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Marijuana, The Good, The Bad, The Lolz.


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There's a kid in my class who does it occasionally (He naturally acts hight though so its hard to tell if he is or not). Even though i hate drugs and it really makes my neighborhood feel unsafe with all the druggies in it, it sure is entertaining what he does in class. For instance the other day in science class:


Him: (having some sort of conversation with the kid beside him)

Teacher: Excuse me I'm talking.

Him: Excuse Me I'm louder.




The same teacher finished telling us about a trip she had been on.


Some girl: Its not fair that you get to go on so many trips.

Him: Yea, but she's like 100 or something so she's had more time to go on trips.

Teacher: Actually I'm 43 (I think thats what it was).

Him: Yea, but thats in dog years.

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Weed is an interesting drug. It contains what, 5 times more hydrogen cyanide than the same amount of tobacco and can lead to the same diseases, BUT it is not addictive. The effects of cigarettes are caused over a long period of time, so i spose weed ent THAT bad because you exactly gonna be doing it everyday for 10-15 years.


Would I do it? na, im fine as i am.

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Weed can cause effects over the course of a year actually, unless you class that as long?


I know quite a few people who have openly said that they have smoked it everyday for the amount of time you said, the only effects was possible paranoia and memory loss.


I support it against alcohol and other drugs, alcohol is in my opinion far worse and by far more addictive and devastating than weed.


Unfortunetly if it was legalised it would be taxed to hell and people would including my friend stop smoking it or continue to by from a drug dealer rather than a store.

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The same teacher finished telling us about a trip she had been on.


Some girl: Its not fair that you get to go on so many trips.

Him: Yea, but she's like 100 or something so she's had more time to go on trips.

Teacher: Actually I'm 43 (I think thats what it was).

Him: Yea, but thats in dog years.


I would have shat myself laughing at that, he sounds rather awesome.

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I see Weed as like a starting drug which DOES lead to other things. A lot of people I know have been smoking for many years and eventually they end up going for the harder drugs. I myself have never really enjoyed weed but have tried the harder drugs and although really enjoyable mess with your head big time. Don't do any drugs anymore just drink and much better for it.

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I see Weed as like a starting drug which DOES lead to other things. A lot of people I know have been smoking for many years and eventually they end up going for the harder drugs. I myself have never really enjoyed weed but have tried the harder drugs and although really enjoyable mess with your head big time. Don't do any drugs anymore just drink and much better for it.


It doesn't lead to other things at all. I have no urge whatsoever, and never will, to take anything stupid. Doing it a few times doesn't suddendly mean you're a drug addict that wants to take all these other drugs etc. IT's called self control, some people can exersise that.

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I smoke it regulary, i like it. It chills me out, and i feel more comfortable being stoned than drunk. So its my preferred lol.


And iv not seen too many bad effects on any of my mates who take it, apart from a cough or 2. But when they started playin around wit coke , etc. Some turned a bit funny, and seemd to blame it the weed!


And the health risks, everything seems to have it these days. Yeh they're higher off weed, but still, its gud feeling, and im young :)


And i only seem to get offered harder drugs when im drunk, not that i take any. So that whole "smoke weed take crack" argument, doesnt really work if u ask me.

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It doesn't lead to other things at all. I have no urge whatsoever, and never will, to take anything stupid. Doing it a few times doesn't suddendly mean you're a drug addict that wants to take all these other drugs etc. IT's called self control, some people can exersise that.


Some have self control but most don't. With all do respect I see you are only 16 years old so more than likely haven't been on it for very long. Give it a few years of regular smoking and eventually it will get old and you will want something harder.

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Some have self control but most don't.


And you would know that how? Assuming everyone is stupid isn't really clever is it? I'd say most people do have the sense to exercise self control, it's a small percentage of people that don't bother and ruin it for everyone else. And in the end, it's their own stupid fault for not being cautious in the first place.

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Don't like it, won't touch it myself and never will. Can't anyway due to my job. Plus I don't like smoking anyway so I don't see the point and what benefit I would get from it.


Same for me apart from job bit since I don't work :heh: Don't like smoking, never will. Won't benefit me in anyway,don't need it and would be a waste of money for me :heh:

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And you would know that how? Assuming everyone is stupid isn't really clever is it? I'd say most people do have the sense to exercise self control, it's a small percentage of people that don't bother and ruin it for everyone else. And in the end, it's their own stupid fault for not being cautious in the first place.


I'm speaking from life experience and people I have met. At the end of the day at 16 you are still a kid you're not gonna see things as I see it. After a bit of life experience and meeting more people you will realise.

I've seen it happen to so many people first its a joint every now and then, then it turns into a couple of joints at the weekend then it slowy creeps into the week then eventually they want something a bit stronger like a pill or a tab of acid.

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I'm speaking from life experience and people I have met. At the end of the day at 16 you are still a kid you're not gonna see things as I see it. After a bit of life experience and meeting more people you will realise.

I've seen it happen to so many people first its a joint every now and then, then it turns into a couple of joints at the weekend then it slowy creeps into the week then eventually they want something a bit stronger like a pill or a tab of acid.


But it doesn't happen to everyone, that's the issue here only to the people you happen to know.

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I'm speaking from life experience and people I have met. At the end of the day at 16 you are still a kid you're not gonna see things as I see it. After a bit of life experience and meeting more people you will realise.

I've seen it happen to so many people first its a joint every now and then, then it turns into a couple of joints at the weekend then it slowy creeps into the week then eventually they want something a bit stronger like a pill or a tab of acid.


Anecdote != Fact.


EDIT: From the Soulja Boy thread...


Gotta love a bit of ignorance.
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I've done harder stuff. namely pills and MDMA (the good bit of pills on it's own) but that wasn't some kind of international drug dealer conspiracy leading on from my use of weed. I was just bored and curious in good company to go exploring. It was great, done it since (still great) but I can do without either.


Life isn't a D.A.R.E propaganda video...

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But it doesn't happen to everyone, that's the issue here only to the people you happen to know.


Yes it doesn't happen to everyone but it is safe to say that it happens to a big majority. I'm not gonna expect you guys to agree with me if you lot are still using. I would love to be proven wrong on this but i've seen it so many times.

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I see Weed as like a starting drug which DOES lead to other things. A lot of people I know have been smoking for many years and eventually they end up going for the harder drugs. I myself have never really enjoyed weed but have tried the harder drugs and although really enjoyable mess with your head big time. Don't do any drugs anymore just drink and much better for it.

People who think this are n00bz at life, one of my best friends smokes weed.

He never smokes tobacco, never will. He has never and probally never will do harder drugs, he has had the opertunity and hasnt.

To be honest it works like this: You are the kind of person who wants to smoke weed. You are most likely the kind of person who wouldnt say no to other drugs.

If crack was cheaper and more accesable then that would be a gateway drug.

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in response to Scubahood and Emasher; sounds like the problem is with teh person, not the drug.


There's a kid in my class who does it occasionally (He naturally acts hight though so its hard to tell if he is or not). Even though i hate drugs and it really makes my neighborhood feel unsafe with all the druggies in it, it sure is entertaining what he does in class.

See, sounds to me like what he does has nothing at all to do with weed. :|


I see Weed as like a starting drug which DOES lead to other things. A lot of people I know have been smoking for many years and eventually they end up going for the harder drugs. I myself have never really enjoyed weed but have tried the harder drugs and although really enjoyable mess with your head big time. Don't do any drugs anymore just drink and much better for it.
Yes it doesn't happen to everyone but it is safe to say that it happens to a big majority. I'm not gonna expect you guys to agree with me if you lot are still using. I would love to be proven wrong on this but i've seen it so many times.

As you went on to say; you describe weed as a 'hit' where eventually the hit simply isn't good enough, so the dope-fiends move onto highballs and shit?


I don't pretend to know it all myself, but I can bet I've seen a lot more people with a lot more years of weed behind them - I know people who have overdosed on all sorts. I've met crack addicts, spent the night in squats and "CWAK DENZ" (tip: stay upstairs), ok?


The majority of the people who do class A drugs have most likely taken weed. This isn't a fact, it's a guess, but an educated guess. But to say that means that weed caused them to go higher is just plain ignorant.


If an individual has no self-control, then something's going to happen to them. Do drugs, rob a bank, mug someone, rape... if you don't have self control then how are you going to keep such urges together?


So what harder drugs have you tried? What measurements? What price did you pay? Did you enjoy any of them? If not, then why did you keep trying different ones (note the pluralisation in your post; "harder drugs")? Do you have no self-control? Are you a mindless idiot seeking to destroy yourself like the neanderthals like me and my friends?


It boils down to the individual who takes the drug, and their awareness of what they're doing, and the consequences. Even if you think drugs are bad you have no right to stop them taking it if they want... I would say you have more of a moral right to tell them about both the good and bad aspects to drugs.


[tangent]Man, the world is so complicated, isn't it? The relationship between two beings, two objects, a being and an object, an idea and an object, a being and an idea, someone elses idea, communication... Nothing is equal, nothing is the same. Yet we all try and label other things using different things in an attempt to explain them, but they can never be explained, or understood. All I vow to do is to understand the importance of just how impossible it is to be 'right' about near enough anything. Perhaps I just get defensive/argumentative because other people are so damn certain that they're right and a whole bunch of other people are wrong. To what extent are they wrong? 100%? Is it impossible for them to have circumstances to suggest they're not wrong?[/tangent]


Man, I really really want to just get stoned with someone who knows what I mean right now.

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