I don't have fond memories of it (don't really like it :o) so we'll just have to see what comes to pass.

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"Hey look guys it's Halo DS, I told you it was real! Yeah true, it's not made by Bungie, it was created by some guy in his forties living at home with his mother, but it's still Halo DS!"


Like I've previously said, it's like playing this and then claiming to have exclusively played Mario 128.

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All the "Matt is full of shit" rubbish is so old hat and immature. I swear none of you actually listen to these podcasts or hear anything he actually says and just go by other people's paraphrased accounts of what he said. He's just a normal game journalist who talks about Nintendo games.


The only reason for all the "rumours" (which people exaggerate and make into pinpoints in summaries when they're only tiny small things in the podcast that are almost him joking above all else) are because they have so little else to talk about on them yet they're scheduled to do a podcast every week, so he drops little hints on things they're under embargo on to keep people slightly guessing.


Thing is, people exaggerate these and think they're always HUGE things when half the time they're games that most people dont give a shit about (but that doesn't mean they suck, people just overhype the rumours). Due to this people always think shit he says is "false" since they don't hear about any MEGATONS based on the rumours.


The guy does nothing wrong, doesn't try to be high and mighty in any way. He's a game journalist who's worked as a Nintendo editor for 10 years, he has tons of ties to developers through this and does get craploads of information so obviously has "sources" (there's no denying this, any freakin' veteran journalist has connections) but people have this incredible obsession with hating on him simply because he likes to light heartedly joke about things he and the rest of the Nintendo team possibly know of that they can't really reveal.


It's sort of hilarious he gets a lot of hate from Nintendo fans too since he's one of the few Nintendo editors left on any of the big game sites that actually genuinely gives a shit about Wii and trying to get any scoops he can. Look at sites like Gamespot who barely cover the system at all in comparison.

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I was really tired of his Kid Icarus speculations as well (and his love for a game that was not THAT good, at least not in Metroid/Mario/Zelda territory), but with Pit as a playable character in Brawl and the Nintendo Power teaser there are clear signs something is happening.

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