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Prince of Persia


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Finished the game. I loved it when I started playing, then started liking it less and less until the game was extremely boring. Ubisoft have done Assassin's Creed all over again - I'll be sure to ignore any promising-looking games from them in the future.


As you get used to the controls it feels as if you have less and less control over the Prince. He does what he wants to do (for a few light seeds I had to literally battle his automated moves...speaking of light seeds, was it just me or did you need to kill yourself to get some of them?). The biggest problem is that the game just punishes you for trying to experiment or explore.


The combat starts of poor and just gets more annoying as you get through the game. Plus you fight 6 different enemies in the whole game.


As for the final battle...it was just annoying and difficult for all the wrong reasons - mainly the atrocious camera. Plus it mainly took place on vines (which are the worst thing in the game as they just absolutely spoil the flow of things).


The power plates throughout the game also seemed extremely cheap. Two of them were the same and are basically just warps. The flying one would have looked cool but they decided to put the ugly blue effect covering most of the screen so you can't see the lovely views, plus some of the paths seemed utterly pointless. The wall running one was cool, but was annoying in that in some places you needed to move before you saw something.


Back to the ending...it seemed unfinished. The Prince is still smiling after Elika dies, and the small areas you corrupt by hitting the trees looked like Spider-man spewed all over it when you stepped outside the area. Plus it felt as if the whole game was for absolutely nothing.



An extremely disappointing game.

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I'm glad I've been playing this in sections, each after a few weeks. At the start it was lush, by the time I'd got the yellow plate thing and went to the third place I got bored. Turned it off and left it a few weeks. Played it again and was enjoying it. Then got bored again.

Played it again today and the same happened. Shame as it's a wonderful looking game.

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Finished the game. I loved it when I started playing, then started liking it less and less until the game was extremely boring. Ubisoft have done Assassin's Creed all over again - I'll be sure to ignore any promising-looking games from them in the future.


As you get used to the controls it feels as if you have less and less control over the Prince. He does what he wants to do (for a few light seeds I had to literally battle his automated moves...speaking of light seeds, was it just me or did you need to kill yourself to get some of them?). The biggest problem is that the game just punishes you for trying to experiment or explore.


The combat starts of poor and just gets more annoying as you get through the game. Plus you fight 6 different enemies in the whole game.


As for the final battle...it was just annoying and difficult for all the wrong reasons - mainly the atrocious camera. Plus it mainly took place on vines (which are the worst thing in the game as they just absolutely spoil the flow of things).


The power plates throughout the game also seemed extremely cheap. Two of them were the same and are basically just warps. The flying one would have looked cool but they decided to put the ugly blue effect covering most of the screen so you can't see the lovely views, plus some of the paths seemed utterly pointless. The wall running one was cool, but was annoying in that in some places you needed to move before you saw something.


Back to the ending...it seemed unfinished. The Prince is still smiling after Elika dies, and the small areas you corrupt by hitting the trees looked like Spider-man spewed all over it when you stepped outside the area. Plus it felt as if the whole game was for absolutely nothing.



An extremely disappointing game.


I'm not even half way yet but I agree with the first bit of what you said. I have found that I am liking it less than I did at first. I feel like I'm doing the same thing over and over again. I also feel like the combat is hella dull. It's just attack block, attack block.

I'm still enjoying running around the environments and that though. I'm not enjoying that flying round crap though. I can barely see anything then if I hit anything I have to redo it. Hella annoying.

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About a week ago I got the Blue plate (last one for me). Is it me or is there no difference between blue and red? I did the training and I didn't get it, you just bounce around in exactly the same way. I've given mine a rest for now as I can't be arsed to go back to it. It's a shame really as this game has potential to be so much more but I feel you just run from one area to the next. In fact there's speed run achievements for just that.

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About a week ago I got the Blue plate (last one for me). Is it me or is there no difference between blue and red? I did the training and I didn't get it, you just bounce around in exactly the same way. I've given mine a rest for now as I can't be arsed to go back to it. It's a shame really as this game has potential to be so much more but I feel you just run from one area to the next. In fact there's speed run achievements for just that.


Yeah, Ubisoft can't seem to make a full game, they make 30 minutes and then apply it to 12 hours. I enjoyed the first hour of Assassins Creed but then it got samey. Ultimately I found that game to be hugely irritating whereas this I haven't thankfully.

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Yeah, Ubisoft can't seem to make a full game, they make 30 minutes and then apply it to 12 hours. I enjoyed the first hour of Assassins Creed but then it got samey. Ultimately I found that game to be hugely irritating whereas this I haven't thankfully.


Yeah I agree - I found Assassin's Creed got quite boring after a while but even though its as repetitive, somehow PoP still has me actually wanting to play it. Does anyone know what the Download Content for the game is going to be if anything?


I agree as well, Assassins Creed got boring after a while (well, about 30-40 minutes into the game it did). All it did was the same, save citizens, climb towers, investigate and assassinate. Got boring.


I need to get back into playing this, been a bit pre-occupied with Fable this week. May give it a go again on Monday.

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Just completed it and I must say, what the fuck! Basically that is THE worst ending i've ever had in a computer game.


So the whole game was totally pointless. Everything you did you're going to have to do again in a sequel? Fuck that. Man, every conversation you have in the game, "Stop Ahriman!", "Heal the land!", "Stop the corruption!". It's literally banged into your head constantly... so why didn't he let her stay dead! Jesus, I don't think i'm going to go back to the game again that really pissed me off.


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Just completed it and I must say, what the fuck! Basically that is THE worst ending i've ever had in a computer game.


So the whole game was totally pointless. Everything you did you're going to have to do again in a sequel? Fuck that. Man, every conversation you have in the game, "Stop Ahriman!", "Heal the land!", "Stop the corruption!". It's literally banged into your head constantly... so why didn't he let her stay dead! Jesus, I don't think i'm going to go back to the game again that really pissed me off.


Because he fell in love with her and that over powered his rationality.


I'm pretty sure someone here explained it a few pages back.

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Thing is, and I haven't played this, games rarely evoke any real emotion. Unless Elika(sp) is a very deep character that you can understand and appreciate why the Prince would love her so much then it is almost pointless. You've worked hard to do something and if it ends in such a way you should understand and feel it. Easier to portray this stuff in films than in games.

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Easier to portray this stuff in films than in games.


i dissagree. im more attached to alex in half life then most film characters. i think its more a question of the wrighting. women seemingly get a bad rap in games, either helpless and weak or insane ninja sluts.


elika didnt fall into either box, she was both strong and weak at the same time. only problem was, she didnt have much depth, and was a little dull at times.


as story telling progresses in games, i imagine caring alot more for charcters. plus, how many films do you actualy care about the characters? in the vast majority you don't. its only well written films that make you really care.

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Yeah I guess, but more Films are story driven and well written than in games. Half Life 2 is an exception, Alex was very good, I found the developer commentary interesting. Episode 2 Ending was brilliant and sad at the same time. Can't wait for the 3rd.

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I understand he fell in love with her and basically is just a complete idiot. However due to the fact that I didn't really care much for the characters I did feel as if i'd done the whole game for nothing as has been mentioned. I'd agree with Alex though. I actually cared what happened to her. I think the storytelling in PoP is unique but not in a way it did it any favours. Essentially the player chooses how much they want to know about the characters through the 'conversations'. Interesting idea but I found myself just pressing the R trigger so I could get the conversation out the way and move on. Elika isn't a bad character and i'm sure through a few more cutscenes it may have worked better. It's just a shame the majority of the dialogue was like having a history lesson. "This city was home to such and such and...", I don't care...

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I liked her alot. She played into the Prince's hands perfectly, putting up with his arrogance and even bantering with him a little. And you do have to interact with her on your own to get to lik eher. If you dont talk to her, or talk and skip then you cant complain that you didn't feel attached. She's awesome, and the ending was very powerful.

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I'm glad I've been playing this in sections, each after a few weeks. At the start it was lush, by the time I'd got the yellow plate thing and went to the third place I got bored. Turned it off and left it a few weeks. Played it again and was enjoying it. Then got bored again.

Played it again today and the same happened. Shame as it's a wonderful looking game.


I seem to be playing it like you are, a chunk every few weeks. Don't think i've been on this since returning to work. As i've done Fable now, shall get back into this as the next project to beat.


Now then, where was i??

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Started. Really like what i have played so far. Lots of nice bits. Expecting the worst.


take it at what it is, a bit of a fun game. yes, its hardly free raomaing, and you rarly need to think, but its a great distraction, a decent story and well presented game.


i can understand why it ges criticism, but truth be told, i enjoyed my time with it. great fun to eb had if you look at it like a popcorn flick such as iron man. its got no real depth but who cares when its got such a passion for fun

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take it at what it is, a bit of a fun game. yes, its hardly free raomaing, and you rarly need to think, but its a great distraction, a decent story and well presented game.


i can understand why it ges criticism, but truth be told, i enjoyed my time with it. great fun to eb had if you look at it like a popcorn flick such as iron man. its got no real depth but who cares when its got such a passion for fun


Yeah i like it! Infact i may buy it now :) The game is lovely. I am still not far in but am impressed.


I am not bothering with trophies though. Some people ruined Mirror's edge because they wanted the stupid unarmed trophy...


I like the Elika game mechanics. While you do not die she essentially acts as a checkpoint making the game less frustrating. Alot less frustrating. The platforming genre needs this. Note how people in LBP put loads of checkpoints in their levels.


Can i just add please hide spoilers in future game thread when the game is fairly new.

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This game looked very temptedings, but it seems to be getting meh reviews everywhere :( Might end up waiting for price reducings.


I'd say for £15 - you may as well get it. It's a nice enough game, although you may have to deal with repeating alot of things. The storyline is interesting; iffy ending.


The camera work is brilliant and so is the graphics.

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