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Microsoft wii-mote on the way?


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The problem is that this time around Nintendo has been the market leader for a year thanks to the Wii who's only selling point for the casual gamer is entirely the controller. I think even the most casual of gamers would notice the rip off.

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Guest Stefkov

Just think of the patent infringements they'd come across. There'd be no point in trying to copy it. The 360 is selling fine and it doesn't need that type of control. I'd hate that control type for Halo or Rainbow 6. Control pad works fine.

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Nintendo can't patent the device but they can patent the tech inside it. I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft have managed to make a better Wiimote with different technology. Anyway, Nintendo licensed most of that tech from other people so who's saying that MS can't do the same?

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Anyway, Nintendo licensed most of that tech from other people so who's saying that MS can't do the same?


I'm pretty sure that these rumours are saying that Microsoft are licensing the technology from the same people.


The pointer technology is the opposite to the Wii Remote, too. The controller has 4 LEDs (As they're closer together than the ones on the sensor bar they seem to be using different colours to compensate for the lower amount of detection). Also, they're apparently making the Xbox Live Vision Camera able to detect the controller (which would explain why it's 4 LEDs of different colours as opposed to IR LEDs).


So if it's fake it a well thought out fake.

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I'm pretty sure that these rumours are saying that Microsoft are licensing the technology from the same people.


The pointer technology is the opposite to the Wii Remote, too. The controller has 4 LEDs (As they're closer together than the ones on the sensor bar they seem to be using different colours to compensate for the lower amount of detection). Also, they're apparently making the Xbox Live Vision Camera able to detect the controller (which would explain why it's 4 LEDs of different colours as opposed to IR LEDs).


So if it's fake it a well thought out fake.


They would probably lose a lot of credibility from Gamers if true.

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Guest Stefkov

The thing to think is, if they do copy it then they admit themselves that the Wii is the way to go forward with controlability of games.

I hope this doesn't happen.

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Building on that, if they do end up making another Wiimote, they've effectively admitted defeat after sticking by their guns (the traditional control pad). I'm sure one of the world's richest companies can come up with something that's actually original and innovative.

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Guest Stefkov

Those are the words I was trying to type. Sony admitted it when they went from the boomerang to the Dualshock 2 with tilt and leaving out rumble. They tried to justify it but it's clear that they thought Nintendo are onto a winner.

If M$ do this then all credibility is lost.

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Building on that, if they do end up making another Wiimote, they've effectively admitted defeat after sticking by their guns (the traditional control pad). I'm sure one of the world's richest companies can come up with something that's actually original and innovative.


Oh come on. The 360 pad is THE diffinitive gaming pad so you can't really bash them for sticking to that. Also its not like they stuck to it, they just weren't ready to invest in a risky proposition like motion control. For them the 360 needed to be a guaranteed success and they have done well with it.


What they have actually done is let Nintendo test the water and make a half decent device and then they can just hi-jack all of that experience and gameplay design either this gen or next. Smart business tactics if you ask me. Let Nintendo struggle getting the idea to the fore-front and then cash in on their efforts. The consumer doesn't care.

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