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Guest Jordan
Started playing last night.


This looks like its going to get very tedious very quickly...


To be honest, the battles start awesome and then... become overly difficult. Not in like a fun way, more like the game just starts stringing a jack load of QTE's.

To be honest, the battles start awesome and then... become overly difficult. Not in like a fun way, more like the game just starts stringing a jack load of QTE's.


Your telling me, i nearly threw my controller at the TV because Elika kept saving me thus allowing the bosses to re-charge. I kept pressing X to counter the attacks the boss was giving, but she kept interfering in the battles.


Did anybody notice that although you'd be close to one of the bosses that when you came to use Elika's powers she wouldn't go to attack him because she'd say she wasn't close enough? Infurating as it seemed to change each time I fought anything!

Guest Jordan
Did anybody notice that although you'd be close to one of the bosses that when you came to use Elika's powers she wouldn't go to attack him because she'd say she wasn't close enough? Infurating as it seemed to change each time I fought anything!


Yeah, that was REALLY annoying. Why the hell did Elika have to be within your reach of the enemy. Surely, seeing as she can fly... why does she have to be anywhere near the enemy?

Yeah, that was REALLY annoying. Why the hell did Elika have to be within your reach of the enemy. Surely, seeing as she can fly... why does she have to be anywhere near the enemy?


Haha I'm pleased to know I wasn't the only one who was nearly chucking my controller around because of this. It doesn't help that it leaves you vunerable, specially when fighting the courtesan.

Started playing last night.


This looks like its going to get very tedious very quickly...


I was bored within the first half an hour, this game is baaaad!!!


i was going to buy this game with Beautiful Katamari for £30 but didnt buy them.

Bad choice?


Good choice. It'd be like buying Katamari for £30 :)


No, thats a bargain really, probably make a profit on Persia!!


But the game is one of the worst Ive played all year....and I played Resustsence: Fall of man!!


I'm about to fight the Hunter fir the 6th time, already defeated the Concubine. Which means I've only got one power left to go. Does this mean that the next batch of light seeds are the last ones that I need to finish the game?


One of the achievements is to collect 1001 light seeds, gives you an idea of how many you need to get.


But yes I think that'd the last batch you need to get. The rest are optional.

One of the achievements is to collect 1001 light seeds, gives you an idea of how many you need to get.


But yes I think that'd the last batch you need to get. The rest are optional.


Lot of light seeds then, good thing only half are required to beat the game. Otherwise would find it a bit tedious to collect them all.

Your telling me, i nearly threw my controller at the TV because Elika kept saving me thus allowing the bosses to re-charge. I kept pressing X to counter the attacks the boss was giving, but she kept interfering in the battles.


She doesn't interfere. If you press the prompts right she wont have to save you. You might be thinking of times when you are backed against a wall/edge of the arena as that always triggers an escape event.

She doesn't interfere. If you press the prompts right she wont have to save you. You might be thinking of times when you are backed against a wall/edge of the arena as that always triggers an escape event.


Sometimes i get the "X" to counter the attacks and it does skip to Elika saving me instead.

Sometimes i get the "X" to counter the attacks and it does skip to Elika saving me instead.

I would assume that X on the 360 is the sword attack, in which case every time that comes up in a QTE you have to press it more than once. The other face buttons only require a single press.

Sometimes i get the "X" to counter the attacks and it does skip to Elika saving me instead.


I pretty much always mistime the QTEs so she ends up saving me. If she does save you it's because you missed the button press or didn't press it enough. I'm always pressing it when it comes up with X, Y, whatever, but it's never good enough.


Odd, it was usually fine for me. I only messed them up occasionally. If it helps, most prompts are the same for each type of move so you can guess what prompt it will be when you see the start of their attack. There's usually only one attack where the prompt changes, like when the Concubine has you on the floor and jumps on top - i think that one changes.


I messed up those ones quite alot. My reactions are incredibly slow, which doesn't help much. I found when the concubine is ontop of you I got A or Y more often than not. I'm tempted to reload it and get all the rest of the achievements today, but I'm curious to finish assassins creed first.


Finished the game. I loved it when I started playing, then started liking it less and less until the game was extremely boring. Ubisoft have done Assassin's Creed all over again - I'll be sure to ignore any promising-looking games from them in the future.


As you get used to the controls it feels as if you have less and less control over the Prince. He does what he wants to do (for a few light seeds I had to literally battle his automated moves...speaking of light seeds, was it just me or did you need to kill yourself to get some of them?). The biggest problem is that the game just punishes you for trying to experiment or explore.


The combat starts of poor and just gets more annoying as you get through the game. Plus you fight 6 different enemies in the whole game.


As for the final battle...it was just annoying and difficult for all the wrong reasons - mainly the atrocious camera. Plus it mainly took place on vines (which are the worst thing in the game as they just absolutely spoil the flow of things).


The power plates throughout the game also seemed extremely cheap. Two of them were the same and are basically just warps. The flying one would have looked cool but they decided to put the ugly blue effect covering most of the screen so you can't see the lovely views, plus some of the paths seemed utterly pointless. The wall running one was cool, but was annoying in that in some places you needed to move before you saw something.


Back to the ending...it seemed unfinished. The Prince is still smiling after Elika dies, and the small areas you corrupt by hitting the trees looked like Spider-man spewed all over it when you stepped outside the area. Plus it felt as if the whole game was for absolutely nothing.



An extremely disappointing game.


Got all 4 powers now, but holy shit is this boring.



Also, I have real difficulty hitting 'x' fast enough against the warrior!!!


I'm glad I've been playing this in sections, each after a few weeks. At the start it was lush, by the time I'd got the yellow plate thing and went to the third place I got bored. Turned it off and left it a few weeks. Played it again and was enjoying it. Then got bored again.

Played it again today and the same happened. Shame as it's a wonderful looking game.

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