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Sport and Exercise

spirited away

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What do you do in the way of sport and exercise?


Regular team sport, martial arts, regular gym, training program, running? I'm interested!


I use to participate in regular team sports (changing sport regularly), but since 2006 I've gotten into training - it's satisfying and keeps you fit as well! Played 5 years of cricket; 3 years of basketball; 2 years of football; 2 years of tennis; 2 years of hockey; and squash for 3 years and counting. I'm always changing when I find something new and exciting. I urge more people to take up Squash! :smile:

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I've been doing Ju-Jitsu for about a year and visit the gym once or twice a week lately.

Also I try to walk more instead of using public transportation, although that's not really a sport but it's also a slight bit of a workout, especially when you live in an area with many hills.

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Do nothing went through a little stage of doing weights and jogging last year but then for some reason just stopped all of a sudden. Although it probably won't make any differance i'm going to be trying this new work out regime called Wii Fit I think any of you heard of it?

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I try to do loads of sports/excerise but since starting uni I haven't really been able to. I want to go to the tennis club but its on during a compulsory class I have so i can't go.


Over the last few weeks I haven't done any at all because I've got tendonitis, went for a swim this afternoon and felt so unfit because of it. I try to go to the gym 2/3 a week when I'm fit, but obviously haven't over the last few weeks.

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I normally go to the Uni gym 3 times a week only doing cardio and doing free weights at home.


Monday, Friday, Saturday consists of Taekwondo training and Tuesdays of Athletics. I want to start doing a bit of gymnastics cos I want to learn the side aerial (aka cartwheel with no hands, aka the Matrix).


Kungfu 4-6 hours a day, and I go to the gym when I do less.


0_o...What are you? A saiyan or something?

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Guest Jordan
...:/...Throw on some 1kg ankle weights then you'll be exercising.


I live 3/4 of a mile from work, that means i'm doing around 1 mile and half a day plus i don't eat particularly much.


It might not seem like much, but i'm still losing weight. I was, when i first came here 14 stone. I'm now 11 stone 4.

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