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Oasis - What's the Story (Morning Glory) reminds of Project Gotham Racing 2 because that's the one of the only albums I had on my Xbox so just played it on repeat whilst playing PGR 2.


Feeder - Just The Way I'm Feeling reminds me of GTA 3 and Vice City because again, it was one of the only songs/albums I had to listen to.

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The album has a western theme to it which sinks in well whilst playing Gun. Unfortunately, the average gamer isn't a huge fan of The Eagles, but if anyone has Gun, trying listening to the album Desperado whilst playing it, and you will not be short of surprises.

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I just heard "Bring The Noise" by Anthrax and Public Enemy, and I was instantly reminded of Tony Hawk's 2. Haven't played that game in ages!


Remembered another one:


"Around The World" by Red Hot Chili Peppers = Sonic Adventure.

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I got an Ash album at the same time as I got Pikmin and by the time I'd finished the game I'd got bored of the CD (only bought it cus it was 35 songs for £5), but yesterday I listened to it again and it took me right back. It was really nice to be reminded of that again. It makes me want a Pikmin game for the Wii now.

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