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Forum Mafia Mk.II

The fish

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That's a very polite refusal to reveal myself to you, and a suggestion that you should keep yourself quiet. Suspecting me when Coolness and Chair are out there?



Oh really? I investigated YOU. I'm revealing my findings. I have no facts about the other two so I'm not pointing the finger at them for now, is that okay? :blank:


Obviously something to hide?


My vote still stands.

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Good for you, meanwhile everyone else is going to vote off coolness, who we know is staff, then chair, who we know lied, got Harper killed and has an ulterior motive, instead of me who we already know isn't staff, and has a double vote which means I must only be one character. Now I wait for the inevtiable night-kill. Thank you.

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A couple of things.


"Idiot, he hadn't done anything. Consider your powers temporarily revoked!"

A player has been silenced, and will not count towards the vote majority.


One admin has punished another by revoking their powers for wrongly banning a good person. When do the mafia ever punish each other for killing townies?


Suddenly, something clicked in the admin's mind. He knew who one of the revolutionaries was. Once again, it was ban-hammer time.

Gaggle64 has been banned. He was Flameboy, a staff member.


Keyword being 'revolutionaries'. As someone rightly pointed out, the Fish is himself staff and it would make sense for the staff to be the mafia.


“Well, living as far away from everyone else as I do, news tends to reach me late, so I've been catching up on things. I haven't really done much so far, it has to be said...”


That'll be Eenuh or Bluey, seeing as they live in Belgium/Japan respectively.




To be honest I'd like to hear a few explanations before we move on. Namely from LazyBoy.


Vote: LazyBoy


Please explain to me what you did last night.

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Well I'm not silenced today but I don't know who to vote for. I have to say from the write-up, "revolutionaries" makes it sound like the staff are trying to take over... I can't remember when we found out that Coolness was staff? Didn't Beggilax just find out he had a coloured name? If someone can show me these things I'll join you in the vote, I just don't remember them.


I also would like to hear more from LazyBoy. What sort of group are you in LazyBoy? Because usually, when you are in a group outside the thread and you have a double votes it indicates a Godfather. Usually, anyway.

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The admins seems to be banning people left and right, so to me that makes them sound like the evil ones. And it's possible the staff are trying to go against them to save the boards or something?


*no idea*


Anyway, I think the person in the podcast is bluey, since she lives so far away (and I'm not really -that- far away from you guys). Other than that, I have no clue what's going on at the moment.


For now


Vote: Coolness Bears

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Gents, my power is the double vote, so there is nothing I could have done last night. I'm not staff or admin, that's already been disproved, so I can't be evil, so the only role left for me is....


Well you got the rest. Glad I could help you. Now can we get back to lynching Coolness who we know is mafia. You know you guys delaying this are making me awful suspicious, and if they're doing nothing else I ask that the investigators check out them tonight.

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The admins seems to be banning people left and right, so to me that makes them sound like the evil ones. And it's possible the staff are trying to go against them to save the boards or something?


The admins seem to only get kill if the staff don't kill anyone. So far they've banned one neutral and one good person. The admin was punished for banning a good person.

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The admins seem to only get kill if the staff don't kill anyone. So far they've banned one neutral and one good person. The admin was punished for banning a good person.


Don't they have more than two "kills" to their name though? Or maybe I'm mixing things up again.

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Wo wo wo, seriously? Okay now I don't mind you suspecting me when there is no one else to target, but we know coolness is admin, and we know admins are bad. Meanwhile i've pretty much proved the fact that i'm good. Now I made much attention around myself trying to get info out of chair, and now i'm the target? Why, give me a good reason. Come on guys, vote coolness and lets get this day over with.

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You acted really suspicous earlier, some votes against you was bound to happen.


Anyway, if everyone does a vote, we can get 2 folk out. Or unless you can only do 1 during the day.


That's your reason? We got one near definite mafia, one alternate motive liar who got Harper killed, but no, lets vote out the guy who's trying to help the town by getting info.


No wonder people stay quiet in these games, you get lynched if you try to play too much. I know my tactic from now on.

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That's your reason? We got one near definite mafia, one alternate motive liar who got Harper killed, but no, lets vote out the guy who's trying to help the town by getting info.


No wonder people stay quiet in these games, you get lynched if you try to play too much. I know my tactic from now on.


Yea that's it pretty much. And we can vote off Coolness anytime since he isn't really taking part. But with your replies you stuck out like a sore thumb. Are you that surprised your being voted? Your getting lynched for that reason.


And there's a high chance people will be changing their vote anyway.

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I'm pretty sure Coolness should be top priority, and since he does have the most votes aleardy:


Vote: Coolness Bears


Seriously though, how the fuck is chair still alive? We need to get rid of him at some point.

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Guest Maase
I'm pretty sure Coolness should be top priority, and since he does have the most votes aleardy:


Vote: Coolness Bears


Seriously though, how the fuck is chair still alive? We need to get rid of him at some point.




Cube, i think we should lynch Chairdriver tomorrow, he is a very good player, and with one evil power, we have to lynch him as quickly as possible.


But, let's vote Coolness Bear off now.


Please, we'l vote Lazyboy later, let's just vote Coolness Bear now.


Vote: Coolness Bear

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