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Lucid Dreaming


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Yeah that's what I mean. You try to grab something and just grab the sides of your bed as if to stop yourself from falling.



I kinda lie in bed nearly sleeping in a half daze, and sometimes that happens... Its almost like a half awake dream of falling. Happens in a split second, and my whole body jumps... I really think i've fallen. Its rather creepy and awesome.


Has anyone ever been unconcious and aware of their surroundings? I got out of bed and passed out once, it was a similar experience to the above mentioned, hazy dream state.


I felt myself falling and the pain as my knees hit the floor. I could feel the burning sensation from my hands on the heater. I felt it all happening, and it did... But it was like a dream! :wtf:

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I had another lucid dream earlier, was quite wierd. At the beginning I couldn't see anything, but could hear music. (PJ Harvey) To start with the song sounded normal, completely normal in fact, I obviously know the song very well. Then I heard Placebo's, "song to say goodbye" but I was remixing it in my head, was awesome, lol.


Then I thought I woke up, it was really vivd. But I hadn't, then I woke up again. That's the first time that's ever happened. It was quite strange.

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I may have had a lucid dream, but also never knowingly had a lucid dream (if that makes sense). Basically during a particularly busy and stressful week of uni work I got about 2 hours sleep a night. This left me in an utterly zombie like state and at one point I ended up in weird limbo where I wasn't entirely certain I was asleep or awake. I possibly was asleep but dreaming that I was continuing the normal grind of work. Or I could have just beeen halucinating. To this day I'm still not certain, all I know was that those few days were like a really bad hellish trip.

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It happened to me about 5 years ago or so. I dreamt I was on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire but thoguht "Hey, this must be a dream". Then I thought "I'm going to have to pinch myself to make sure it's not a dream", and I did. I hurt, and I thought it was real.


I woke up disappointed soon after :(

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i do this all the time ever since my childhood. i dream in color sound sent and even tough! and people that say that you cant read in your dream there wrong! you can read! as a mater affect there isn't a thing i cant do. and yes often its loads off fun. some times things can get a bit scarry! for instance, in real life i often bump in to situations that i already have been true in my dreams and i know what there is going to happen. often i can stop it or turn things around but not always.


also within dreams things can go ugly and a bit out of control but in the end i always wake up tired.

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Except I don't grab anything sometimes. I just feel the fall. Full force.


I usually grab my bed and my heart skips a few beats.


I usually feel it full force on my face though. It's really annoying. Waking up and your head jerking to one side and feeling it on the side of your face.


My alarm clock is my mum and sometimes I'll be dreaming and she comes in and starts asking my questions. No matter what my dream is these questions somehow come into my dream and it seems normal. So I answer her in my dream and at the same time I answer her in real life. One I can remember(ish) she came in and picked up some clothes off of my floor and asked if they were clean or dirty and I said clean so she hung them back up and then asked me some other stuff about school.

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I can normally count on a lucid dream when I overwork myself and don't get enough sleep. Last year around October, I started waking up in the middle of the night unable to move and with a crushing pressure on my chest. It was a pressure so strong that I struggled to breathe. After what felt like a short fight, I'd be able to relax my chest and gasp for air. There were times where I'd find myself in my living room and then feel slammed against the wall by something. Eventually I was able to control what happens in them and now whenever I get one I get a serious kick out of it. Some people can have lucid dreams by drinking coffee and not sleeping for long periods of time.

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i had a similar experience to this on the plane to hong kong. I couldn't sleep well, and when i was asleep I was trying to get to sleep in incredibly vivid dreams. I'd do something, then wake up in the position I just moved out of in my mind.


scary shit, actually.

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I have a few of this type of dream a month, i think the last one i had was about 3 weeks ago when i dreamt i had settled down and had my own family and i actually thought it was real, until i went to bed with my wife and woke up in my bed turned over expecting to see my wife and there was no-one there and thats when it was a dream.


I usually have deja-vu dreams when i dream i am doing something and then a few months later at max i am doing the exact same thing i dreamt i was doing months before and the other type of dream i have 8/10 of them come true

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I heard about lucid dreaming quite a few years ago now, but never really managed to achieve it. I probably had my best success a couple weeks ago, which wasn't much of a success(normally I realise and wake up, or lose the lucidity shortly after) but I realised, and managed to stay asleep, then struggled a bit to fly which was more like treading air, but then I got scared cos all sorts of bad things started happening which I couldn't control so much, and I couldn't wake myself up, really scary and pissed me off, though looking back it was still kinda awesome.


That's sleep paralysis. I've had that too - scary, but once you know whats happening..it's interesting.


Last night the two sort of combined, I realised I was dreaming, but for some reason wanted to make sure I could wake up, so I tried opening my "real" eyes, (it's hard to explain), but I couldn't, then I felt paralysed, then tried again and succeeded.


That's basically how I felt.

As for the whole punching/not being able to punch thing, I dunno if it falls into the same boat, but I think it's quite an interesting thing! I used to think it was just me, but then I found out alot of people can't do it either, but there's some people who have no trouble with it, I dunno if there's ever been any research into the cause though, I'd love to know why.

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I have had sleep paralyse before i think! and it was weird, it felt like an alien was entering my body...


What happened was a green disc was floating above my head and then quickly slammed into my chest i was really scared and tried to move my arms and legs to wake up but i couldn't move them at all i started to panic but still couldn't move.


It was odd. o__0


Also last night i felt as if i had more control of my dream as i could direct it to where i wanted it to go! :D


It was a very odd dream involving me running away from 1930's style gangsters holding a wheel while trying to buy a giant Snorlax plushie!


IT WAS AWESOME! :awesome:

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Never had it, though it sounds insane.


The scariest thing that has happened to me is when i slept funny on both of my arms and when i woke up they were both dead. Now that was freaky.


I fell asleep on my arm once and dreamt my arm had been cut off... Rather fun ^__^


Does anyone find things that happen at night, in real, affect your dreams... Like if you have a sore ear you dream about it, or like someone could be talking to you and like mess with your head :shakehead

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I had one lucid dream when I was 5 or 6 - I was in a big metal tunnel with a step to another floor, and I realised I could fly, and was going everywhere having a great time!


I usedto do the same thing as a kid. I would fly out of my room, down the stairs at full pelt out the front door and into the open sky!


As for more recently.... Im pretty freaky with my dreams. Il be awake but my dream is so fresh in my mind i carry it on. I regularly get smaked by my partner when im under the bed "getting the snake" or turning on lights looking for the person i was just talking to, or the spider that just said hello...


Freaky shit.

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Guest bluey

when i dream, i'm usually in the same place.. this big mansion in the countryside... it has a big conservatory/ballroom in which a load of monsters are dancing and i'm always hanging around in the massive victorian-style garden outside. it's always night time, and the moon is always blue, which makes all the colours in my dream grey, grey-blue, and purple....i always start out just sitting in the garden, watching... but 'cause it's always the same place... i know i'm dreaming... sometimes i'll just sit and watch, and others i'll wander off and explore the garden some more.. last time i went exploring i found a paddy-field with some guy working in it. but he didnt speak... :blank:

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when i dream, i'm usually in the same place.. this big mansion in the countryside... it has a big conservatory/ballroom in which a load of monsters are dancing and i'm always hanging around in the massive victorian-style garden outside. it's always night time, and the moon is always blue, which makes all the colours in my dream grey, grey-blue, and purple....i always start out just sitting in the garden, watching... but 'cause it's always the same place... i know i'm dreaming... sometimes i'll just sit and watch, and others i'll wander off and explore the garden some more.. last time i went exploring i found a paddy-field with some guy working in it. but he didnt speak... :blank:


Holy crap, that's awesome! I wish I could do that. It would make great material for a fantasy novel.


My mom had breast cancer and got chemotherapy and everything, which has left the muscles in her one arm frustratingly sore. One night she dreamt that her arm was on fire, but in reality it was the pain from the muscles.

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